Sequel to The New Teen Titans, read the intro, if you find it intriguing, read The New Teen Titans, and then continue this story, to give you time the update won't be until next week. For those who read The New Teen Titans, this is the one intro chapter so it is a little smaller than the usual chapters, so next week expect an update, long, entertaining chapter

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans or anything else in this story


Raven was flying to the Tower, visiting her daughter. She was going to visit her daughter and help her revive Terra; the Titans were desperate for a fifth member. On her way to the Tower she decided to take a detour to the center of the city, a place where she had fought and bled for countless times as a teenager. Also the place where her and Beast Boy first lived by themselves, a small apartment in the Downtown area. It was a pleasant apartment and the two of them had enjoyed themselves. They enjoyed their meals and their movie times, simple things which they couldn't enjoy anymore with all their children. "Damn, why do demons have so many children?" Raven thought with a small smile as she stopped to see the window to her apartment was still there. However, the inside was a wreck; the apartment looked a lot more rundown and dirty, just like every other part of the city.

Raven continued on her way when suddenly a pink hex narrowly missed her. Raven looked down to see Jinx on top of a building with her other HIVE teammates, Mammoth, Gizmo, Rocket, and Rocker. All five had there powers out and all looked like they were ready for blood.

"What do you want Jinx?" Raven asked, almost tiredly, she felt safe; she was a member of the Justice League and had taken out the original HIVE by herself several times before.

"I want you to come with me and my teammates, or else we fight, we wouldn't want a certain someone to have a miscarriage would we?" Jinx said with an evil smile.

"How do you know?" Raven asked angrily at how her privacy was invaded.

"My boss knows how the Tower runs, and he hears everything inside, so come with me and you won't get hurt," Jinx explained.

Raven tried to teleport but found she couldn't. "Why can't I teleport!" Raven said, now scarred for the baby's life.

"Modern technology, now come with us or I swear I will attack," Jinx said as her hands began glowing.

Raven knew it was best to not risk the baby and slowly landed on the rooftop to be taken prisoner by the HIVE and their new employer.

Jinx slapped a metal band on Raven and Raven felt her powers drain away. "This is just to make sure you don't try anything or communicate with anyone," Jinx said, explaining why her powers were being drained.


On the main screen, Iqbal's face appeared. "Hello Selim Khan! And hello my precious Darkness, I hope you two had a pleasant nights sleep!" Iqbal said cheerfully to the stern faced New Teen Titans that watched the screen nervously.

"Where is she?" Robin asked.

"Who?" Iqbal replied.

"You know who," Guardian replied, glaring at Iqbal who still smiled.

"Oh right, Raven, the pregnant mother of my precious Darkness, she is fine, better than fine, she has a suite with a warm bath and gourmet food to be exact. I know pregnant women must be taken care of and shouldn't be stressed out," Iqbal explained.

"What is your game?" Guardian asked. Darkness was too shocked to speak, she had just found out her mother was kidnapped in broad daylight, five minute flight from the Tower.

"Simple, I want several things, I want you to figure out who I am and what your father did to my father, and I want Darkness to marry me," Iqbal said with a sinister grin.

"What? She isn't even eighteen, neither are you?" Robin yelled now enraged.

"Neither was Beast Boy and Raven, we will get married Azarathian style, a companionship, I need a close friend during these trying times, and I still love her," Iqbal explained.

Although Darkness had heard the stories, despite the fact the man had kidnapped her mother; she still had feelings for Iqbal.

"What type of terms are these!" Fireteen spoke out for the first time.

"Mind your place, I will give you three months to play games with me, try to get me, try to save Raven, do whatever you like, I know you will fail. But, even if you get close, Raven wont get hurt, it will just make the game more interesting when you show up and I beat you, just more interesting," Iqbal repeated.

"Psychotic piece of trash!" Guardian spat.

"Feeling guilty for ruining my life! Like your father ruined my father's!" Iqbal screamed with emotion.

"What are you talking about?" Guardian asked.

"You know perfectly well," Iqbal said, with that he cut off the transmission.

"NO! At least he could let me see my mother," Darkness said quietly.

"How do we tell Beast Boy?" Fireteen asked after several moments of silence. Now all the Titans looked a little more tired than they already were.

"First we have to check with Jim, then we get the Justice League involved," Robin replied.

"Should we still work with Jim? I mean he is killing his rivals like nothing," Fireteen pointed out, the other Titans were kind of scarred of the young gangster, but Robin still valued the partnership the Titans had with him.

"He knows everything, especially since he secured the North Side, the HIVE are involved, that's what witnesses said, if anyone can help us, it's Jim," Robin answered. His voice was actually a little darker, as if offended that someone would suggest Jim was turning bad.

"My God, this is going to be one hell of a ride," Darkness observed, the other Titans nodded in agreement, although they claimed to have plans, they really had none.


"Hello Robin," Jim said as Robin entered the room without bothering to knock.

"Hello Jim, I need some information," Robin said, he knew Jim liked to get straight to business.

"Have anything to do with Raven's kidnappers?" Jim asked, he of course knew what had happened.

"Yeah, got any info," Robin replied.

"Actually no, this new guy is not really a Jump City guy and he isn't working with local dealers," Jim replied.

Robin grunted, "I was hoping you would have some information for me," he said.

"Sadly I don't, but you don't need me, you are like me, you just need some motivation, then things can change for the better for you," Jim said as he stared at Robin in his eyes.

Robin flinched, "What do you mean?"

"We are quite a like you know. Let me guess, got a girlfriend, a crew of close friends, and are dependent on them for support. You also probably have some concept of morals and playing your game by the rules," Jim began.

"What's wrong with that?" Robin asked with an edge, feeling Jim might try to manipulate him.

"I was just like you, you know, it's always the girl that gets you first. Where do you like to go on dates?" Jim asked.

"What are you my marriage counselor?" Robin asked.

Jim smiled, "Shut the hell up and answer my question, I am just showing you the truth," Jim had a slight edge to his voice.

Robin opened his mouth to speak, this would be a life changing meeting.

NEXT CHAPTER: THE HUNT FOR RAVEN, Guardian searches for what is driving Iqbal and Robin continues to learn from Jim, Raven heads to the watchtowe and Fireteen tries to understand her relationship with Robin

Short, next chapter will be much longer, guaranteed