A Love Story by Aneko-chan



Disclaimer: CCS does not belong to me.



A/N: I want to say thank you to all reviewers. It's been a while since I've finished a story and I thank you all for inspiring me to write again. This is the epilogue and all questions will be answered in the last chapter. Thank you all for your support; hope to see you in my future and current fanfics. Last chapter, hope you all will love it. :DDD




"And that's the end of our story."

Two kids, a boy and a girl sat there in the brink of tears. The girl started to cry as the boy rubbed his tears away.

"T-that was such a good story!" The girl wailed a loud.

The boy pouted as he mumbled. "That story actually made me cry…"

"Well then, I'm glad you liked it. Now, it's time for bed." The woman said as she tucked the two kids into their beds.

"Awwww…but we're not sleepy yet…" They both said simultaneously. Sakura grinned at the two. They weren't twins for nothing. She kissed them both on the forehead before standing up.

"You two need your sleep or else you'll be like your dad. No sleep and you'll turn ugly." She suggested. The girl gasped as she quickly went under her covers. The boy raised an eyebrow.

"Dad's not ugly though!" Sakura laughed as she closed the lights.

"Maybe so", she said and closed the door.

She had just finished talking about how she met Syaoran when she was a teenager. It was their life story and she wanted to pass it down to her children, who are now both five years old. She had talked for a couple of hours before midnight and her kids seemed to like the story that much, considering the fact that their dad had been hit by a car once in his life and survived, after seven years?

She entered her room to sigh as she let go of her long ponytail and her long auburn hair came loose. She was tired and felt like going to sleep. As she was about to jump onto bed, the door opened and in comes Syaoran.

"Let me guess, you're going to start cursing those executives from that other company again?" Sakura instantly asked, without hesitating as her husband enters.

"Ugh, damn right I am! They're so annoying when they ask all those damn questions towards me. I hate this job." The handsome man mumbled. Sakura frowned as she went up to him to help him take off his suit. He then laid his head to her shoulder. "I'm so tired…"

"Then go to sleep. After, you brush your teeth and such." Sakura replied as she helped him with untying his tie. "I'll wait for you in bed."

His expression turned content. "Ah, in bed eh?"

She blushed and smacked him in the back. "Get your mind off the gutter! Just sleep!"

"That hurts…but I want a kiss." He looked up towards his wife.

"Ah bu—" He didn't let her finish. He lowered his head to capture her lips with his. It was a sweet and gentle kiss in the beginning, but soon turned towards a hungrier type of kiss. He could hear her emit a soft moan as she parted her lips and allowing him to enter. "Mm…the kids…" She started to say through their lips.

"They won't hear anything." Syaoran reassured her as she went to kiss her again; hands holding onto her waist and hair. He could feel Sakura's hands on his chest, holding onto his shirt. Suddenly she broke the kiss and shook her head.

"Go take a shower and come back~ The kids are still awake. I just tucked them in." Sakura said, a bit of pink on her cheeks can be seen. Syaoran sighed as he turned around towards the door.

"Fine fine. After that, be prepared…honey." She ushered him to go with her hand.

"Yes, be quick darling." He smirked as he opened the door. The couple didn't expect to see their children falling down onto the floor when the door opened. Both husband and wife's eyes widened as they saw their kids in their room, flat faced on the floor.

The boy, Li Kuromi scratched his head as he got up on his knees. "Eh, this isn't what it looks like…"

The girl, Li Kuyomi, also on her knees, tried to cover her smile with her hands. "I'm sorry mama…papa. We couldn't sleep so…we thought we could sleep with you." She paused before blushing. "Even though we're young, we still shouldn't be disturbing you two. ERM, we're sorry for eavesdropping!" She said nonstop, tears almost dropping. "This is like in a romance story but…WE'RE SORRY!" Sakura ran towards her daughter and comforted her.

"Kuyomi, you know we won't mind you two sleeping with us." She said, as she patted her daughter's hair. Syaoran went to carry his son on his arms.

