My One, My Only, My Neji, Chapter 2

"Who is there?" Tenten exclaimed, looking around at a 180 degree rotation. Suddenly, a firm hand gripped her worn out shoulders. She threw her arm back to hit the figure, but was frozen in place. She tried to turn her neck to see what was stopping her, but couldn't! She was frozen and couldn't do anything. She couldn't scream, she was helpless….

Kyoharu-chan- Thanks for your review! I appreciate it.

Chibi-nin-Adara- Thanks for the longest review I've ever gotten! I enjoyed reading it.

Scorpion05- Well you'll find out when you read the first couple lines. You'll be surprised


"I'm a pervert." The voice whispered. Tenten shuddered. "What do you want?" Tenten gasped and shut her eyes closed. "I'm a pervert." Hissed the voice. This time, she

recognized the voice. "Do I know you?" Tenten questioned in a curious tone as the cold wind of the night flew past her soft face. "Tehehe. Maybe." The voice answered, trying to

keep himself from laughing. Tenten felt the grip on her shoulder loosen and she zipped around and tried slapping the figure! "OMG!" Tenten yelped as the head popped into his

green, stretchy outfit. "Hai! It is me!" The figure exclaimed as he popped his head out with his teeth binging. "Lee? What are you doing out here at this time of night?" Tenten asked,

now calm to know all is well. Just as Lee was about to answer, three kunais were thrown straight at Lee's mushroom looking head. WHOOSH! Lee stuck his chest out and the

kunais bounced back. Tenten looked pale. "Hah! My outfit is new and improved! It is as strong as metal, but as light as a feather." "Neji!" Tenten exclaimed, looking glad and surprised at the same time to see that her knight in shining in shining armor had come.

"Lee!" Neji hissed, running towards the cute looking girl standing with the hideous looking guy. (They do not match and Neji could tell Lee looks hideous even in the dark. Ha-ha)

"I thought you were going home Neji." Tenten teased, poking his squishy cheeks. "I, I was eh hem, worried about you." Neji whispered under his breath, but of course Tenten

heard and blushed a shade of hot pink. Lee was still standing and smiling with his glowing teeth that seemed to brighten the dark and damp streets. "Hey! Turn off the lights!" A man

ordered, laying his overweight body over the frame of his window. "Gomen dosai!" Lee called back as he clamped his mouth shut. "Well, I should go now or I'll be late for doing 600 laps in the dark with Gai sensei tonight!" Lee reminded running off into the darkness.

Tenten waved at Lee and wondered, How is he going to find his way through the darkness? Well he has his shiny teeth that could light for miles… "Yawn!" Tenten yawned

as she rubbed her eyelids and started walking wobbly on the cement covered floor and she started for the ground. "Tenten!" Neji screamed as he ran to her rescue and she landed

in his warm arms. She was dead asleep. Tenten, I shouldn't have pushed you hard at training today, but for some reason, I enjoy everyday that I spend with you and I

know I could have trained with Lee, but my heart chose you Tenten. I want to be with you, forever. At this, Neji slapped himself mentally and started carrying her down the street, but had just noticed that he has no clue where she lives or if she even has parents!

"Chikushou. I can't wake her up now, that is not right, but first of all, I don't even know where she lives! Also, I can't take her back to the Hyuuga Residence! I cannot sneak in

with a sleeping girl in my arms while elders are probably waiting for me. Although they are uglier, fatter than me, they are more skilled than I so I do not dare to go against them. I

have to take her to my apartment. (Note: His apartment is his second home where he goes to get privacy and to get away from his annoying fan girls. It is very well hidden.) He starts walking down the empty streets until he meets his destination.

He sticks his gold key into the keyhole, turns the key to the left and it makes a click. Neji rotates the knob and pushes into darkness. He flicks out a finger and turns on the lights to see his living room. He slipped past the cream colored sofa, his glass coffee table, on his white marble floor which had flower indentions. He tiptoed past his restroom and into a

small room which he then turned on the small, blue lamp sitting on a finely sanded table that he had next to his small bed that had a fluffy pillow and a cute little bear on it. He laid

Tenten on the comfortable bed and smiled at her. She started to drool a bit and he chuckled at her.

Neji went to the lamp and turned it off while he grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from his dark blue drawers and walked outside into the living room to sleep on the cream

colored sofa. He threw his yellow blanket onto the sofa and spread it out and landed his pillow at the edge. Neji slipped his sweater off and threw it onto his glass table and made

himself comfortable by lying on the blanket. He clamped his eyes shut, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what he did because he had a girl in his bedroom and he knew he could

take advantage of the moment anytime he wanted, but he couldn't because he was a gentleman. He turned over the other side and threw the blanket over his worn out body and

sighed. Suddenly, he heard footsteps creep closer and closer. Following his instincts, he pulled out a kunai. (Yes, he has loads of kunai in the corners of his sofa and toilet and other unmentionables. What? You don't know when someone is going to stab you when you are doing your business!)

He activated his Byakugan and veins popped out of the sides of his head and he discovered that it was Tenten! "Tenten?" Neji whispered. She sleepwalks…Tenten crept up

closer, still closing her eyes and stopped at the edge of the couch. Neji waited for her to take action for she was mumbling something, but he couldn't make it out. Tenten started to reach out and climb into the same couch Neji was in and Neji tried sitting up, but Tenten pinned him down with her smooth, slender arms. "Ooof!" Neji hissed under his breath. Tenten took action and……