Chapter Twenty Five: Uncle Dare

Snape gave Nevra away at the wedding. Luna was the maid of honour and Hermione, Tonks, and Fluer were brides maids. Dare was the best man while Bill, Ron, and even Harry were groomsmen. It was a beautiful wedding. They had the grounds charmed so no press could get anywhere near them. There were less than fifty guests in all and the happy couple wouldn't have had it any other way. She wore a magnificent white gown as a symbol of how pure their love for each other was. Dart was seven months old by the time the wedding took place and sat happily on Granma's knee the entire time, playing with one of Nevra's old toys. They built a house out in the country, not too far from the Burrow, but far enough. No one even stopped to think that the groom was only eighteen and the bride was only seventeen. To be honest, people forgot they had an age. They most certainly were not children. They were the true heroes of the war. Nevra, Dray, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Snape. They got their happily ever after.

"Uncle Dare, you forgot yourself!"

"What are you talking about?" Dare laughed. Dart never tired of hearing this story.

"When you listed the heroes, you left out 'Uncle Dare!'" He was seven years old and he was persistant.

"What makes you think the Dare in the story is me?" Dare tickled his nephew.

"'Cuz it is! Stop!" He was laughing so hard he could barely talk, but his logic was flawless.

"Unc-el 'Are! Unc-el 'Are!" A little, platinum blond curly haired girl with big brown eyes was pulling on his sleeves. He sobered immediately and looked down at her.

"Yes Ms. Em?" She was three years old and was almost always serious, but when she laughed everyone melted. Her name was Emily Diana. Nevra had simply liked the name Emily and Diana was a clever way of naming her after Luna.

"May I wear your fe... your fe... your hat?" He laughed at her attempts to say fedora and picked the hat off the back of his chair and dropped it on her head. "Tank you!" Her smile was worth anything.

"That child has every one of her uncles, her grandfather, her grandmother, and everyone else wrapped around her little finger!" Nevra laughed as she watched her children play with their favorite uncle. Though, granted, the moment Fred and George arrived, they would be the favorites, and Bill was the favorite too, and then there was Ron, but there was also Uncle Harry...

"And she doesn't have her mother tied up too?" Dray walked up behind his wife, leaned over, and kissed her as she turned her head to his.

"Of course she does!" Nevra laughed again as she stood. "Well, I had better get started in the kitchen. The girls will be over soon to help and I want to have things organized when they get here."

It was the seventh anniversary of the final battle. Everyone was gathering at the new Malfoy Manor for the celebration they held every year. Actually, the anniversary wasn't until tomorrow, but everyone arrived the night before and stayed the night. The Malfoys employed house elves, but they always got these two days off and the women made all the food, and it was a lot of food.

Tonks and Remus had gotten married four months after Dray and Nevra's official ceremony and had a little boy.

Bill and Fluer had a little boy, whom she was pregnant with at the end of the war, and two little girls. It seemed the tradition of having nothing but boys had been broken completely at Nevra's birth, not merely disrupted.

Percy had married Penelope Clearwater, but they didn't have any children yet.

Hermione and Ron had gotten married a year after the war ended, exactly, and would be celebrating their sixth anniversary the next day as well. They had two children, both boys, both red headed. Maybe Ron got stuck with the only male tradition.

Harry was still single and seemed to like it that way. The twins were dating Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. Charlie was dating a girl he had met in Romania, he was going to propose at the picnic the next day.

Dare and Luna were marrired only one month after Dray and Nevra, the day they returned from their honeymoon, to be precise, and also had two kids. A little girl name Ginevra Anne, called Ginny, and a little boy name Draco Severus, called Rusty.

Snape had come to live in a small apartment with a private entrance in the west wing of Malfoy Manor. Molly had been thrilled with Hermione and Ron moved into the Burrow with her.

All in all, there would be thirty two people staying at the house. People were sharing rooms, sleeping on the floor, and camping in the yard. It was wonderful and Nevra wouldn't have any other way.

"Uncle Dare!"

"Yes Dart?"

"Tell it again!"

A/N well, that's it. i'll start posting another story tomorrow, not sure what the title is yet. it's only eight chapters right now and i hope to have it done in (stretched to) ten. it will only update once a day. anyway, thank you for all the reviews. i'm glad you seemed to like it. i hope you like the next one too, though it will be completely different, sort of.

bella natty: sorry you didn't like the pregnancy, but it really was necessary for the story i was telling

nickitjuh: sorry i didn't comment on this sooner, but i only took the parts of HBP i wanted and would fit into the story. i also changed the timeline a bit.

everyone else: thanks for the wonderful reviews.