Dark-Kitty:looks at last update Ohhh man 05? Shhhh- that's a long time ago D8 But here it is guys, the very very VERY long and anticipated chapter 5! Yey for random inspiration! failure
Wrath kept silent for the remainder of the trip, and Envy watched the interaction between Harry and his friends with slight interest. A new variety of vocabulary was introduced into his system, things such as the phrase 'bloody hell'. Other small things occurred, such as them having to change and Envy brashly taking his shirt off to switch into the school uniform in front of the boys. Being a shape shifter gender differentiation had never been a big problem for him, but at times he forgot that young hormonal boys flipped their lids if any part of the female body was exposed to them. After a bit of yelling and shoving, not to mention the few curses Hermione happened to throw out in the panic, Envy now found himself in a compartment filled with girls taking their clothes off.
"Geeze, to think you started changing in there." Hermione muttered, rolling her eyes.
"Sorry." Envy responded crossly.
He would never understand why it was so bad to expose flesh; they all had it, just minus some few essential parts.
"Honestly, were to do you get off pulling a stunt like that. It's just indecent." Another girl piped up, she had been eavesdropping.
"I grew up sheltered." Was his reply.
His patience was starting to wear thin as he started to regret taking the form of a female. All the rules they had to abide by were stressful and it gave him a head ache. If he was supposed to act like a stupid sniveling child, and shy away from things that all women needed to learn eventually, he would rather be known as the residential slut. With a sigh he began to strip once again. Once his old shirt was off he started on the pants, particularly concentrating on keeping his goods changed to the right gender.
Contraire to popular belief (that of the military) being a shape shifter was difficult. To be able to change into anything he wanted was a perk, but when it boiled down to it, he needed to be really well informed of what exactly he was changing into. For instance, that time he changed into that Maria character during an assassination mission he screwed up thus giving away his position. It was a stupid move on his part, even though nobody is perfect, getting the mole on the wrong side of the face made him want to punch a wall.
He let his frustration vent when he changed into his targets wife and killed him.
The smile on his lips grew as his pants dropped, those were some good times. That was back when everything was simple, receive missions from Dante, deliver them, and wait patiently for Hohenheim to rear his ugly head again. Throughout that schedule he had managed to work up for himself he could squeeze in research and humiliation for his favorite shrimpy military dog. Yes, although a bit messy it was nice compared to his hectic life he led nowadays. Having to haul his semi retardant mute of a brother around, trying to keep them both alive and kicking.
And now going to school again. He didn't suppose Wrath had ever been to school before, but he on the other hand had been to school many times. None quite like this, but he had his fair share of diversity when it came to different courses. Living as long as he had gave him the free time to learn as much of whatever he wanted, in some ways he was a genius. Especially when it came down to history, seeing as he had lived through much of it.
Somewhere around him he heard a gasp. Looking up he noticed that most of the girls crammed into the tight compartment were staring at him. Rather staring as his body. His female body.
His female body he had just so happened to subconsciously make very attractive.
Whispers flung into the air after the initial pause. Is that even legal to look like that at our age? She's giving Cho a run for her money. Are you kidding, she beats her by a landslide. Is that a tattoo?
Envy could feel the tension rising once again and felt the need to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible. Pulling up the skirt the school uniforms required he tried in vain to get dressed as fast as he could, he hadn't used normal clothes in such a long time. Hermione stopped buttoning up her top and glanced in Envy's direction, noting the trouble he was having.
"Would you like some help?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
He looked up feigning innocence, "Please?"
To her Envy looked like a poor disheveled girl, who was particularly well endowed, attempting to get used to the new customs her lifestyle had to offer. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her and scooted over to help. All the other girls just saw her as a threat, and Hermione could already tell that nasty rumors were starting to brew inside the heads of the more devious girls in her grade.
She sighed.
It was defiantly going to be an interesting year.
