Disclaimer: These things are really depressing. I wonder if anyone contemplated suicide writing one of these things... No, I don't own them. :cries:
Pairing: Odd and Ulrich
Warnings: Yaoi, Slash, M/M
Title: Sticks and Stones
Chapter: 3-3
Author's Note: A little over four months since my last update. Sorry folks, I know it must be annoying, but I've been really busy. Please, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know, okay?
"Stern, can I speak to you?"
Ulrich paused in pulling on his shirt, glancing at Jim. He felt his teammates eyes on him and swallowed. They'd been laughing before, celebrating the landslide defeat of Lincoln, now it sounded like a morgue. Like they'd lost the game instead of won by twelve points.
"Sure Jim," he replied. Jim stepped back into his office and Ulrich finished getting dressed, ignoring the looks of the other guys even though the laughter and talking had started up again.
"He probably just wants to congratulate you on that last goal you made," one of the guys, Evan, said reassuringly. Ulrich nodded, slamming his locker shut and locking it before entering Jim's office.
"Close the door please."
He closed it mutely, taking a seat in front of the old desk on one of the once overstuffed chairs. Jim was leaning back, rubbing his temples, not looking like a coach who's team was ready to go to the championship.
"Something wrong?" he finally asked. There was a silence, broken only by the whirring of the ceiling fan overhead, before Jim sat up and looked at him.
"Stern...Ulrich, there's been some...complaints," he began.
"Complaints?" Ulrich asked. A puzzled look passed over his face and he became aware of a fly buzzing annoyingly close to his ear. "What kind of complaints?"
"From some of the team. About having to share showers with you, or dressing together. On account of...well, due to certain events that have occurred in the past month." He reached forward, grasping a pen and tapping it nervously on the worn desktop.
"You mean on account that I'm gay?" Ulrich asked, shocked. He'd known there would be complications, he knew that people were uncomfortable around him now. He hadn't expected this though.
"Well, to put it frankly, yes. That's the reason. Not just students, but parents as well..."
"What do you want me to do about it?" he demanded, glaring at Jim.
"Is there anyway you can rearrange showering? Get to practice or games early to dress, shower in the dorms? I don't want to make any of the team feel insecure."
Ulrich stared at him for a moment and shook his head. "I don't believe this," he muttered.
"Forget it. If they feel uncomfortable around me then I quit."
He stormed out of the office, grabbing his bag on the way to the locker room doors. A few of his ex-teammates were still in the gym, laughing and high-fiving each other. He ignored them, shoving past two of them to get to the doors and then the outside. Evan grabbed his arm, stopping him on the breeze way to the dorms.
"What'd Jim want?" he asked.
"Nothing," Ulrich replied. "I have some work I need to finish so I'll catch you later." He pulled away, storming into the dorm and taking the stairs two at a time.
"Hey soccer star, what's up? That was a great game by the way."
Ulrich glanced up from the history book he'd been studying, smiling a bit when he saw Odd. "Hey," he replied. Odd crouched down, unhooking Kiwi's leash from his collar before stashing it in his sock drawer.
"So...what are you working on?" he asked. He stretched, walking over and sitting on the edge of Ulrich's desk to supervise his progress.
"Studying history. Something you should be doing now that I think about it," he teased, rewarded with a face from Odd and a playful shove.
"Studying's boring. Can't you use a break?"
"Depends, what do you have in mind?"
"Uh..." Odd paused, then grinned, eyes lighting up. "A gallon of ice cream from the cafeteria and a sci-fi movie marathon?" Ulrich laughed, shaking his head. "Come on Ulrich, it's Saturday, you can relax and the world won't come to an end."
"Alright. I never said no Odd, I was just laughing. It sounds great," he said, smiling at Odd. "But how are we gonna get that ice cream?"
"Leave it to me. You just relax and I'll get everything set up."
"Why do I feel spoiled?"
"Because you had a trying day defeating Lincoln and you are going to the championships. Of course I'm going to spoil you," Odd laughed, kissing Ulrich lightly.
Ulrich pulled away, shaking his head. "No Odd. I'm not going to the championships."
