Changes by BelladonnaRue
A/N: Set some time after Won't Get Fooled Again. Sadie and Tommy have never had a thing. Jude and Victoria know about her dad and Yvette. By the way, all the chapter titles are songs. You get yummy Tommy Cookies if you know who sings them. Or if you review. I am very free with Tommy Cookies. And perhaps a bit odd, though that's another topic for another time. Sorry…anyway, I don't own anything; don't make any money from this. You know the drill. Don't sue me. Enough from me…Read and enjoy.
Chapter 1: Tommy Gun
"That little punk said WHAT?" Tommy's fist slammed the table hard enough to rattle her coffee cup. He propelled himself out of his chair and announced, "I am going to kill that little…" He paced around the small office, looking for a word to describe the object of his rage.
Georgia stayed calm, but she thought it best to interrupt him before he could do so. "Tommy." He paced back again without a glance at her. "Tommy! Listen to me. You need to calm down."
She backed up as he suddenly slammed both fists down on her desk, bringing his face inches from hers. When he spoke, his voice was deadly quiet. Much worse then the yelling, Georgia decided. "You want me to calm down?" He whispered. "This stupid…child…has gone to national press and has essentially called her a whore. And you are telling me to calm down?"
Georgia forced herself to meet Tommy's fiery eyes. She had never seen him this upset, and truthfully, she was a bit frightened. But you could go nowhere in this business if you didn't learn to hide your fear. "Yes, Tommy, I am asking you to calm down enough so that we can discuss how to handle the situation." Her voice was even and rational, but she knew her next words would get through to him no matter what. "We have to think about Jude."
With a long sigh, Tommy fell back into his chair across from his boss. "Does she know yet?" He suddenly looked pained, probably at the thought of how Jude would react to hearing the news. Georgia had known for a while that there was some serious tension between artist and producer, but after today's little display, she wondered how deep those feelings really ran.
She shook the thought from her head. "Not yet. She's been holed up in the studio for the last few hours. I wanted to talk to you first, anyway."
Tommy nodded, his emotions now fully under his control. "I appreciate that." He heaved a deep sigh again and leaned back into his chair. "What the Hell are we gonna do?" he asked the ceiling.
He really was looking worn, Georgia thought. He needs a vacation, just like the rest of us. Wait a second… "I have an idea. She'll need to get out of town to deal with this. And soon. The vultures should be arriving any minute to terrorize her. Do you know of any place that the press couldn't find her?"
He thought for a moment. "Her parents have a house in the country, but that would be the first place they would look. Or anywhere else with her family. Or her friends they know, so that leaves out Kat and Jaime."
Georgia frowned. "You can't think of any place you can take her?"
Tommy shot his eyes up to meet hers. "What do you mean, 'I take her'?"
She tried to look innocent. Really, really, tried. "C'mon, Tommy. You know you have to go with her. She can work on her new album, and you know she needs you for that. Besides, you know that you could use a break from all of this." She studied his expression while he considered her words. EJ might kill her for this, she thought. But she couldn't just sit here and watch two of her favorite people tear themselves apart. Jude was nearly 18 now, so legality was no longer an issue. They would just have to spin the image of them as true love birds. Which shouldn't be that hard since that it was true.
He stared at the ceiling for a long time, before he answered her softly. "I know a place where we can go."