Chapter 5: Trick& Treating

Note: sorry for the delay people lol, anyways it's so late for Halloween but I had this story put on hold since then lol. Anyways like one of my other story, I'm going to make this story into two parts, meaning that this will be the last chapter to part one until the other part come out.

Warning: Rated for OOC and languages.

It was one thing to laugh about, but right there and then the most humiliating thing had just occurred to him, thus making him the centre of everything. The outfit he was wearing, the bunny costume was what he was wearing, and it was something that caused the people around him to laugh either hysterically or giggle. Feeling the blood rush to his face Bankotsu wanted to die but since he couldn't, he did the next best thing he fainted.

"Poor Bankotsu, what torture he must feel to wear that adorable costume." Sango giggled wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes as she survey the unconscious boy.

"Kodak moment!" Kagome cooed as she brought out her camera from her closet before taking several pictures of Bankotsu. "As well these may come in handy for blackmail." Kagome chuckled waving the pair of pictures in her hand. "So when it comes to threatening to kill me or you guys, I'll just show him these and he should shut up."

"Your modern technology is very ingenious lady Kagome, with all the different things that even I haven't seen before I bet you can do many wonders with these." Miroku grinned as he caressed the computer monitor.

"Ah yes, my home does have a lot of these, but let me give you a tour after our fun out on trick or treating tomorrow. Let's just get some sleep and shop for your costumes tomorrow." Kagome giggled as she cradled the little Bankotsu in her arm cooing gently as he soundlessly slept. "The two of you can take my bed if you want." Kagome grinned innocently as she sat herself down next to the door allowing her head to rest against the wall.

"Kagome you have some horrible thoughts etched in that head of yours, there is no way am I going to sleep with this lecher on that bed of yours, if so I will sleep on it and Miroku can sleep on the floor, but hey isn't it yours, why don't you sleep on it?" Sango asked. Kagome laughed softly before brushing the sentence off.

"Nah I had always preferred to sleep on the ground when I ever have kids, it always make me feel wonderful knowing that the innocents is safe within my arms." Kagome smiled hugging Bankotsu closer to her chest.

"Spoken well from a kind and caring lady." Miroku beamed as he gently set his items near the corner. "Now I don't know about Sango, but I sure want to feel that relaxing bed of yours." Miroku grinned as he cast aside his sandals before sitting himself on the pink mattress feeling it's softness with his fingers. "Marvelous, I had never felt anything so soft and comfortable; it beats the outdoor where we had to endure Mother Nature's wrath as well as being bossed around by Inuyasha." Miroku calmly sighed as he gently rested his head against the pillow closing his eyes.

"I wonder what is wrong with him, what do you think might have happened Kagome?" Sango asked curiously. "He had never been this bad when it comes to allowing you to go home, why is he starting up like this?"

"Your question is something I cannot answer, the only thing I can guess is that he has some issues going on right now, so let it be right now, let us get some sleep, look forward to tomorrow, it's Halloween!" Kagome giggled as she gave the small Bankotsu a kiss on his cheek.

"Your advice is like a moon flower that blooms in all the right places." Sango smiled warmly as Kagome blushed lightly. "Oh you and the little brat seem to have grown quite attached to each other rather quickly. If I daresay, but it looks to me like you consider the little twerp to be your son, but if he was in his original state he would no doubt be a person you may like eh?" Sango smirked slyly.

"SANGO! It's nothing like that, you have such a foolish imagination, never in my life had that thought ever crossed my mind." Kagome huffed breathing heavily as she tried to rid her blush from her face. "I don't love him; he's just something I must take care of since he is only a child, even if he is an assassin I can never let a young child wonder alone by him or her self." Kagome remarked as she placed a comforting hand on top of Bankotsu's head.

"Alright, whatever you say Kagome, but I think I heard you say this to Inuyasha once, what was it? Oh yes it was something about 'ever heard about the Egyptian river called De Nile?'" Sango sneered mischievously before placing her giant boomerang to the side next to Miroku's staff.

"Go to sleep!" Kagome squeaked as she hid her blushing face in Bankotsu's shoulder. Smirking one last time, Sango crawled into Kagome's bed and fell fast asleep besides Miroku. Taking one look she merely growled. "Hypocrite, making fun of my love life when hers is still in questioning." Kagome pouted, as she lower her head to look at the unconscious Bankotsu her expression immediately soften. "I don't get it, when I am with you now, I feel so content, it had never been this way before, is it because you're a child does the face of a child bring me to my knees. If he would transform back to his original state would I still have these feelings, or would I be frighten again? So many questions, but anyways I hope this feeling never goes away." Kagome murmured quietly running a hand through Bankotsu's locks of hair scratching lightly at the scalp as she finally let her eyes drift to dreamland where the last thing she saw was the content smile on Bankotsu's face.

