Disclaimer: About Fruits Basket...well, it's not mine, and I don't own any of it. And I don't make money off of this. (I'm guessing I have to say this.)

Mouse Trap

It does not bother me. It does not bother me. Kyou chants. He has been chanting that same phrase ever since morning to prevent himself from thinking astray but obviously it is not working. He wants to keep himself sane but there is a tendency in his blood to overreact.

Now he is lying himself down on the living room, one hand holding up his head. Today is Saturday so there is no school. Tohru is shopping with her friends. Certainly, Kyou would not go. And then Shigure has gone to the Main house, leaving Kyou all alone in the house. Now, wait, where is the Prince? He's gone to who knows where. The only thing Kyou knows is that Yuki went with Haru, which is the exact reason Kyou is troubled. He cannot find the reason for this, the only thing he knows is that he does not like it.

He hates the damn mouse, hate with all his heart but ever since Tohru came into the picture, he has softened. Who could stay hard with her around? Plus, Kyou was never bad hearted to begin with. The girl wishes for them to be good friends. And even though Kyou would never say it, he would like to do that too. And if he ever said it aloud, that mouse would certainly either kick his ass or laugh the hell out of him. This cat wants to still beat that mouse but that longing has somehow diminished.

Damn, it does not bother me. It does not bother me. It doesn't. It doesn't. Kyou chants in his head again. It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't. Damn, it does! There is a moment of realization that chanting that it doesn't bother him means that it does bother him. It certainly would be great if Kyou had better brains than that mouse too. It's not fair that Yuki is so much better than him. Even though Kyou has tried and tried, he always loses to the other boy. It isn't fair at all.

Damn rat! I hate him! Kyou makes a secret declaration in his mind before he gets up from the floor and goes to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. He opens the refrigerator door and peeks at the contents. As usual, he chooses the milk carton. And even though there are about half a carton left, he does not take the time to get a glace but just opens it and places it upon his lips. It's a bad habit and he has been yelled at before, but he just doesn't listen.

Out of the very air itself, it seems, hands appear to wrap themselves dangerously low around Kyou's thin waist. "Ah!" the cat shrieks loud and surprised, and if he had his fur he would have jumped out of it. And all in the process of almost choking on the milk.

There is a soft familiar chuckle as the stunned kitten turns around to meet the one who so boldly dares to sneak up on him. "Didn't we tell you not to drink out of the carton?" a voice as smooth as the violet hair upon the person's head states.

Immediately, Kyou does not like the situation. Yuki is always the one with the upper hand. Why? Damn it, why? "Shut up, Rat! Unless you want a fight?" Kyou exclaims haughtily.

"You always want a fight," Yuki comments, one arm across his chest and the other with a waving hand, giving a sign of boredom and a dull repetitiveness.

This serves to make Kyou furious as is his nature. "Of course I want a fight! And I'm going to beat you too!" he declares fearlessly, although there is a part of his mind that realizes he may not be able to accomplish what he just said.

Yuki only grins, finding Kyou's persistence all the more fun. "I don't want a fight today, at least," he slows, "not the one you are thinking about."

It is always like this. Yuki can play mind games all day and never get tired or run out of things to say. He's good at it but sadly Kyou is not. "Shut up! You're either fighting or you're not!" the orange-haired teen replies loud and clear.

"Geez, can you do anything else but yell?" Yuki retorts with such composure that it makes Kyou seem like a wild animal. Then the Prince takes a few steps closer to his vociferous cousin, his walk like a dance that should be put above all other dances for its grace and beauty surpasses all of them. At least that is what little Kyou thought.

Don't panic! Don't back down! Kyou scolds himself internally for even backing the one step that he took because that only serves to prove that he is less than the other before him. "Damn mouse! Aren't you supposed to be out?" Kyou exclaims. Somehow, being loud is the only line that separates him from fear.

"Don't worry, I don't think I'll be disturbed," the beautiful boy reassures, although knowing that Kyou would not know what he means by it.

