I know it's been awhile since I updated. This chapter has been so long, and I'm working on Girl's Got Competition as well. It's kind of hard to write them both at the same time, because I have to portray Irvine Kinneas and Selphie Tilmett in two different ways. In this story, I have to portray Irvine as being in love with Selphie, but annoyed by the fact that she hid her pregnancy from him, and Selphie is in love with Irvine, and is trying to settle things between them. In GGC, Irvine is in love with Selphie, but is distracting himself with another girl because he's sick of being rejected by someone who obviously isn't interested in him, and Selphie slowly falls for him, reluctantly falling in love with a flirtatious cowboy. It's a big difference, and I'll admit, in both I struggle to keep everyone in character. 'Tis difficult to be a Fanfiction writer. Even though in both stories, Selphie and Irvine are in love. It's just the different sides of them that are a pain in the arse.
So, yet again I'm updating because my brother told me too. Even though I've been getting like two reviews a chapter lately. I just want to finish this story before I get completely bored with it. Honestly, I've been much more interested in Girl's Got Competition lately. I guess I'm partial to my extremely long stories.
This chapter is dedicated to my cousin Colleen, who encouraged me to update. Because I'm too lazy to do it myself. 'Tis annoying to be a lazy byotch.
Well, I'm just going to start that chapter. You know, because listing to me babble is definitely a waste of everyone's time, right…yeah…now we'll start to the actual story…I know it took so long…
Disclaimer: I own Final Fantasy Eight. I own it. I have papers that say I do…look! Actually, I lied.
Bouncy The Really Elusive Muse Who has randomly decided to make an arrival: Lying is bad.
I don't own it. Seriously.
Suggested Listening For This Part of the Chapter…because it does change Just because I feel like it, and there are two because they both fit the situation perfectly: Dice by Finley Quaye or Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.
Irvine Kinneas POV
The taxi took a lurch as it turned into Brown Boulevard. I inevitably made contact with the side of the taxi, and I muttered a few curses under my breath as I rub my cheek. The driver's been driving like a drunk for the last few hours.
"Mister, y'should grab y'stuff. Balamb Avenue's in a few minutes." The damn driver informs me as I tighten my grip on my suitcase.
Am I nervous, one might ask? The answer is simple: hell yes. I could go as far as to say I'm terrified. It's been so long…could there be someone in Selphie's life now? I wouldn't be surprised if there was. Will she even be there? She seemed to not believe me when I called her. I don't blame her…I wouldn't believe me if I was her.
The taxi lurches forward, screeching to a halt. I hand the driver a few crimpled bills, and open the metal door, exiting the canary taxi. I slam the door behind me, and the taxi sped off.
It's then when I realize it's raining. I'm seeing Selphie for the first time in five years, and it's fucking raining. Wonderful…just wonderful.
I scan the area for Selphie, and my eyes focus on a person directly in front of me. Her hair is a dark, wet brown, and has been flattened by the rain. Her makeup had been smeared by something, as I saw cream blush near her chin. Her rain parka is completely drenched, leading me to wonder just how long she's been here. It occurs to me suddenly…I'm staring eye to eye with Selphie Tilmett.
"Sef…" I whisper to her, almost inaudible, so quiet I wonder if she even heard me.
"Irvy…" Is her even quieter response, and I would smile if not for the look of horror, happiness, and anxiety on her face. She seems to want to move closer to me, but she's frozen at the spot.
Deciding to do it for her, I walk up to her, and place my suitcase on the bench beside her. "Heyy…" I whisper. She looks at the ground, trying to hide the fact that she's about to start crying. I tilt her face up so her eyes meet mine. "My face is up here, Butterfly." I grin slightly, hoping she would appreciate the nickname. Her eyes lit up slightly, and I knew I had her right where I wanted her.
She touches my arm experimentally, as if she had never touched something before. She ran her fingers over my cheekbones, my lips, through my lengthy auburn hair as she tried to keep the tears from exploding out of her eyes. "You're really…here…" she drifted off slightly, blinking back the tears that she didn't want me to see.
