Disclaimer: I don't Fullmetal Alchemist, I never have and never will.


Riza fumbled around in Roy's sheets. They were warm and soft, like fresh cotton from the clothes line on a summer day. She rolled over, wrapping herself in the warmth of the sheet. The scent of his cologne still lingers on the pillow that she now smothered her face in. A soft sent of lavender was mixed in, signaling she must of once laid there on that pillow for a moment or two. But no more then a moment. Chills ran up her spine as soft flesh ran up and down her back. She rolled into the warm embrace of Roy.

"Hello Riza, fancy meeting you here..."

Their lips met passionately. Tongues dancing the tango between the mouth of the two lovers. It was yet another beginning of a long night of love making. A forbidden taboo that they broke with pride and strength. His hand found it's way over to her breast from atop the sheets and he began to massage, causing her to moan from behind the kiss. Her body tensed up as she was rolled atop of him, sheets pulled out from between their bodies and placed atop her back. A few roll overs after that and the two were stuck together, bounded by a single silky sheet. The perfect alchemy. One eroused man, add a fully turned on woman and you create one steamy small room full of the scent of sex. And so they laid there, till sunlight broke through the dawn.


Riza attempted to move him from her body. but he was asleep.


A quick glance at the door told her they needed to get up. Sun was rising and if they didn't move quickly, they would be caught.


Finally, onix orbs fluttered open and stared at amber orbs.


"It's morning."

A quick roll and Roy felt himself land on the cold hard ground. He looked around and relized he was naked on a dirt ground out in the middle of a battle field. The small tent above his head the only thing preventing fellow troops from seeing the forbidden acts.

"right then Riza."

He smiled as he fumbled around in the barely lit tent for their uniforms which were tossed about.

"Well Private Hawkeye. I do believe out 'battle skills' are getting better."

"Yes Major mustang, they are."

They smiled before they parted, leaving each other with one finally kill of passion, the taste of last night still lingering in their minds. The longing for night to return... quickly.

A/N - I've never tried this before.

Please review. No FLAMES (Thats Roy's job only). Please look in my profile oo0AnimeChild0oo for all my other stories. And again, thanks for reading.

"Write a wise saying and your name will live forever"