Pretty Baby

By Becky Sue

Chapter One

"Goku? Please come in here at once," Vegeta yelled. He stood there proud behind his desk, he was average height for a male of his stature with black eyes and spiked hair that was nicely trimmed. Vegeta was known for his body, sex-appeal and more importantly, his detective skills.

Vegeta was the best of the best, the cream of the crop. If there was a problem, or something that the police could not solve, he was the one people turned to. He enjoyed his job, he found enjoyment of the challenge, welcoming it every time.

"Yes Vegeta?" Goku walked in, sitting down at one of the office chairs.

Vegeta looked at his desk, it was a new case, "I have a name for you Goku, tell me what it means to you." Goku nodded, awaiting the name, "Bulma Briefs."

"What?" Goku seemed stunned.

"Yes, that is right, Bulma Briefs, what do you know of her," Vegeta sat at his desk, looking at the open file as Goku started to talk.

"She attends West Coast Private School for Girls; daughter to the multi-billionaire Dr. Briefs'," Goku stated. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"She has been kidnapped," Vegeta said bluntly. "Her father contacted June the other day about it, requesting that I might look into the case; he has told me that he would pay something big if we consider."

"You know what that would mean for you Vegeta?" Vegeta smirked as Goku continued, "You would become the most famous detective even more than now; God, couldn't begin to say the things."

"So, I take it you will be helping me," Vegeta looked at him.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure," Goku replied.

"Good, because he should be here in five minutes," Vegeta smirked once more. "But let me brief you on the caseā€¦" Vegeta handed Goku the large file, papers of the documents and a picture of a young, seventeen year old Bulma.

"She is seventeen as of last week, two days after her birthday she was kidnapped under harsh conditions. Although she has only been missing for a short time, she is very valuable to the company," Vegeta stated.

"What do you mean," Goku asked as he looked through the files.

"She helps her father in all of his projects and whatnot; basically she is the key to all information in the Capsule Corporation. She is worth millions," Vegeta looked at Goku as he continued to read and listen. "For the past six months, as you will find in the files, the Briefs' have been attacked on numerous occasions. Mrs. Briefs was held at gun point two weeks ago at the bank."

"Why didn't they hire a body guard?" Goku asked.

"They did," Vegeta grunted. "He-"

"He was the one who set the kidnapping up of my baby girl, and killing my wife," Dr. Briefs stood by the door, Vegeta and Goku looked up and watched as Dr. Briefs entered the office.

"I am terribly sorry Dr. Briefs for the lose of your wife and now your daughter," Goku lowered his head, afraid to look at the doctor.

Dr. Briefs took a chair next to Goku, "Are you going to save my baby?"

"We are going to do our best sir," Vegeta said. "First, we need to know everything about everything. I want to scout out the house and see what I can do."

"Fine," Dr. Briefs agreed.

Vegeta pulled into the main gate of the Briefs estate, the black metal gates were locked with cameras at the tall brick posts. Vegeta looked at Goku, "I wonder how anyone got in with all these cameras, I mean, look at the brick wall, it has to be a good, two men tall."

"I agree," Vegeta replied. He rolled his window down and called the house.

"Hello?" Dr. Briefs answered.

"Yes, it is me, Detective Vegeta and my partner, Detective Goku," Vegeta replied in the speaker.

"Ah yes, hold please," Vegeta rolled his window while Dr. Briefs beeped him in through the gates. Vegeta placed the car in drive and drove through, the gate doors slamming shout quickly behind them.

"Well, security is high class," Vegeta stated.

"Hmm, I agree," Goku sighed. "But what do you expect, the rich people are so lucky."

Vegeta smirked as he parked his car; both the detectives stepped out of the vehicle and immediately scanned the area.

It was a very spacious land, the front yard had the driveway which was paved and surrounded by bushes and flowers. There were also scattered trees throughout the area and a circle entrance with a water fountain before reaching the stairs to the front door. The outside enterer was enough to say that the Briefs' were in fact rich. Over three stories high, rich, white marble brick walls and stained, rich wooden doors. Next to the mansion was a garage that held over twenty cars and behind the house, you could see parts of the pool and the gazebo that was not wood, but metal pools and white drapes with the chairs underneath.

Vegeta and Goku stood in awe at the mansion and its wonders, "Welcome to my home. I hope you guys can find yourselves around everything, make this your home. There is food in the fridge, and everything else. I have asked that my entire staff be here for any observations you might need to know about."

"Thank you," Vegeta replied. "If you don't mind me asking, where will you be?"

"Oh, let me tell you some things; the house is only four stories. The basic three stories above ground and my labs is under the mansion estate. If you need anything, I will be there," Dr. Briefs smiled.

"Thank you, if we need anything, we will come get you immediately," Vegeta stated.

"No problem," Dr. Briefs nodded at the two detectives and left them alone.

"I have this weird feeling that something is not right with him," Goku said.

"I feel the same too," Vegeta watched Dr. Briefs disappear. Once Dr. Briefs was out of sight, Vegeta looked around and turned to Goku, "I thing we need to look around the estate, question some of the staff."

"I agree."

"And keep your eye out for clues, and watch Dr. Briefs, like you said, something isn't right with this situation," Vegeta looked around the estate as they the two detectives separated.

Next Time:

Vegeta finds some troubling clues that might not be following the story of Dr. Briefs while Goku hears some disturbing information about the family behind the walls from the maids and butlers.

Will they find Bulma Briefs and place Mrs. Brief's killer behind bars? See what happens in the next chapter; one step closer to the truth.

Author's Note:

Hey there to all my faithful readers. How was the first chapter? Do we think we will like this story? And promise me, this is only the beginning, I have a few ideas for this story that I think everyone will like and enjoy!

But anyways, I hope your guys enjoyed and I hope you guys review, and see you all next time hopefully for the second chapter!