Bankotsu stirred slightly as he awoken to his surrounding, his eyes widened as he discovered that 1) he was still in the atrocious bunny costume the bunny ears still on his head; 2) everyone around him was sleeping and it was dark and 3) the miko Kagome was holding him tightly against her chest tight but it gave him enough room to move and breath. He had never been this uncomfortable before, hell he didn't mind Kagome, but the bunny outfit was making him sweat and itch. Using his assassin skills he easily discarded the outfit on the floor where he found himself wearing nothing underneath, and then he remembered before the costume was placed over him he did feel a bit chilly. Blushing heavily Bankotsu looked around in his position to find his clothing or anything that will cover him something that will make him feel proper again but seeing nothing Bankotsu sighed heavily.

Having but one choice he returned to his position by resting his naked body against Kagome closing his eyes trying to sleep. "Well it's not like she haven't seen a naked boy before." Bankotsu smirked before letting sleep get the best of him.

"Wakey, wakey Kagome, its morning, and you promised to take us shopping for costumes or whatever they are." Sango cooed as she poked Kagome in the ribs. Groaning with displeasure, Kagome yawned tiredly before waking her eyes letting them adjust to her surroundings. "Today is Halloween, oh by the way; there is something very interesting nesting within your arm." Sango said, her voice cracking with giggles.

Her eyes finally wide and awake Kagome stared at her giggling friends before taking a quick glance at the sleeping Bankotsu before gasping.

"No clothes… no clothes…" Kagome stuttered blushing heavily realizing where her hands were; one of her hand fastened around his lower torso just above his manhood and the other around his neck where she had him cradled to her chest. Bankotsu had both hands resting on Kagome's stomach while his face was nestled against her breast a smile etched upon his face. "Pervert…" Kagome growled gently placing Bankotsu on the ground while she searched for his clothes.

"Wow this brat is really something" Sango chuckled softly as she eyed the sleeping child. "I swear Kagome, you're going to grow white hair before you reach your thirties and this brat will be the cause of your oldness." Sango good naturally humoured, fingering the bed linings.

"Oh well, it's not like this will be continuing for a while, I guess his curse will be lifted soon but I wonder how?" Kagome murmured finding his clothing on the ground and retrieving them. "Hey Sango may you hold him up right while I dress him." Kagome asked making her way over to her bed.

"Sures…" Sango smiled gently slipping both arms under both side of Bankotsu's armpits before picking him up. As Kagome dressed the nude boy, Sango took the time to examine every inch of his body…" Wow what a body, if he looks this good young with you I wonder how he would look older, I guess this mini manhood right now would grow big into something eh?" Sango chuckled winking at Kagome.

"Sango, you're even worse then Miroku… get your mind out of the gutter." Kagome gasped her red face shining. Sango merely giggled before resuming her duty. "My gosh what a horrible thing to think about." Kagome said but still she couldn't help but look down a bit.

"I told you so…" Sango sing a song causing Kagome to blush immensely.

"Did someone mention my name earlier?" Miroku asked his body arching up from Kagome's bed grinning broadly at the two girls. "Woah hey, I heard about women taking advantage of men while they are drunk, but you two ladies taking advantage of a sleeping boy have you no shame?" Miroku grinned.

"Shame my ass." Sango growled slamming her fist against Miroku's head causing the monk to fall back on the bed swirly eyed. "Anyways…" after Kagome finished dressing Bankotsu. "Lets go shopping for the costumes, we can leave Bankotsu here with Miroku, he can take care of him." Sango said grinning.

"Sure, sounds like a plan, and we can choose an outfit for Miroku as well." Kagome smirked. "I like the way you think, poor Miroku, I just hope Bankotsu doesn't drive him out of his own hair." Kagome giggled before finishing off her work. "Ok that should do it, he is clothed, leave him beside the Houshi and lets leave." Kagome grinned making her way towards her door.

"You sure you don't want to change?" Sango asked eyeing the rumpled sweater on Kagome's body.

"Oh it is alright, I'll change when we get back from shopping, now let us go before Miroku can have any objection when he wakes." Kagome laughed softly making her way out the door with Sango sighing with amusement followed suit.

"Damn… that woman hits so hard…" Miroku moaned rubbing his throbbing head with his right palm.

"Damn… stupid woman dressing me in a fucking bunny costume, what the hell is that." Bankotsu growled waking up to find himself in his own attire.

"Women, what strange creatures they are." Bankotsu and Miroku said in unison.

"You… they left me to take care of you!" Miroku asked horrified to see the kid sitting on the bed next to him.

"I can ask you the same thing, why the hell would they leave me behind in the presence of a perverted idiot." Bankotsu sneered. "Like come on, everyone knows you're perverted and you're supposed to be a monk, have you no shame?" Bankotsu asked.

"Why you little brat." Miroku raged wrapping both hands around Bankotsu's neck squeezing it. "Don't you ever shame me about who I am, now be a good boy and apologize to me." Miroku scolded letting his arm wrap around the little boy's smaller torso letting go of his neck. "Let me hear you say it."