A good 15 minutes later the horn from the train sounded, signaling they had arrived at Hogwarts. The last part of the trip consisted of Harry and Ron glancing sheepishly at Envy while Wrath sat and glared at the floor. Hermione had struck up some small conversation with Envy that he didn't particularly pay attention to, but would throw in his two cents now and then. The girl was very smart he had to admit; he needed to be careful around her. With a mind like that even the smallest slip up could give his and Wraths positions away. Also what had happened when they had first met. When his hand connected with hers it felt like his very life source was being ripped out. Which it literally was. He had kept the precious stones that had been extracted from his body close ever since that day. The last person that had been able to do that to him had be Edward, and that thought set him on edge.
Next time he and Wrath had a moment to themselves he'd tell him. At the moment it was his to mull over.
The train game to a jerky halt which made everyone lurch forward in their seats, abruptly cutting off any conversation that had been going on.
"I never get used to that." Ron whined as he stood up and grabbed his luggage.
The others murmured in agreement, and Envy huffed and stood up, Wrath following in suit.
Once exiting the train the bulbous form of Hagrid loomed over the tiny first years, notably intimidating them. Catching sight of Envy and Wrath he made his way (more like pushed) towards the two sins, grinning wildly.
"You two'll be taking the carriages with the rest of yer grade!" He said once he made it to them.
Envy nodded and turned to the direction Hermione and co. had headed in. As he started to make his way forward a hand made him stop. Looking back he noticed that Wrath had taken his hand and was staring forward, eyes wide and jaw slack. Envy's brow furrowed as he looked in the direction the younger sin was and felt his eyes grow.
Images assaulted his brain in rapid fire as old places and old memories resurfaced, causing his eyes to blur. His pupils dilated and flashed momentarily back to their original cat like appearance as the enraging mental image of his late father resurfaced in his mind.
The castle was glorious, and it reminded him so much of his old life it made him want to puke. His momentary shock settled back into a peeved scowl. Wrath averted his eyes as Envy's grip tightened and slowly pulled him away from the majestic image towards the carriages. As they drew closer Wrath's eyes grew in curiosity at their means of transportation.
Harry noticing his look looked towards the skeletal beasts and smiled. "You can see them too?" He voiced.
"Their thestrals." Envy stated mater-of-factly before anyone else could say anything.
"So you know what they are?" Hermione asked. "That's means you know the price of seeing them, correct?"
"You have to see someone die." Ron blurted out, earning himself a glare from Harry.
"Who did you see die?" Harry asked, immediately earning himself an elbow from Hermione.
A silence stretched between the five as Envy and Wrath contemplated the deaths they had seen. This being quite a few, seeing as they had caused civil wars to break out and sat on the side lines out of pure amusement. An eerie smile crept over Envy's lips as he recalled the more brutal murders he had committed. He briefly wondered what the students would think if they knew the awful things they had done throughout their artificial lives.
"We've seen massacres." Was his response, which his voiced airily, stepping past the trio and into the death drawn carriage.
The look on their faces set a smile on his face for the rest of the ride to the castle.
Once they arrived at the front gates the two sins were stopped by an elderly woman with a stern, yet seemingly kind face.
"You two are the transfers I assume? My name is Professor McGonagall, welcome to Hogwarts." She said with a small smile.
She almost reminded Envy of Dante in her elderly form, at least when she kept up the act of motherly figure towards outsiders. It usually made him sick to his stomach, but this woman was different. She held the air of authority, which he respected because most humans didn't have that nowadays, but she also had a grandmotherly charm about her that made her radiate. He'd bet anything that she held the highest respect from her students.
"Well come along, you two are to be sorted separately from the new students."
"Sorted?" Envy responded, cocking his head to the side slightly.
"Yes, into one of the four houses." She responded.
This he knew about, Hermione had filled him and Wrath in during the train ride. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. The two that most concerned him were Gryffindor and Slytherin, which is what he heard most about from Ron and Harry's interruption. Gryffindor was apparently filled with saints and Slytherin was the house of the devil. At least that's what he concluded at the end of the conversation.
