Title: People Change
Author: Gilmoregirl7878
Pairing: PDLD
A/N: Yes, I new story. Haha. To those of you who have read my other stories, you know, but to those who are new to my writing...
I have Mono so I can't update as much as I would like to. And to top it all off, a guy that I've known for about fourteen years, was stabbed last night. The blade missed his heart by Half an inch. It's a very hard time for me right now. Luckily, writing helps.
Okay, as usual.
Rory does(did) not.
1. Date Logan
2. Quit Yale.
3. Steal the boat.
Okay, and she is apart of the LDB. This takes place this time in the Show! Like, to the exact episode. Yale has just started. This is a very OOC story, I just love Rory when she isn't innocent anymore.
Anyways, enjoy!
Rory looked down at her watch again.
12:45 am.
Her and Logan had just finished their mission for the LDB. Their mission...Rory was supposed to flash a Yale University guard.
After she had flashed him, her and Logan had took off running. Logan hide Rory behind a building and told her to wait while he got rid of the guard. He had been gone for about five minutes now.
Now especially was not a good time fore Rory to be alone. Finn, Colin, Logan, Stephanie, and Rory had some drinks earlier, and she was tipsy.
Okay, so she was drunk. But everyone else was!
Rory was leaning up against the building when she saw the outline of someone walking toward her. She saw blonde hair and knew it was Logan.
"Logan, did you get rid of the guard? I don't want my grandparents to know that I was suspended from Yale because I flashed a guard!" She laughed. The figure stopped short when she had finished talking.
"Logan! Come on, everyone's waiting for us. We're about to do the stunt. Remember, In Omnia!" She said walking toward him to drag him off to the ceremony where everyone was surely waiting for them.
"Who's Logan?"
Rory stopped short when she saw the person in front of her.
"Hey Mary."
Rory was shocked, she couldn't say anything.
"I must say I'm surprised that you would do something like that. I took you as the type of girl to flash someone. And speaking Latin now?" He continued when she was silent.
"Tristan, what are you doing here."
"I go to Yale now." He said smirking at her shocked face. He was about to say something when he was interrupted.
"Ace! Come on, the guard caught me but I managed to pay him off...DuGrey, what are you doing here?" Logan asked coming up to the twosome.
"You know him!" Rory asked incredulously.
"Yea, me and Huntzberger go back real far." He said smirking at his old friend.
"Ace, you know Tristan?" Logan asked.
"She had a thing for me in High School." Tristan said cockily.
Rory laughed.
"Yea, if liking you now means 'He drove me crazy as hell!'" Rory countered.
"You know you loved me."
"Your right I did love you DuGrey." She admitted.
"What!" Tristan and Logan asked Rory.
"I loved you when you left for Military School."
"Shit, Ace, we've gotta go, they're waiting for us."
"No, I want to talk to Tristan more, see if Military kicked his ass." Rory whined.
"Ace. Finn has some Irish Coffee waiting for you..." Logan hinted.
"FINNY!" Rory yelled before hurrying off in the direction of the LDB event.
"Bye DuGrey, see you soon." Logan said jogging after Rory.
"Bye." Tristan said confused to who was waiting.
The gang was now in the Guy's dorm. The LDB event being over. They had done their stunt, Logan, Colin and Finn had jumped off the Clock tower successfully and had partied afterward.
Stephanie and Colin were had left the event early to go back to his dorm, or bed to be more specific.
Logan was asleep on the couch...
While Finn was passed out on the floor, with Rory laying completely on top of him.
Rory had taken Finn's flask away from him and he continued to tackle her onto the ground. She laid on him on the floor, and they just kinda fell asleep.
They were hopelessly in love, everyone could see that. Just not Finn and Rory.
Around noon the next day, Logan, Colin and Stephanie were cooking breakfast for everyone when a knock came at the door.
Steph got up to answer it.
"Oh, sorry. I might have the wrong dorm. Does Logan Huntzberger live here?" Tristan asked.
"DuGrey!" Logan called from the Kitchen.
Tristan walked into the Kitchen, Stephanie following him.
"Hey, just making breakfast, want some?" Logan asked.
"Its Noon."
"Your point?" Colin asked him.
"Hey Colin." Tristan said nodding to his old friend.
"So, I see Colin...where's Finn?" Tristan asked.
Stephanie choked on her coffee laughing at the memory of seeing Rory on top of Finn this morning.
"He's...in the common room."
A/N: Yuck. I always hate my first chapter. It always sucks. Anyways, it was a little preview about what's to come. Do like the idea of a PDLD? I've never written one yet, but I love to write Finn, he's so funny! Anyways, tell me what you think.