Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha…But I can dream, can I?

Story: Feudal Era High Modern Times

FF Author: Sugar Sweet Pie (appears as ss pie)

"Feudal Era High (modern times)": In our age and time, demons and humans live together, which means that school will never be the same—especially if it involves a battle and weapon skills teaching sort of school which every character from the bad guys to the good from the Inuyasha series attend. Yes, there are going to be fights and guts will fly! But nothing too horrific; just crazy fun! It's sort of a look on how a school with a feudal era-like atmosphere would look like. And don't forget about the Shikon Jewel…


Chapter one: New School, New Rules

(Whistle presented in the series' titles is heard) : p

Kagome walked up to the front gates of her new school and sighed heavily. Her favorite white and green old school uniform (from the series) swayed in the wind as she got a bad feeling of things to come. She really didn't want to move to a new school, but in the end was stuck with no other choice and was going to experience first-hand how it felt to be in a both demon and human school.

Not all schools taught both species, and she had come out of an all human school, which didn't give her much interaction with demons, meaning she had no demon friends. Not to mention this time around it involved studying battle and weapon skills, which made matters worse.

Kagome eyed the humungous school, working her way up from the large, green field leading to it to the very tip of its roof. Never had she seen such a big school; it was supposed to be a highly prestigious one, too, and one could notice-- it being about the width and length of a mall and more then four stories high. It teaches every grade known to demon and human kind and students mostly spend years in the school, so it's very rare for a new student to come along in any older grade. Also, these tend to be at a disadvantage, since everyone else has known each other for many years.

Not to mention all the fighting practices one would be terribly behind at and would have to catch up on in record time. Kagome groaned I hate my life…

Knowing that the bell would ring soon and she still didn't know where her first classroom was, she told herself to get it over with and started towards the building, her hands gripping the straps of her backpack tight. Making her way across the front lawn she could see groups of humans and groups of demons either playing or laughing with each other, most of them separated from the opposite species. I guess they don't get along very well, she thought. Looking around made her feel better, though. Everything seemed rather…normal. Well, at least there's nothing really out of the ordinary going on… She quickly realized that wearing the school's usual navy blue uniform wasn't really a priority, since most of the students wore whatever they wanted and it seemed as if only most of the human students wore them.

Right around the halfway mark to the front door she noticed a couple of young, human males throwing around some kind of ball around the school yard. Next she heard a high-pitched voice, which Kagome could only assimilate to that of a small child's. "Ahh! Please, let me go! I'm begging you!" Kagome looked around but couldn't seem to find a kid in sight.

"Alright! Throw Shippo to me now, Bankotsu!"

Tending to her own problem at hand, Kagome walked up to the front doors, thinking, what a weird name to call a football…

Opening the doors and taking a look inside the school's front hallways she showed pure horror as she scanned the big room. What the…? Demon males stood with their arms against the lockers, talking to admiring female humans. Two or there little 'kids' ran around playing tag. Papers flew in the air as many tripped over demon bullies' stretched out feet and weapons and fireballs were flying all around the place. There were snake-like things and bugs everywhere, apparently holding books in each hand or claw or anything they had for as limbs. An occasional sword was drawn here and there as well. School? This looks more like a war zone!

Kagome instantly ducked as a flying object flew her way and just barely lifted her leg to avoid a kid sliding down the hallway on his chest, laughing. Trying to catch her breath, she reasoned with herself; I must have gone into the training room by mistake. Kagome swore she had seen a huge rat pass by (which she totally thought was disgusting) when suddenly a young man in purple robes came running towards her way with a smirk on his face, looking back occasionally.

"Miroku, I'll get you yet!" A young woman in pink and green clothes was running after him, holding some sort of large boomerang, which Kagome had never seen in her life.

"Hirakotsu!" The woman swung her weapon and seconds later it came rushing towards the now frantic boy.

"Ahh!" The young man fell to the floor in front of Kagome covering his head with his arms just in time, evading the attack. Looking up, he said, "Whew, that was close." The girl came up to him with an angry look on her face.


She slammed her fist on his head. "Ouch, Sango! What did you do that for!" Miroku held his aching head and whined.

"You know why, you pervert!" And with that the girl walked away, catching her Hirakotsu as she left. "Humph!"

Ouch, thought Kagome as she walked over to the now bump-headed guy. "Are you alright?" She helped him get up.

"Heh heh, I'm fine, thanks." He got up rather quickly for a guy who had just been knocked down to the floor, which made Kagome wonder. The boy saw her eye to eye and taking a better close look into Kagome's eyes, he asked, "Say-- wait a minute… are you new here or something? 'Cause I swear I'll kick myself for not noticing you before…"

Kagome blushed. "Why yes, yes I am…"

Miroku smiled inwardly, Hm. someone else I haven't asked yet if they wanted to bear my children… "Say…" Miroku cupped Kagome's hands with his own. "…Would you like to-"

Bonk! The Hirakotsu had come back and cut him out, as well as granting him another close encounter with the floor.

