Hey Everyone…I know this is pretty short but it will get longer soon! I promise…I already have things set up for a sequel…PLEASE R&R!
Chapter 5

Jason, Reese and Sam tentatively moved closer to where Carly and Sonny stood. Carly was crying, her tears silently rolling down her cheeks. "Please Sonny just go away and let me do this."

"No Carly. I cannot lose you! Michael and Morgan need you." Sonny pleaded with her, "Just come down and lets talk about this."

"I can't." Carly cried, "She doesn't want me to talk to you. If I jump she can't hurt you anymore."

"You let me worry about her Carly." Sonny said.

"Just let me do this one last thing for you. OK?" Carly asked sadly

"You'll hurt me if you jump." Sonny countered, "I need you here with me. I love you Carly."

Carly laughed evily, "You don't know the meaning of love." It was clear that Carly was reverting back into Caroline, "You never deserved her love."

Reese who had been watching silently spoke up, "Caroline?"

"Yeah?" Carly spat, "What the hell do you want?"

"I just want to talk." Reese said, "Why are you doing this to Carly?"

"She needs protecting." Carly said, "All you people do is hurt her. She's forgotten who she is and I'm here to remind her."

"But your not helping her when she almost jumps off a balcony." Reese argued

"She's forgotten how to fight. You people have destroyed her. Each one of you is killing her very very slowly. And I won't allow it." Carly hopped down from the ledge and collapsed right into Sonny's arms.

Sonny watched as Carly tossed and turned a few hours later. Every so often she would mutter something incoherent. He ran a hand over his eyes. She was getting worse. He wanted so desperately to help her but he didn't know how. He promised not to have her committed but after what happened today he began to second guess his decision. Was he hurting Carly more by keeping her here. Wherever Carly was concerned he always felt this overwhelming need to protect her. He wanted to be her hero again.

"Sonny." Reese called softly from the doorway. "I'm ready for our date."

"What?" Sonny looked confused, "Oh. I forgot."

He walked out into the hallway and softly closed the door so he wouldn't wake up Carly. Reese glared at him. "You promised to take me to the No Name 2 weeks ago."

"I know Reese but Carly wasn't sick then. She needs me." Sonny said annoyed with her.

"She's fine. Jason is here and he'll watch her. You deserve some time to relax." Reese smiled convincingly

"I won't be relaxed." Sonny argued, "I'll just be thinking about Carly. I know what she's going through and it kills me to know that the strongest woman I have ever met in my life is going through that hell. Where you don't know the difference between illusion and reality. Where you just want it all to end and would sell your soul to the devil himself if he could make the pain go away."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that alone Sonny." Reese put and hand on his cheek and tried to kiss him but he turned away.

"I wasn't alone. I had Carly. She's always been there for me. I won't let her down." Sonny said firmly, "If you want we can go downstairs and I'll whip us up something to eat."

Reese and Sonny made their way downstairs and Carly backed away from the door. The dream she had felt so real. It was like a piece to the puzzle was coming closer and closer to her. If she could only remember what had happened that day then she might be able to wake up from this nightmare. But how was she going to get out of here? Sonny and Jason watched her like a hawk. Carly scrambled to the closet where Sonny kept some spare cash in a lock box. She grabbed about $2000 and stuffed it in her pocket. She also found her old passport that Sonny had stored there with his own. Carly heard footsteps coming closer to the door. She bolted to the window and climbed out. In her hast she forgot to put back the lock box. She climbed out on to the tree and slowly shimmied down the trunk and once her feet touched the ground she bolted not stopping when she heard Sam call her name through the open window.

Sam watched for a moment as Carly bolted into the woods. She ran quickly down the stairs and out towards the front door shouting for Sonny and Jason. They met her just as she was opening the door with Reese following behind.

"What are you shouting about Sam?" Jason asked

"Carly ran away. She climbed out the window and ran into the woods." Sam said quickly as she ran outside.

"Shit." Sonny said, "I forgot to put someone outside the window. Go tell all the guards and get everyone on it."

Sam nodded and ran down to the gatehouse to tell the guards. Sonny turned to Jason, "We've got to find her. If someone sees her they'll know that she's not at Shadybrook."

"How far could she get?" Jason asked, "She doesn't have any money."

Sonny's eyes got really wide and he ran up the stairs and into his bedroom. Jason followed and stopped just behind Sonny. He rifled through the lock box quickly. "There's at least $2000 missing and she took her old passport."

"So she could be anywhere especially if she still has Alcazar's credit cards." Jason said

"All right, I'll go to the airport and you go and check all her spots and the train station." Sonny said

Reese waited until Sonny and Jason had left before she walked into Sonny's bedroom. She saw a piece of paper sitting on the bedside table. She noticed it was in Carly's handwriting. Reese looked up from it quickly. She knew where Carly was.