"What the hell!" is all Kyou can make come out of his mouth. He is almost terrified, panicking because he does not know what will happen, apprehensive of the heat developing inside his chest and his body. Although Kyou does not like to admit it, Yuki is much stronger than him, and if the mouse is to do something, this cat is afraid that he won't be able to fight back. But before any thinking can further be done, the carton in Kyou's hand is taken from him by the other. The cat can only watch dubiously as Yuki places the carton upon his lips. And then so quick, the Prince clasps the other boy's neck with his free hand, forcing the other's lips to meet his. Kyou shivers, he shudders. A magnificently pleasurable shock overflows his body at the touch. And from the other's mouth is liquid that upon Kyou's tongue tastes extremely intoxicating and sweet, as if it is not milk any more but a substance of pure heaven. He drinks it greedily, his mind unable to think of anything else but the sweetness of the taste. And when he has drunken the liquid that was released in his mouth, the lips part. An abundance of instincts take over as Kyou leans to lick the trail of milk that lined from the corner of Yuki's mouth to his chin. But half-way through, he realizes his own actions as if it is not he that is doing it. Kyou backs away tremendously.

"My, such a little kitten," Yuki comments softly as he wipes away the rest of the traces of milk from his mouth with his sleeves. As he does this, the cat cannot help but say that the other looks so seductive doing it. And suddenly, there is even more fear in the cat's heart for if Yuki's goal is to seduce him, then there is a slim chance that Kyou would survive. Even if his heart and mind can withstand torture, his body could not.

"What the hell was that for!" Kyou shouts defiantly.

"Was that not clear enough to you?" the other asks with surely a prince's voice and charm. "Or do you want me to kiss you again?"

A portion of Kyou's eyes widen and his mind blanks. What he can think of doing is run, run away from the other boy who is more frightening than anything in the world to him right now, run away from the wantonness feelings he has acquired. Thus, as fast as he could, he runs out of the kitchen, out of the living, and up the stairs. He stops at the door to his room to check his breath. He is still panicking, his heart ready to come out of his chest. Panting, he reaches to open the door.

"There's no where to run," a silky voice fills the neko's ears. And then there is a hand on the one Kyou had on the door. A bug seems to run over Kyou's spine and crawl to every where else of his body. He has no control over what his body does when he feels another body upon him, pressing against his back, and he tenses and gasps. Then the hand that does not belong to him opens the door, and the frightened cat is driven inside. When Kyou is in the middle of the room, he turns to look at the one he swore to defeat. But all his mind could think of right now, being in his own bedroom, and the mouse guarding the door, is that he is ultimately Trapped!

"What do you think you're doing!" Kyou yells, fist in the air, the only thing he can do from completely showing his fear.

Yuki simply moves forward as if Kyou said nothing, but if truth be revealed, nothing Kyou says will stop this very persistent mouse.

"Get out!" Kyou growls as he steps back, unsure of everything. He knows that he isn't going to be able to threaten the other off. His fears can only heighten with each step the purple-haired boy takes forward. "Stop it! Get out!" he tries as hard as he can.

"But I haven't even started yet," is Yuki's calm reply, but on his lips is a grin that renders Kyou into a deep and treacherous labyrinth.

No. No. What is he doing? Kyou is suddenly upon his own bed with the feeling of weight above him. No. He's...he's going to rape me! He shoots the most willful glare he can gather at the one on top of him. No. That's crazy. He...wouldn't. He... Kyou sees the most threatening and promising smile upon the other boy's face. It stops his thinking and he does not know what to do. He stares at Yuki unbelieving. And perhaps he would have gone on staring if not for a hand that sweeps over the evident bulge between his legs. He is stopped with a gasp from his own lips. No. I will not... "Get your hands off me!" Kyou shouts fiercely but at this point, his courage is already diminished. He tries to push the other off of him but is only confined with the two hands of the other. He fights, but curses because he is not stronger. Hell, if he is then he would have won all those fights! That's just the thing, Kyou is not strong enough, not stronger than the one who is about to make and shatter his very dreams.

"Don't be too resisting, my Kitten," Yuki warns, his beautifully pale face only inches away from Kyou's darker face, and his hands pinning the other's down on the bed.

Kitten? I am not and never will be a kitten. No, and never HIS kitten! "Get the fuck off!" Kyou warns as he tries to use his body to push the other off of him. He twists and struggles as best he could.

"Oh, does the little kitten not want to play?" is the tease that comes from the Prince's mouth. Then a wet tongue is placed against Kyou's jaw line and slowly moving to the neck.

What is he doing? Why? Kyou's sanity is in vain at this point where he does not know what to make of this. Should he accept this as a fantasy or deem it as a nightmare?