DOUBLE ouch. Kagome looked to the floor at the now twitching, semi-conscious boy.

Sango smirked as she screamed from across the hall, "There. How'd you like that, huh!" turning around she patted herself on her back for her perfect aim and grabbed her weapon as it came back to her. Sweet revenge

Kagome sighed once more and lent him her hand. "Here, let me help you up...again…."

Miroku accepted. "Oh, why thank you, sweetie. Say, what is your name, anyways?"

"Oh! I'm Kagome." She said, her nervous smile stretching from ear to ear. "You must be Miroku, right?"

Miroku scratched the back of his head and sweat dropped. "Heh heh, why yes…"

"Say, could you tell me where I can find my locker? I really don't know my way around here and I'm afraid I'll get lost if I try to."

Miroku smiled. "Of course. Here, follow me." After reading her locker number he guided her safely through the hallway's mayhem and later on showed her through a maze of frenzy hallways.

"Miroku, why did that girl hit you for?" asked Kagome, trying to break the silence.

Miroku sweat dropped again "Uh... Don't worry about that, it's nothing." He preferred to leave out his dark side to her for now, just in case. Still searching the skies and floors from harm with his sight, he finally warned, "Oh, and watch out for the-"

Squish. Kagome froze and looked down, knowing all too well that she had just stepped into something unpleasant.

Miroku continued, "- limbs and guts of demons on the floor." He studied the remains of a tail-like substance and put a hand to his chin. "Eww. That's a nasty one…"

Kagome screamed. "Ahh! This is disgusting! Eww, eww, eww…" She tried to shake it off as the "thing" suddenly moved and went off somewhere, leaving trails of slime on the floor. "WHAT-IN-THE-WORLD-WAS-THAT!"

Miroku put his arm down. "Sorry, I tried to warn you. You see, many of the students have some sort of grudge against each other and since they can't wait till training practices, they just duke it out here."

Kagome was now confused. "What do you mean? You're saying that this isn't the training room!"

Miroku laughed. "Well, yeah. This is just the main entrance. The training facility (he corrected) is about a mile or two from here."

Kagome's mouth dropped open. "Wha!"

"Uh huh. You see, battles tend to get kind of rough, so they had to put it very far from here. You wouldn't want the school to be blown up, would you?"

Kagome stared in shock. What did I get myself into!

Miroku just laughed again; this time, at his new friend's priceless expression. He'd seen them every time a newcomer was told of the school's specialties. Taking a few more steps he said, "Here we are. Your locker is over there."

Kagome's locker was on the left side of a young man with silver hair down to the middle of his back. He had golden eyes with a pair of pointy objects sprouting from his head. He was in school uniform and had on a sad face. Noticing his solemn expression, Kagome looked into the direction he was staring at to see what could be troubling the kid. At the far left, a human girl with long, black pony-tailed hair in a red and white cheerleading outfit was laughing with some football guys, holding on to pompoms.

Miroku sneaked behind the boy and slapped him loudly on the back. "Hah! Stop drooling so much, Inuyasha, or you'll wet the floor!"

The boy groaned, closed his eyes irritated and then screamed in Miroku's face, showing his none-human fangs.


Throwing a closed fist atop Miroku's head, the purple-clothed one fell to the ground as he clutched his head in pain, yet again.

Kagome looked down at him and sighed inwardly, Gee, I wonder if this is a normal day for him…

Inuyasha then noticed the girl that had been with Miroku. "And who are you?" He spoke to her in a not too friendly voice.

Kagome blushed and took a step back. "Um…K-Kagome."

"Oh, is that so…?" Inuyasha began to sniff her and Kagome looked at him awkwardly, taking another step back. "So, you're new here, huh?" Inuyasha grinned at his discovery. Heh, fresh meat…

"Uh… yeah, yeah I am. How-how'd you know?"

Inuyasha pointed towards his nose. "Heh. I have the best nose around here."

Miroku then finally got up. Lifting his pointer finger up in the air he pointed out, "Don't forget about Sesshomaru and Koga, Inu--"

Inuyasha bonked Miroku on the head again, but made sure not to bring him down this time. A vein pulsed on his forehead as he said between clenched teeth, "That no-good brother of mine and that mangy wolf has nothing on me!"

Kagome blinked. "Sesshomaruru? Kogea?"

Miroku dared to answer her from under his breath, which showed that he was in pain. "They're Inuyasha's brother and rival."

Inuyasha looked at him from the corner of his eyes and corrected, "Half-brother, you mean." He finished by crossing his arms.