I nodded, knowing I didn't have to say anything. Gaston told me once that at some moments in your life, one said it best when they said nothing at all. I hoped this was one of those times. Selphie tried to stifle a sob; her barrier was breaking down, and I wanted it to. I wanted to remind her that she didn't have to be strong all the time.
Her breathing became irregular as we stared at each other. Selphie would be crying soon. I watched her face convulse; she was trying to avoid it at any cost. She reminded me of a little girl who had scraped her knee; trying to be a big girl and pretend like it didn't hurt her at all, when inside she was screaming in pain. Her heaves inevitably turned into sobs, and tears sprung from her eyes.
I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, as she proceeded to sob onto my shoulder. My eyes began to water, and I knew that soon both of us would be crying. This must be what they would call a "tearful reunion". I sniffle as Selphie wraps her arms around my neck, and it turns into a contest on who can hold on to the other more.
Selphie's tears wet my shirt, and I know that soon I'm not going to be able to hold back. I stop hugging her, and lift her into my arms. Kicking my suitcase off the bench, I lay myself down on the wood fixture, and make sure that Selphie was comfortably lying on top of me.
I quickly kiss her nose, and her cheeks turn a nice pink tint. "I love you, I love you, I love you…" I whisper to her, and I know there are probably the three truest words I've ever uttered in my life. I love her. I've loved her since I was back in the orphanage, when I was four years old. Maybe even before then.
A few stray tears make their way down her beautiful face, and they fall onto mine. But I don't care. A faint smile is apparent on her face, and I grin as well. I can't believe that I'm here, with the woman I love, and nothing on Earth can ruin this moment.
Our lips are about an inch apart, and I would kiss her now, but I'd hurt my neck. She knows what I want, and she's teasing me, being just far enough to make me crave her. She knows how to drive me crazy…damn her.
She finally gives into my selfish desires, and descends her lips onto mine. Her lips were soft; softer than I remembered. I drank in the feeling of kissing the love of my life; forgetting everything around me as I treasure the feeling of having Selphie in my arms. My mind was singing the hallelujah chorus; there was nothing I would rather do than kiss her for the rest of my life.
As I start thinking that this kiss would last forever, she withdraws from me, smirking slightly. "Sef…it isn't nice to deny a man a decent kiss…especially if he hasn't been kissed in five years." Her cheeks turn slightly white at my comment, a signal she had been kissed since me.
She looked at me strangely. "You haven't kissed anyone in five years? Irvine Kinneas, the playboy of Balamb Garden, hasn't been kissed in five years? Now that I find hard to believe." She giggles to herself, and when I think about it, she's right. I'm not exactly living up to my reputation. Balamb's Ladies Man? Who am I kidding when I could call myself that? But honestly, who's been there to kiss? Maya? Never in a million years would I kiss someone that…I don't even know how to describe her. She was…Maya.
I shrug my shoulders. "I couldn't find anyone as beautiful as you, Butterfly. I love you." A small tear of happiness flowed from her cheek at my comment, and it landed on my chest, like one of the many raindrops that were falling on both of us. From what I know, after all of these years, Selphie is still getting used to being called beautiful. But at least she's modest; arrogance would look so unbecoming on her.
She's beaming at me, her smile and eyes brighter than any star in the sky could shine. I think both of us are still in shock. "I love you." She whispered to me, "You're such a gorgeous person." I think that my cheeks turned a pale pink at her comment. Usually I wouldn't react this way from praise, being the praise grubber I am, but coming from Selphie it always seemed different. You could go as far to say it was special…but that's obvious because I love her. I love her; I'm in love with Selphie Tilmett.
I grinned at her. Even though her hair and makeup was completely messed up, she was perfect. But I guess I am being partial, because I'd still love her if she was ugly. "Why thank you." I add, the words out of my mouth sounding arrogant. I haven't sounded like this in…five years, probably.
The rain pounded on us, and I felt Selphie shiver. "Um…you wanna go inside? Balamb Diner, perhaps?" she asked, her whole body quivering with coldness. I nod my head; it was freezing, and both of us were soaking wet.
