A/N: Well, here it is, the last chapter…I'm a bit sad to be at the end…but I always knew this day would come…:'( Anyway…this last chapter has no real plot, I just wanted to mess with the characters again…And to make it clear that I AM NOT DOING A SEQUEL. THIS IS THE END. GET OVER IT.

Chapter 25: True Happiness

Three Months Later…

Kuro entered the hut, grinning. Suki turned, and stared at him as their eyes met. She gasped, and immediately jumped up and hugged him. "Kuro!"

He held her back. "Miss me?"

They pulled back, with Suki silently laughing. "Every minute!"

"Good." He replied, kissing her sweetly. After another kiss, they were sitting on the floor, Suki leaning against Kuro's chest, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, both of them gazing into the fire.

Suki gave a small, happy laugh. "It seems like forever."

He stared. "I was only gone for two days! I had to chase down that wimpy youkai that was attacking the village, didn't I?"

"But so much has happened since—" she immediately cut herself off, realizing what she said.

"What?" Kuro asked. "What happened?"

Suki grinned secretively. "Oh, nothing…"

He turned her around. "Come on!" he said. "You're keeping something from me, what is it?" He demanded playfully.

She started laughing again, with happy tears coming from her eyes. "Kuro…it's just…the most wonderful thing has happened…"

"What? What is it? Tell me!" He pleaded.

Her indigo eyes met his chocolate ones. "Kuro…" she laughed. "I'm pregnant!"

For a second, his eyes widened, because he was caught off guard, but then he smiled with her. "Suki…that's…that's just great!" He immediately grasped her in a warm embrace. A happy tear rolled down her cheek as he embraced her. He pulled away, only for a second, and murmured. "I love you." Before he kissed her once more, thinking of the family he would have in eight months…

Kiri woke up, and sat up in her bed. Blinking, she recalled the dream she just had. It most definitely didn't happen yet—Kuro certainly hadn't been gone for a while. Well…she thought. Kuro's gonna be happy…

She sighed, brushing away a strand of her silver hair. It was unbound, and cascaded all the way down her back. And it seems that he'll have his own kid in about nine months…

Kiri held a small smile on her face. Suki-chan will be glad…maybe she can finally get over the miscarriage…Maybe I should tell them…she played with this idea.

Her eyes fell on the small, newly made scar on her left hand, to the pile of discarded clothes in the corner of the hut, (still smelling of new wood), and finally to Akuto who was sleeping soundly beside her.

A mischievous grin came on her face. Then again…she laid back down next to her mate. It all depends on how Kuro takes the news about me and Akuto…

Two years later…

Kuro leaned against the tree growing outside of their hut, waiting. They should have been here by now…

Kiri and Akuto had left for a month-long trip, and were supposed to come back two days ago. He wasn't really worried; Kiri could certainly take care of herself. It was just that Suki was getting worried, and…

A toddler with indigo eyes waddled up to him. "Where Aunt Kiri-san, daddy?" she asked.

And a little boy with brown eyes, her twin, also came up to Kuro. "Auki Kiri-san?"

Kuro smiled and looked at them. His children. "She's coming soon." He replied.

"Yay! Aunt Kiri-san!" The twins said at the same time.

"What's all the yelling?" Suki said, coming from inside the hut, when she looked down at her children, she asked. "Are they asking about Kiri-chan too?"

"Yeah." Kuro replied. "I don't get it, they seem to like her more than us."

"Well, your sister is good with them, Kuro." Suki grinned. "It's hard to believe, but she's got a motherly instinct."

"Who would have thought that?" Kuro muttered. If someone had told him two years ago that his sister had a motherly instinct, he would have laughed in their face.

Suki looked at their children, first the girl, and then the boy. "Arina, Kai, don't worry. She's coming. Why don't you go play with Shippou-chan. He's inside."

The two toddlers exclaimed, "Shippou-chan!"

"They certainly get excited easily." Kuro said, watching Arina and Kai run inside.

Suki walked up to him. "That's only because they take after you."

"Oh yeah? How do I get excited easily?"

She grinned impishly. "Like this," grabbing him and pulling her mouth to his.

Once she pulled away, he smiled. "Maybe you're right." He took her back in his arms and started kissing her again, having finally achieved being alone for awhile—

"Hey, lovebirds. We're back!" Kiri said, in an unamused voice.

Kuro and Suki immediately separated, blushing slightly. Kiri and Akuto had apparently just walked up, both looking a little weary from travel, Kiri more than Akuto.

"You shouldn't do that right there Kuro." Kiri continued. "I mean, everyone can see everything, if you know what I mean."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I get it…" He suddenly noticed something very different about Kiri. She seemed to be holding herself differently. On closer inspection, he saw that she had seemed to have gained quite a bit of weight…but that couldn't be right…youkai didn't gain weight like normal humans did…

Suki squealed, "Oh, Kiri-chan, are you pregnant?" At that moment, Kuro felt his brain explode.

Kiri and Akuto looked at each other, and grinned. He put his arm around her as she said, "Three months."

Kuro, still recovering from the shock, exclaimed. "Wait a minute! You can't be pregnant! You were just fine when you left! How could you be so…so…now!"

Kiri shot back, "You baka Kuro! Don't you know that youkai pregnancies only last about five months!"