Kagome was getting even more confused by this. Thinking it over, she suddenly noticed Inuyasha's perky ears twitching every once and a while when he spoke. She stared at them, not knowing what they were. Inuyasha turned to see Kagome's stunned face, which disturbed him. "Yeah, what is it?"

Kagome, pointed towards Inuyasha's head. "Those things on your head, they move!"

"Huh?" Inuyasha looked up towards the ceiling.

Miroku spoke up again, this time, standing fairly away from the hanyou. "She means your ears, Inuyasha."

Kagome blinked, startled. "His…ears?"

Inuyasha was now getting irritated with the human girl. "Yeah, haven't you seen dog ears before?" Gee, she's weird…

"Huh? Dog ears? Why would you have dog ears?" Kagome inquired innocently.

"BECAUSE I'M A DEMON, YOU IDIOT!" Inuyasha screamed with his arms to his sides and closed fists.

"Oh… really?" Kagome knew little about demons and at times never thought demons could look so human-like in that way and be so…so…cute? Right… After all, he does have nice, long, silver, shiny hair and the most beautiful, golden eyes I've ever seen and…Wait a sec…Those are the only golden eyes I've ever seen and…Hey!... Wait another sec… NICE?...BEAUTIFUL!.. She began to blush while holding on to her face with both hands. The boys looked at each other, lost. What's wrong with me! And those dog ears they're…they're…

Kagome's hands involuntarily started feeling Inuyasha's ears.

The hanyou was shocked. "Hey! Wha-WHAT are you doing! Get your hands off me!" Trying to recover from the awkwardness, Inuyasha snatched her arms and took them away from his ears. "You know something? You're the weirdest girl I've ever met…"

Inuyasha's voice drifted off, not getting to finish his sentence nor did he let go of her. He was too busy looking at her face with a sad, puzzling look. She…she looks so much like… Kikyo…

"Um, are you ok?" asked a now red Kagome after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

Inuyasha noticed what had just happened and let go of her, barley being rough. Trying to cover his blushing face, he turned around. "Feh! You humans are all weird!" and with that he left with his arms crossed against his chest.

Weird? Kagome snapped out of her dreamy state, stomping the floor furiously"Hey! I am not weird, ok!"

Inuyasha didn't even look back. "Feh…Yeah, whatever!" He continued walking down the hallway, making Kagome even madder.

Miroku smiled. "Don't trouble yourself over him, Kagome. He's always like this."

She was about to say something in return when she noticed once again the long, black haired girl in the cheerleading outfit that Inuyasha had been staring at. Still curious, she asked to change the subject, "Who's she?"

"Oh, you mean Kikyo? She and Inuyasha used to be together. Now she just hates his guts to death and always talks about wanting to kill him and Inuyasha does nothing more than talk nicely about her when we're alone. He still has feelings for her."

Kagome questioned herself how could someone like him be with someone like her and then asked, "Kill him?" Her worried face had shown up again.

Miroku chuckled. "Yeah…I kind of feel bad for him but still, it's kinda fun messing with him so much."

Kagome remembered the monk taunting Inuyasha and then smirked once she knew how to get the last laugh. "Gee, you've been hit a lot on the head today…"

Miroku put a hand behind his head and blushed, embarrassed. "Uh…Heh heh…right…" He smiled with embarrassment and looked up at a hall clock. "Oh! And would you look at the time…classes are about to start…"

(ss pie: And now, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to Miroku here we have our first 'guy's-attempt-to-change-the-subject' move of this story!)

Kagome gasped. "Oh no, your right! I gotta get going…" Realizing she could be late on her first day, Kagome turned around and froze once she noticed the still rough crowd that lingered in the halls, and sweat dropped while adding, "Will you help me out, here?"

Miroku got all warm and cheery again. "Of course I shall, my lady."

Miroku lead Kagome to another hallway as they walked side-by-side. Down a corridor, a big slap was heard from all across the room…

"You pervert!"


So there it is. Chapter numero uno. Hoped you liked it! "No harm to male characters was done in the making of this chapter." (A bashed-up Shippo with bandages all over and a back-aching Miroku moan. "Easy for her to say…")

By the way, the "High" in Feudal Era High is just there 'cause it has a catchy little ring to it…

Tune in next time to see where the rest of Kagome's day leads off to. Next time there's a fight in the cafeteria and EVERYONE is going to the training grounds… Will Inuyasha and Kikyo ever get back together again? Is Kikyo as popular as she seems to be, or is she really a snob? (Don't worry, Kikyo fans…) Will Miroku ever recover? (Miroku gives a thumbs up from the emergency room bed) What about Naraku and Koga? And where is Sesshomaru! (My fav!)

Well, review! It's always greatly appreciated.