"Man, what made you think we're doing anything?" He said, taking a glance towards Sakura, who glared at him. The twins stared at each of their parents.

"…But, we thought you guys were being romantic and wanted some time alone…?" Kuromi asked, holding onto his father. Syaoran raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we could do that anytime…but putting that aside…" He said slowly, staring at his son.

"How'd you guys know about the alone time thing?", finished Sakura, hugging her daughter.

"Well, we, eh…could've guessed after you told us that story mama~" Kuyomi blurted out. Syaoran turned to Sakura.

"Story?" Sakura turned towards him.

"Ah, see, I told them our story starting on how we first met." He then mouthed an 'oh' and then turned back to their kids.

"Seriously, five year old kids aren't supposed to know things like this." He said towards them.

"We kinda know more than that…" muttered Kuromi. "For five year old kids." Their parents eyes widened.

"Okay, so tell us." Sakura frowned. "How did you two know more than you're supposed to know?"

"Uncle Eri told us!" Kuyomi honestly replied. Syaoran clenched his teeth.

"I'm gonna kill that damn Hiiragizawa!" Sakura smacked him in the head.

"Shut your foul mouth of yours when you're in front of the kids!" He instantly snarled as he shut it.

"That just means Tomoyo didn't keep a good eye on him." She said. Then her expression turned worried. "I hope that's not what Eriol does to his kids either!"

"This is why I'm gonna kill the guy for teaching our kids things they're not supposed to know!" The twins instantly turned towards their father.

"NO! Don't be a murderer, papa!" The girl said in a loud voice.

"Dad, I swear I won't say anything about this again if you end up in jail!" The boy said in panic. Sakura smacked her head lightly.

"See what you made the kids think about you?" She asked him, shaking her head slightly as his head fell in defeat.

"I won't become a murderer…" He muttered. The kids sighed in relief.

"So…can we sleep with you?" A quiet Kuyomi asked. Sakura smiled as she held onto her daughter.

"Of course, right honey?" She asked as she turned to Syaoran. He nodded.

"Yeah", he answered as he ruffled his son's hair. "Don't be such a worrywart." As they turned to the bed and sat down on it, Kuyomi turned to her mother.

"Mama, you know that story of you and papa?"

"Hm? Yes, what about it?"

"Well, you haven't told us the title for it yet…" She said. Sakura then turned to her husband in surprise.

"Uh, title hm? What would you name it?" Syaoran started to think a bit.

"How about Syaoran and Sakura's story?" He answered.

Kuromi instantly replied, "That's such a lame title dad." Sakura laughed as she watched Syaoran blush in embarrassment.

"Then…how about I name it?" Sakura asked. The kids nodded in unison. Looks like their mother is more reliable than their father. Syaoran then pouted at her as she stuck her tongue at him and laughed.

"Then let's call it…A love story."

Syaoran raised an eyebrow. "That's it?"

"That's it." Sakura replied. "It makes sense and we don't really need to make such a complicated title for them."

The kids seemed to like it.

"That fits perfectly mama! You're so smart!"

"That was a better title than dad's."

"A love story…" Syaoran started to say and then he grinned. "Really does seem to fit."

"Well, this is the end of our love story, you know." Sakura pointed out. "Since it's already happily ever after when we got together."

"Ah, but it's not darling~ We're still here, aren't we?"

"But still…" She started and then paused. "Okay, we have a long way to go."

Syaoran laughed. "Our love story will always go on until we become old and wrinkly." Sakura laughed also, along with their kids.

"Yeah, it's a happily ever after for a long time."

"A very long time." He said as she went to give his wife a quick kiss on the lips. The kids hid their faces.

"Don't do that in front of us~!"

And they lived happily ever after in this love story.


Author's notes: Yay, it's finally finished :D I was trying so desperately so hard to finish this cause it's been isolated for some time already. And I don't know if the ending is a bit crappy or not cause many people wanted an epilogue and I had an idea for it a while ago. Well, thanks for supporting me and this story and I hope this'll continue with my other ongoing fanfics! :]