Nights Suck with Prefect Duties (Sometimes)
Draco/ Hermione R Hermione's POV Spoiler Based in 6th year
Night 1
Ugh. I hate wasting my Saturday nights wandering around school. Ron, Harry and I all had plans to hang out tonight but after a row with Malfoy, I got stuck with Prefect duties tonight. I stroll down a hallway, alone and bored. I look down at my watch. 11:43. I groan. Tonight is gonna suck.
I sigh and look down at my feet. Why did I even give into Malfoy's stupid remarks! I should be with Harry and Ron playing wizards chess, talking about how Slughorn is an arsehole for giving us a paper over the weekend. I, of course, was up all night last night making sure I got it done. I was up till 3 AM, but I'm not like Harry or Ron, who wait all up till they have Potions the very morning.
"So, what are you gonna do about Pansy sleeping around?"
The voice was quiet, but in a dead silent hallway, it sounded like it was right next to me. I look up to see two tall figures, both with their hoods up. I already knew who it had to be. Zabaini and Malfoy.
"Nothing. She's just good for a quick shag in-between classes." I hear Malfoy sneer. "She was always a little tramp to me. You tell her you love her and your subscribed for a years worth of shags and a lifetimes worth of blowjobs."
My stomach turns. I could care less who Malfoy was talking about. That is still wrong to use someone for something so disgusting anyway. You will never catch me giving…head…to someone, let alone will I sleep with someone when I'm not married.
I creep down the hall, hoping they don't spot me. I may be short and skinny, but my brown, poofy hair will catch anyone's eye. I try to tame it, but it's no use. And besides, Ron told me that my hair was not the only problem with me and it's not the reason why he would never be with me. I sigh and try to push the thought of Ron off. I have more important things to worry about.
"I heard what you where telling Mudblood in Potions. That was classic." Blaise says.
I feel my blood boil, but it's not from anger. It's the oddest thing. It was the sickest, most vile thing Malfoy could of ever said to me. But it got me hot and bothered. Here let me explain…
"Hm, where missing Weasely and Parkinson. I guess that means that Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger will be working together on this Potion." Slughorn says.
My eyes widen. NO! Please don't make me work with that prat! I look over at Malfoy and he glares at me. I grab my books and I stomp over to his table. I collapse into my seat and I cross my arms.
"Stop pouting, Granger. Do you actually think I want to work with you either?"
I stick out my lip and give his a deathly look. Malfoy sends one back to me. He brushes his blond locks away from his eyes and looks down at the ingredients. He begins to grin. I roll my eyes and dump the snake venom into the caldron. As I go to grab the list, Malfoy grabs my wrist. I yank away as if I where just burned on a stove.
Malfoy glares at me. "I'll hold the bloody list." He growls at me. Then what he did weirded me out. He moved closer to me. He leaned close to me and showed me the list. "Look here." He points to an item on the list.
For the first time at Hogwarts, I didn't have a bloody clue of what it was.
"Since you're a Mudblood, pretty much a muggle, I'll tell you what it is. It's the most horrible and impure thing on the face of the planet. Muggle or Wizarding worlds. But I have an idea to find something that could probably be worse than that." He whispers to me.
Oh my! Is Malfoy actually sharing information that I don't know? I scoot closer, not caring about the looks I'm receiving. "What do you think we could get?" I ask.
I feel Malfoy's breath on my ear and I feel chills on my arms. I can feel his body heat so close to me. I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with me but all I care about is finding this new information out. I feel Malfoy lick his lips cause he accidentally licks my ear. Yet again, I ignore my squirming stomach.
"We could always go get your cum. It's probably the worse thing I could think of."
My blood drains from my body. I feel my face grow hot. I push the now laughing hysterically Slythrin away from me and I stomp out of the classroom. I hear Slughorn yelling and asking me to come back, but I've never felt that embarrassed in my entire life.
"If you could of only seen Granger's face! I couldn't breathe even after I stopped laughing." Malfoy says.
I stomp up to them. "Malfoy. Zabaini. Your not suppose to be out in hallways past curfew. You of all people should know that, Malfoy." I say.
The two boys begin to laugh. I feel almost powerless. I'm a short, scrawny bookworm and their…well…not. "What are you gonna do, Granger? Gonna go tattle to one of your beloved teachers?" Zabaini taunts.
Malfoy takes a step closer so there's only 5 inches in-between us. He looks down at me and I glare up. Wow. For someone who is 6'2, he sure does look like he's 6'5 to me. "Your not going to do a damn thing. Your too much of a pushover. And besides, I'm sure I could find plenty of things to tell your favorite teachers. Do we remember the day back last year when I caught you playing with yours-" Malfoy starts.
"Shut up." I say quietly. Oh no. I forgot about this day.
"-Self in the midd-"
"Shut. Up."
"-le of Muggle Studies stari-"
"SHUT. Up."
"-ng at Professor Wol-"
"SHUT UP!" I scream. There was a awkward silence. I think I scared everyone. Hell, I scared myself. I can see a light down the hallway.
"Is someone down there?"
Oh no. It's Dumbledore. I could get in trouble just for screaming. I look from Malfoy to Zabaini. "If you tell a bloody soul on what happened tonight, I will turn you in for wandering around at night." I threaten.
"You have to have Prefect duties for 2 months then." Malfoy says.
"And you can't yell at me if I come around and bug the shit out of you."
"Ok! Whatever! We just need to get out of here!" I say and I run down the hall.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
Authors Note: Hey everyone! This is my first HG/DM story, so I'll tell you now, it may suck. But it got rave reviews on So maybe you all will like it too. Review!