"What? Of course you are. You guys beat Lincoln, that means your going. The whole school's talking about it."
"Yeah...the team's going. I'm not though. I...quit the team today," he muttered, getting up and sitting on his bed. Odd stared at him before going over and sitting next to him again.
"What? But you love soccer and I thought you wanted to go to the championships. It was all you could talk about for two weeks, I should know." He wrapped an arm around Ulrich's shoulders, looking at him confusedly.
"It was. But...there were some issues with a few team members and sharing showers with me. I figured it was best for everyone if I quit."
"What?" Odd exclaimed, feeling very much like a broken record. "Your kidding, right?"
Ulrich shook his head, looking out the window. "No. Anyway, it's a good thing. I won't be so busy, I can pull my grades up, I can spend more time with you and the others."
"Wasn't I promised ice cream?"
Odd hesitated a moment then nodded. "Yeah...I'll go get it." He paused, then wrapped his arms around Ulrich, pulling him close. "I'm sorry," he whispered before pulling back and leaving.
"Yumi are you still going to keep ignoring him? It's been a month already."
Yumi sighed, stirring the ice around in her coke and looking out the window, ignoring the pink haired girl across from her. She knew Aelita meant well, she knew Ulrich hadn't meant to deceive her, or at least, she hoped he hadn't.
"I don't know Aelita. He hurt me," she said sharply.
Aelita drew back, looking down at her salad and swallowed, poking at an olive. "He broke up with you. He didn't cheat on you. I think your just jealous," she said finally, bracing herself for Yumi's response.
Yumi glanced at her sharply, black eyes narrowing, before looking out the window again. "You don't understand at all. How could you though? You have Jeremie," she snapped.
Aelita glared back at her, though Yumi didn't seem to notice. "I understand that your mad at Ulrich because he decided he wanted to be with Odd, not you. I understand that you feel betrayed. I also understand that because of you two fighting we're completely divided! We hardly ever do anything together anymore. Together, meaning, all of us," she exclaimed.
She stood quickly, almost knocking her chair over and stormed out of the cafeteria, nearly hitting Sissi on her way out. Yumi sighed, rubbing her temples and leaning her head against the cool glass of the window. Aelita was right, because of their fighting, She hadn't done much with anyone lately.
Sissi glanced at her but for some reason didn't say anything, going over and sitting with her two henchmen. Well, boys, not men. Yumi groaned, getting up and tossing her uneaten food into the trash. She wandered outside, sitting on the steps leading into the cafeteria, letting the wind play with her hair.
She saw Odd approaching and got up, walking away, toward the entrance. "Yumi!" She stopped, letting her hair hang in her face.
"Yeah Odd?" she asked, turning to look at him.
"Hey...uh. I didn't see you at the game today, were you there?" he asked, stopping in front of her.
She nodded slowly, brushing back some of her hair. "Yeah, I was standing though," she said.
"Oh." She turned to go and he grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry Yumi. About, all of it."
"It's not your fault Odd," she said softly.
"Your still my friend, no matter how annoying you are."
"Me? Annoying?" she exclaimed, staring at him.
He grinned. "At least you admit to it."
She huffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "I have to go Odd. I'm watching Hiroki. Tell Ulrich I'll root for him at the Championships." She stopped when she saw the look on Odd's face. "What?"
"Nothing." She continued to stare at him and he sighed. "He's not going. He quit the team." She stared at him and he shrugged. "Have fun with your bro, I gotta get some ice cream. Bye Yumi." He ran off before she could question him, hoping that it might get Ulrich and her to start talking again.
Stealing the ice cream was a tricky task. He had to make sure that the cafeteria ladies weren't around as well as Jim. He inched up to the back door, peering through the window. No one in sight. He eased the door open and slipped inside, flitting from shadow to shadow before reaching the giant freezer. He opened the door and grabbed a gallon of chocolate-vanilla-strawberry ice cream and dashed out when he heard Lucy, the head Lady, approaching, yelling out orders.