"Why didn't you tell us!" He demanded.

"Oh yeah? Well how come you didn't tell us about you and Suki's little problem until she was three months!" She didn't mention the fact that she had known about it longer than they did.

There was a silence.

"So," Akuto said, breaking the silence. "Where's the kids?"

On cue, two adorable, albeit hyper, children ran out of the hut, followed by Shippou. "Aunt Kiri-san! Uncle Akuto-san!" They said, running towards them.

"Hey, kids!" Kiri said, bending over to pick up Arina, putting the child on her hip with slight difficulty with the added weight. "Suki-chan, you didn't tell me they could talk!"

"They just started after you left." She replied, smiling.

"Aunt Kiri-san! Game?" Arina asked.

"Sorry." Kiri told her, with a smile. "But Aunt Kiri-san can't do it right now. You're gonna have to wait until she has the baby."

Both the kids, including Kai, who Akuto was playing with, perked up. "Baby!"

"Uh-huh. Soon you'll have another friend to play with." She smiled.

"Yay!" The twins said, with Arina jumping out of Kiri's arms to run around with Kai out of excitement.

Kiri laughed. "They get cuter everyday…and probably more hyper…" She put a hand on her round belly. Traveling all day had made her tired, especially in her condition."Is it okay if I sit down inside?"

"Sure." Suki said. "I need to get dinner anyway."

Kiri replied. "Thanks Suki-chan. Akuto, Kuro, you two just…talk a bit or something…"

Of course, Akuto wasn't easily gotten rid of. "Are you sure you don't need me—"

She rolled her eyes at the wolf youkai. "Akuto, I've told you a thousand times, I'm fine. I don't need you to help me to sit down…" She kept on, muttering. "I never expected YOU to be the overprotective type…"

He murmured, "Well, that's my baby you got there, sweetheart. I have every reason to be worried." He kissed her on the cheek.

As Suki and Kiri went inside, Kuro and Akuto attempted at talking with each other.

"So…um…" Akuto began. "Your sister is…well…"

"Yeah," Kuro said. "She's always been like that…"

Silence. They didn't have much to talk about.

Akuto looked over at the children who were still playing with Shippou, who was now amusing them by throwing his spinning top. "Nice kids."

"Yeah they're…nice."

More silence. Akuto had a feeling that the fact that he had gotten Kiri pregnant had something to do with the silence…

"Kiri-chan! I bet you're really excited!" Suki said. "I mean…well, I know I was."

"Well, I think Kuro was more excited than you." Kiri replied. "I think everyone we had ever met knew it by the time you were four months. Actaully, Suki-chan, Akuto and I had decided to wait until we were ready to have children…But I think we failed dismally."

"Well, you never know. You seem like a mother already, Kiri-chan." Suki said.

She smiled. "Yeah…I just hope it's a girl. Although Akuto keeps telling me it's a boy. We'll get into the worst arguments about it…"

"Do you think having a boy will be so bad?" Her friend asked.

Kiri looked a bit frightened. "Do you think I want another Akuto running around? I can barely deal with one!"

Suki giggled. "I suppose that's true."

Kiri looked around. "By the way, where's Yume and Hana?"

Suki shrugged, picking up some food and a blanket. "They're not here, they ran off with some village boys…Well, it is hard, I suppose, since they've been living alone in that hut for two years…"

"You don't think we'll have more babies on the way, do you?" Kiri asked, following her outside.

"Kiri-chan, by what I hear about it, they'll probably both be married and be pregnant by summer…"

As Kiri and Kuro set up for a picnic, Akuto went over to Kiri. "Feeling better?"

She smiled. "Better."

Suki looked over and laughed at her children, who were now chasing butterflies, when she turned back to Kuro, she saw he was staring at what was seemingly the forest tree line.

Or it would have been, if four transparent figures hadn't been in front of it.

While Akuto was going on about what 'his' kid was going to be like, Kiri turned, and saw the figures as well.

Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango smiled at them, obviously proud of their children. Suddenly, another small figure ran into the scene, waving. "Mama…Daddy…"

Suki couldn't help but smile and wave back. The smiling figures gave one final farewell and faded.

Kuro and Suki looked back at their children, Suki leaning against Kuro. Akuto and Kiri also looked at them, with Akuto's arm around her waist. Kiri put a hand to her pregnant belly, and smiled.

And all of them knew, that this was true happiness.

A/N: Whew. Finally over. So sad! I liked Kiri as a character! Anyway, THIS IS THE LAST ONE! But, as previously stated, I will be doing another Inuyasha fic, after I do my fic of the Star Wars variety. It will be Inu/Kag, with a story plot that's…quite interesting. I hope you all read.

My reviewer thank you! "Parental Theatre"

When Kiri meets Akuto


Kagome: Inuyasha…



Kagome: Inuyasha, I will not let you ruin a relationship which will make many of the reviewers scream about!

When Kuro and Suki…eh heh...

You're going to have to see Fluff Freak's post from chapter 16 for that… : )

When Kuro got Suki pregnant


(Pwned by boomerang)

Sango: Are you nuts! I finally have grandchildren!

…Yeah. Things I would have LOVED writing, but all I got was that little scene in chapter 23…anyway…

Oh, and to everyone who said I should write a book: Well, maybe I've already considered that possibility. ; )
