Yes, all you peeps ,i am back with another poem! OK.. yeah, i do have a collection of poems somewhere but i feel that this poem here deserves it's own lil' space n' not with some other poems. N' I don't know if i'll ever update that one again.. i just MIGHT if i feel that a poem i make should go on that selection, but... yeah... -.-

Anyway, this is a poem is Sherry's POV for Koko. Read and review! Oh, and no flames please, they are annoying to read.

Disclaimer: Me no own Zatch Bell! You no sue! (YES, i know, bad grammar! Twas INTENTIONAL!)

One Day

One day I'll save you
I'll make sure that you are free
But my dear friend, what did he do,
To make you a different person?

One day you will see
All the cruel things that you did
And how much you mean to me
Why, because you are my friend

One day you will know
And understand many more things
You reap what you sow
That you must understand

One day your eyes will change
Back to their old pure color
What sort of range
Of horrid sights do you see now?

One day that tainted soul
Of my deepest friend will be
Free to go back to reach her old goal
And do the good things in life

One day you will no longer
Be controlled by that one vile being
And no longer shall I feel somber
Knowing that you are back

One day that horrid creature
Will be sent back to its world
And there will be a happy feature
Placed back on yours and my face

One day I will receive
My old friend once again
And no longer will I grieve
For you'll come back to me

But until that one day is here
I am stuck being almost alone
To me, my friend, you're very dear
Please let that one day come soon