He took the back way to the dorm, incase Jim or any nosy tattle-tale classmate happened to be around. When he finally got back to the room he saw Ulrich stretched out on his bed, eyes closed. He bit his lip, wondering if he was asleep.
"What took you so long? I hope you remembered spoons."
Odd grinned, setting the ice cream and two spoons on the end table before collapsing next to Ulrich. "Sorry, had to maneuver around cranky adults," he muttered. "And of course I remembered the spoons, who do you think your talking to?" he asked.
Ulrich grinned, running his fingers through Odd's hair. "Forgive me for doubting you," he murmured, looking at Odd. He could only nod as Ulrich brushed his lips against his.
"Well if it isn't the fairy."
"Really? Where?" Odd asked, rolling his eyes as he pretended to look around. The other kids laughed, one boy reaching out and shoving him.
"You dumb-ass."
"Really? Never noticed before. Get out of my way." The guy continued to stand there, arms crossed over his chest. "What? Want a fight? I said move it!" He shoved the guy back, glaring up at him. He hated being short.
"Your as weak as a girl," he sneered. Odd glared, clenching his fist. "Aw, look, the little fag wants to fight. Be a man. To late for that right?" His friends laughed along with him, forming an ever decreasing ring around them.
"You want a fight?" He swung first, stupid, but necessary in this type of situation. His fist connected squarely with the guy's jaw with a satisfying pop. Immediately he was tackled by the rest of the kids that had been edging the other one on.
"Della Robbia!"
He winced as Jim cut through the pack of kids chanting fight, fight, fight. Jim grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, scrunching it up in back as he gripped his neck, guiding him through the kids, toward the infirmary. His wrist really hurt.
"Your really lucky you know," Ulrich muttered, looking at him later that day. Odd groaned as he stretched out on his bed. "Fighting Odd?"
"You know I can't resist a challenge," he laughed weakly and Ulrich sighed. He sat down next to Odd before the shorter boy pulled him down all the way, running his fingers through Odd's blonde hair.
"It's not funny Odd, you could've gotten seriously hurt."
"Don't worry Ulrich. Why do I waste my breath? You will anyway," he sighed, closing his eyes. "I'm sick of their taunts, okay? And what they did to you..." he trailed off and Ulrich shook his head.
"They didn't do anything to me. I quit willingly, it was to overwhelming," he murmured. Odd opened an eye, looking at him. "Really, it was."
"Uh-huh. Right." He twisted a bit, ignoring the pain in his right wrist. He'd sprained it in the fight. "Ulrich, if we don't do something, they'll just keep treating us like dirt." He ran his fingers over Ulrich's cheek and he sighed, resting his head on the pillow.
"Sticks and stones Odd. Sticks and stones," he mumbled.
"Yeah, that's a possibility though I doubt that they resort to flogging us to death," he joked.
Ulrich rolled his eyes. "No Odd, that old rhyme. 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.'"
"Yeah, one of the biggest lies I've ever heard in my life," Odd sighed. He shifted, moving closer to Ulrich and burying his face in his shoulder. "I love you Ulrich."
Ulrich smiled, brushing back Odd's hair and trailing his hand down his neck, then shoulder, then arm, lacing their fingers together. "I love you too Odd," he murmured. He pressed a kiss to his forehead before resting his cheek against Odd's hair.
"Mr. Delmas?" Ulrich asked, wandering into his office. Principal Delmas looked up, smiling widely.
"Ulrich, what can I do for you?"
"There's something I want to talk to you about Sir. It's personal though..." he trailed off, looking at his feet.
"Please, sit." He gestured to a chair in front of his desk, pressing his fingertips together. "Now, what is it you wish to talk about?" he asked once Ulrich had sat down.
"As you know, I quit the soccer team two weeks ago."
"I know, I was very disappointed to hear about that, however, it is good that you are focusing more on your academic career. But I don't think that's what you came to see me about."
"It wasn't just my academics Sir. Not that they aren't important, but there was another reason."
"Yes? Go on."
"I'm not sure if your aware that I'm," he paused, he'd never actually said the word out loud. Not yet anyway. "I'm bisexual."
"I wasn't."