"I see." His eyes narrowed in contemplation, wondering what house's they'd be sorted into.
If they'd be separated.
The sorting went along uneventfully just as Hermione had predicted. It had been exiting as first years, but after that it was merely an obstacle in the way of dinner. But this year there was something different, the two new students had to be sorted, and she didn't know if it was going to be done in private, or if they were going to introduce them to the student body. Which made sense in her mind, it would be a little bit odd to have two students randomly show up out of nowhere.
The last first year took their seat at the Gryffindor table and Hermione snapped out of her thoughts and began to applaud, only to fall silent again as Dumbledore rose from his seat to give his annual pre-term speech about how not to go into the forest and some new rules that Filtch squeezed into the system. It had been a disaster last year when Umbridge interrupted every other sentence, which to the student body's great displeasure delayed their food and also insulted their headmaster. She was glad the old toad was out of their lives for good.
"Usually at this time I would tell you knew students the rules of Hogwarts, but I believe that we have a bit of change in schedule this evening." He said, voice booming through the hall, and the twinkle ever present in his eye. "I would like to introduce two new students that have transferred to our school this year. I do hope you all treat them with the respect they deserve and help them adapt to the new scenery. "
With that said he took a step back, cloak billowing and sat in his chair, cueing McGonagall to stand once more.
"Danny Clare." She called out and the small form moved from the entrance doors, drawing everyone's attention.
He walked quickly to the front of the hall, aware of every eye that was on him. It made him uncomfortable, which lead to the anger in him well up slightly. He really didn't look all that different than them, minus the abnormal eyes and long hair, he was just the same as everyone else for all they were concerned.
Reaching the stool he turned and hoisted himself up and sat patiently as the hat was placed on his head.
Such a devious little mind we have here.
His eyes widened a fraction at the voice in his head.
Such intense hatred, but behind all of these walls there resides such a young child.
He shifted ever so slightly, eyes shifting around the room nervously. He didn't say a word.
I believe I know the right place for you…
A round of applause resounded from the table and Hermione felt a wave of relief flow over her as the hat was taken off the young boys head. Scooting over slightly she patted the area next to her for him to sit, and he took it eagerly. Turning to the back of the hall once more McGonagall's voice rang over the student's whispers.
"Wren Clare."
The room went dead silent as Envy stepped into view. As he began the decent down the center isle towards the stool he heard minute conversations hastily whispered throughout the student body. He really needed to cover the Ouroboros that adorned on his upper thigh, causing more than enough unwanted looks. He knew he had made his female form rather attractive; nothing to over the top but still, the reactions the male student body was emitting was pathetic. Were there no attractive females in the school or something? He let out a sigh as he sat down onto the stool and crossed his legs regally as the hat was placed on his head.
Now this is quite different from the previous one.
Envy felt his eye tick.
Such malicious intent behind every action, you would do great things in Slytherin.
"I'd rather not be stuck there." He muttered under his breath, eyes swooping to the far side of the dining hall.
I had this same conversation once before.
"And did you grant their wish?"
"Then you should do wise to abide by mine." He whispered darkly, allowing images of torn and battered hats run through his mind.
Death threats eh 'Monster Envy'?
His blood ran cold.
I've made my choice…
"I swear to god if you-"
And in that brief moment, Envy's vision flashed red as a million thoughts of how to decapitate a hat as slowly and sickeningly as possible. Reaching up he took hold of the hat, lightly letting his nails take form of something rather similar to what Lust used and dug them into the brim of the despicable object. Eyes narrowed dangerously as the first nail poked through. Then suddenly without hesitation the hat let out a piercing shriek, screaming out the one word that could ruin their chance.
Hahah holy shit, 3 years later and here we are. I think my writing style has changed a bit over the years as well XD;;
Don't hate me D':