(Chapter 7: Amusement)

(Chapter Rating: T)

(Chapter Genre: General)

(Chapter Warnings: Molestation, language.)

(Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, but I can take pleasure in the fact that you don't either! -sticks out tongue- Nah! Nah!)

(Written by: Andyouthinkimcrazy)

(Author's Note: Yeah, I've definitely quit trying to make longer chapters. It just takes forever to write them and update! So I'm just going to get to the end of a scene and post. It may still take a while though, because I'm really obsessed with Star Ocean right now...)

Crooked Chapter 7: Amusement

He tried to ignore it, but the swish of the skirt against his legs was just too strange of a feeling; Ryou found himself tugging at the material with a pout on his face, and when that was ignored he'd find the frilly top irritating, or the leggings.

Of course Ryou's irritation was someone else's amusement.

He had been following Ryou for some time now and he hadn't been noticed yet; it was a far too perfect situation to find one's self in. The look he saw on Ryou's face when the boy turned to adjust his clothes was one that said to him, 'If only you'd come and get me out of these clothes.' In a very seductive little voice; and that was something he wouldn't even think of resisting.

"Hey!" He called out, while quickening his pace, "Hey Ryou!" Ryou stopped and slowly turned around to face him, a small smile worked its way across his face.

"Oh, hello Malik." Ryou's hands stopped tugging and he folded them together in front of himself, that same blush settled on his cheeks and his eyes were cast to the side. Ryou's look only brought back the enticing little fantasy from lunch, and he almost groaned in response.

"Hey Ryou, I guess it didn't go so well, then?"

"Yeah. I blew it, I really blew it; Bakura doesn't even want me anymore. If not for Yugi I'd have nowhere to go."

"Hey, you'd still have me!" the Egyptian protested, "You can always come to stay with me, if you want." Now, that was something interesting, and something he hadn't known from watching afar; Bakura didn't want Ryou at all..? It really was just too perfect!

"Thank you, Malik, I'm glad that you're here for me." Ryou stepped forward, paused a moment, and then reached out to take the hand of his friend, "Malik, will you walk with me to Yugi's?"

Ryou's hand was squeezed gently in the other's hand, "But, I thought that you'd come with me."

Ryou squeezed back reassuringly, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that your Yami is—" Ryou paused and stepped back, his own hand slipping away to curl protectively against his chest with the other, "Y-Your Yami—you—Malik he can't—you're not—"

"I'm not..? I'm not Malik, you mean." Marik's lips twisted into a smirk and he reclaimed the hand that he had lost, "Come on now, Ryou, you haven't got anywhere to go. How long do you think that his Yami will keep you?" Ryou tried to pull away but he was pulled closer instead, "He has no use for you. He thinks it makes him a good person not to use more than one Hikari so he'll try and find someone else to fuck you."

Ryou's free hand rose to tug at the fingers clutching him, "Let me go! You don't know what he'll do! You don't know that he'll do that!"

"How do you know that he won't? Why should you risk it? If you come with me you'll be able to be with Malik until the day Malik dies; if you go to your little friend you'll be shipped off to be with some Yami, the chances are that you'll never see any of your friends again." Marik gave the arm a sharp tug and Ryou stumbled into him, he closed his other arm around the boy.

"Hey! Let me go!" Ryou struggled in the strong grasp around him, "Even if he does send me away he won't send me to be with a man! So I'll finally be with—"

Marik growled and dropped Ryou's hand in favor of covering his mouth, "It doesn't really matter, anyhow. You've been disowned and any Yami that wants can have you," Marik leaned forward, his voice lowered seductively, "and I do want you." Ryou's eyes became wide, and if his mouth were free it would probably be gaping too. He whimpered and tried once more to free himself of Marik's hold.

Marik chuckled and lifted Ryou up and over his shoulder; he began his walk back home while Ryou kicked and protested, "Stop it! Put me down! I'm not going with you!" Marik held Ryou's legs down against his chest, but the struggling and yelling didn't end.

Marik reached up and under Ryou's skirt; Ryou froze for a second before reaching back to swat Marik's hand away and hold the skirt down firmly. Marik only frowned in response; how disappointing, Ryou was not wearing a thong.

"Don't touch me!" Ryou kicked him in the stomach, but with his legs being held it hardly hurt Marik, "Put me down!"

"If you don't stop yelling I'll make sure that everyone knows that you belong to me; right here in the middle of the damn street, even." He reached his hand back up and pat Ryou's bottom through the skirt, "It won't be so bad." He added, "I'll be good for you."

Ryou bit his lip, but held back further protests; if he waited then he would be able to escape. He just hoped that his chance would come before Marik got too intimate with him.