"Recently, the team found out, and Jim told me about some complaints about sharing showers with me. Even though there isn't one guy in there I'd want anything to do with. But, that was the leading cause of me quitting." He took a deep breath, still staring at his shoes. They were cracked around the toes, the laces starting to fray. He needed new ones.
"Very informative, again, I'm sensing more?"
"It's just...I don't know if you can do anything about it, but," he paused again, taking a deep breath, searching for words. The idea to talk to Mr. Delmas had occurred to him a few days ago, after two guys jumped Odd in the shower and almost drowned him by sticking his face in a sink.
"I take it that your teammates aren't the only ones with a low level of tolerance?"
"Yes Sir."
"Ah, I see." He leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling fan rotating slowly in the center of the room. He was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound coming from the creaking fan. "I'll call an assembly in the morning and deal with these issues. Thank you for bringing it to my attention Ulrich."
"Your welcome," he mumbled, starting to stand.
"Oh, and Stern?" He paused, turning back to face the older man. "I do hope that your and Della Robbia's relationship won't cause any need for a change of rooms." Ulrich turned red and the Principal smiled thinly. "I didn't think so. I hope he feels better." Ulrich nodded, leaving quickly.
"For many years, as long as I've been principal, longer even, this school has prided itself of being tolerant of everyone. Whether they be white, black, green, or striped! Lately it has been brought to my attention that these expectations have been deceived.
"Now, I don't expect everyone to get along with everyone. Or everyone to be tolerant of everyone else. However, violence will not be tolerated! If I hear of any incident involving violence toward a fellow student because they are of a different race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, then you will be suspended, possibly expelled. Is that clear?"
Kids murmured agreement as Principal Delmas stalked across the auditorium stage, microphone in hand. Odd glanced at Ulrich questioningly and he shrugged in response. "You told Delmas?" he asked quietly.
"I'll do anything to keep you safe," Ulrich murmured back. Jeremie kicked him, the signal that Jim was making his way toward them on his rounds. They fell silent, staring straight ahead, pretending to absorb everything that the Principal said.
"You shouldn't have. But...thanks," Odd murmured once Jim had passed. He took Ulrich's hand, squeezing it lightly.
"Anytime," Ulrich whispered back. He glanced around the auditorium, a few kids looked shame-faced, others bored. He swallowed and squeezed Odd's hand back, smiling at him.
"Can we talk?"
He looked up in surprise when he heard Yumi's voice. The Principal had just finished his speech and the auditorium was beginning to clear of students. He glanced at Odd who shrugged. "Go ahead, I'll see you in class?" He brushed his lips against Ulrich's, not caring who saw, before running to catch up to Jeremie and Aelita.
"Sure," he said, keeping pace with Yumi as they headed toward class.
"I'm sorry Ulrich." She took a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm really sorry."
"For what?" he asked, unsure.
She laughed a little, it sounded bitter, as she brushed back her hair before re-crossing her arms. "For treating you like, well, dirt. I said a lot of things Ulrich, I did a lot of things." She sighed, looking down. "I really am happy for you, it just hurt," she mumbled.
He shrugged a bit. "It's okay, really. I guess I'm sorry too. After all, it was kinda fast after I broke up with you."
"Kind of? What'd you do, wait an hour?"
"Nine actually, he mumbled. She rolled her eyes, sighing.
"We still friends?"
"Yeah," he said, nodding a bit. "If you want to be."
"I want to be. So does this mean you won't care if I date Will?"
He narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't push it. I still don't like him," he muttered. She laughed as he entered his classroom, finding his seat next to Odd.
"All better?" he asked.
"Yeah, you planned this didn't you?"
"Not exactly, just offered a bit of motivation..." he grinned at Ulrich.
"I should've known," he sighed. "Thanks Odd," he mumbled.
"Anytime," Odd murmured back, silently lacing their fingers together under the desk.
Author's Note: Well that is it. Draw your own conclusions for what happens next, lol. I seriously think this is the end of the fic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know what happened last time I said that... Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. Drop me a comment please. Expect another Odd and Ulrich fic to come out soon. It'll be a one-shot.