Selphie ungracefully got off of me, accidentally falling off of me and onto the concrete. Her stomach started convulsing, and tears began to flow down her perfect little cheeks. "Are you okay?" I asked, sliding my slender body to her level.
She nodded, and that was when I realized something. Selphie wasn't crying anymore, she was laughing. "Irvine, I wanted to look perfect when you came. I curled my hair and wore way too much makeup, and now my hair's completely flat, my mascara must be coming off, and I'm so damn clumsy. How can you still be in love with me?"
I smiled. "Selphie, you are perfect. Stop denying it, 'lil missy." She shook her small, perfect head, but I could see a small smile finding its way onto her face. How did I deserve someone this wonderful…and modest and adorable?
I extended a large hand, and Selphie took it, pulling herself up a little too enthusiastically and colliding into my stomach with an "Oomph". I snort at her adorable clumsiness and take her hand in mine as we had towards the diner.
Two Hours Later
"So, how is Squall, with his spawn coming in less than a month?" I take a final gulp of my coffee. I think this has to be the seventh one.
"Irvine!" I can tell that she's trying to scald me, but she seems to be more preoccupied with trying not to laugh. It's so easy to push her buttons sometimes.
I shrug my shoulders. While I didn't like diners, since the food only consisted of burgers and fries, I couldn't deny this place was nicer than the last time I was here. I mean, who couldn't appreciate quasi-leather seats when you've been in the rain. And of course, the fact that Selphie was ten feet away couldn't hurt matters.
A shrill beep ruined the atmosphere that we wasted two hours creating. Selphie dives-yes, she really does- into her handbag and takes out her communicator. "Rin…uh huh…yes, he's here. I know, I can barely believe it either…no, I'm not stupid…so he didn't fly the coop. That's wonderful. Tell him to have a beer and relax…okay, I'll be right over."
Don't you hate when you can only hear half a conversation. I sure do. "What did she have to say?"
"According to Rin, Squall is having another panic attack, and they've invited themselves over."
"How convenient. Does this happen regularly?"
Selphie nodded. Poor Squall. I never saw him as the nervous father-to-be kind. But it's been five years, anything could have happened. Zell could be married. Quistis might be a house wife. Who knows?
Selphie threw a bill on the table and tossed her communicator into handbag. She tossed said handbag on her shoulder and grabbed my hand.
The walk back was filled with comfortable silence. I flashed her a smile, and she smiled back. Life was good.
Oh god, I'm in love with her. What kind of ladies man am I now?
Before I knew it, we were back at our old apartment complex. "Do you still have our old apartment?" Selphie nodded again.
"Originally, I was going to get a new one, but I couldn't collect myself enough to be in your room. Actually, I've been in it twice since I got the letter announcing that they had no clue where the fuck you were." Her voice was calm, but I could feel the heat in it. I could feel the anger, anger at herself, "I know, it's so retarded. I mean, not being able to go into your room. What am I, a little mourning schoolgirl? I'm such a weak bitch sometimes." She pressed the button on the elevator that I didn't realize we had approached, leaning her face into the wall. I could see the beginning of a heart-wrenching sob on her face.
"Selphie, you were upset. I doubt I'd even get in my room if I'd been in your place. You're not a weak bitch, you are human, a person with feelings. If anything, you were the normal one in our relationship."
The elevator door opened, and Selphie grinned a watery smile as she pulled me into the elevator. "I love you." She whispered, a lone tear finding it's way down her perfect cheek, just loud enough for only me to hear it. I smiled and rubbed it away, my own "I love you too".
The door closed, and the elevator jerked up to our old floor. The door opened again, and we quickly exited.
"Race ya to my room." That was all I had to say before we waged a short war to Selphie's apartment. Yes, it was a war, because I pushed in front of her several times, and she did the same to me. And just to set the record straight, I won. Fair and square.
Selphie jiggled with her keys, and twisted the key in the hole.
The lights flipped on by themselves.
The last thing I heard before I fell on my butt was one word.
Wow. Irvy fell on his butt. How out of character for him, I know, but I had to.
I love him (smiles).