"Oh God, get off me, alright I'm sorry for messing with you." Bankotsu squeaked as he freed himself from Miroku's grasp.

"That's better, now that the two ladies left us here; I am responsible for taking care of you, so you do what I say you understand?" Miroku asked watching as the raven head sweat drop heavily.

"You fucking bastard oh I can't wait to be in my own body again, I will surely watch you die first by my hands." Bankotsu snarled.

"Yea, but until then, you are to do my bidding you underling." Miroku smirked giving Bankotsu a pat on his head. Snarling with disgust Bankotsu bat his hand away before standing on his feet.

"So what the hell do you want me to do first?" Bankotsu asked coldly.

"Ah that is a good boy, I want you to clean up Kagome's room, she couldn't do it today since she went to pick up their costumes, so it is only a kindred spirit if you do it for her, so hop to it."

"What ever the fuck you want you pompous ass hole." Bankotsu cussed before making his way into Kagome's joined bathroom to grab some supplies.

"Mind your language little one." Miroku chuckled before sitting himself down on Kagome's leather chair placing both feet up on her deck lying back as he watched the raven head come back out with a bucket filled with water and a cloth. "Begin…" Miroku lazily commanded. With a last snarl and a look of pure hatred on Bankotsu's eyes he began his household work.

"Hey Sango, what do you make of this costume?" Kagome asked the brunette female.

"Hm I think that looks really good on you Kagome." Sango marveled as she eyed the tooth fairy costume Kagome dressed up as. "Though I think that one right there suits you more."

"Oh this one…" Kagome weakly smiled as she plucked a bunny costume up holding the revealing outfit in her hand. It has a bra; a thong with a bunny tail attached to it a tiara with bunny ears looping and a tie with matching pair of glasses to go with it. "Wow I must be slutty if you think this fits me." Kagome laughed nervously.

"Alright I'm finished with the cleaning, is there anything else you want?" Bankotsu asked wiping the sweat off his flushed face.

"Now that you mention it, there is actually something you can do for me, make me something nice to drink." Miroku snapped letting one leg dangle off the chair.

"Damn you to hell you bastard." Bankotsu yelled throwing the dirty cloth on the ground while wiping his dirty hands on his kimono.

"Now, now, from now on you call me master." Bankotsu sighed heavily but ignored his argument for later.

"Fine, fine what ever the hell you want." Bankotsugrumbled before rushing out the door.

"Hmm well, well, well it would seem Inuyasha hates it when the miko goes back to her time era." Princess Asakura sneered. "Very interesting, I shall make arrangements for a surprise for the miko and her friends when they get back." She chuckled softly as she watched her flowers spiraling in front of her projecting an image of Inuyasha sitting by the bone eater's well waiting for Kagome.

"Damn wench, taking her sweet fucking time over at her place." Inuyasha snarled sitting on the brim of the well. "I bet if I went over there right now, I can bring her over by force."

"Indeed you shall do that…" Asakura laughed as two arms appeared in thin air clamping one hand over Inuyasha's mouth while the other one pulled him into the vortex of flowers. Nothing was left behind as the remaining scent of Inuyasha vanished into a spiral of flowers.

"Alright here's a frozen drink you stupid monk." Bankotsu scowled as he threw a can of pop into Miroku's lap. "Kagome's mother told me it is something good if you want to be refreshed."

"I thank Kagome's mother greatfully." Miroku said raising his arm with the drink in a toast.

"Hey Sango, let's go now, I think we have all the costume we need for the two of us and Miroku." Kagome yelled. With a quick nod Sango and Kagome exited the store and made their way onto the crowded street the sun glowing a orangey hue.

As the two females returned home, they found the two males glaring daggers at each other.

"You fucking piece of shit,I swearI will have my revenge." Bankotsu hissed giving Miroku the finger.

"OhI am shaking in my robes..." Miroku mocked sneering at the raven head. Sweat dropping Kagome entered the room to intercept the argument.

"Ok, let us all try on our new costumes and then go trick or treating." Kagome cheered as threw the bags onto the bed. "Go and choose your costume everyone, except you Bankotsu you are wearing that bunny costume."

"Oh damn you wretched woman, I am so going to enjoy slashing that to bits when I get my body back." Bankotsu humoured eyes widening into a daze as he pictures the white costume being slashed to bits by his banryuu and him laughing his head off like a maniac.

"Oh Bankotsu…" Kagome sweat dropped eyeing the dazed kid.

"Oh this costume is very interesting Kagome…" Miroku smirked as he produced the bunny costume she had bought for herself. "Very revealing don't you think lady Kagome?"

"Shut up, if I am to dress up, I might as well dress up pretending to be Bankotsu's mother." Kagome blushed.

"What?" Bankotsu asked as he turned his attention to Kagome's outfit eyeing it for the first time. "Oh my god…" Bankotsu squeaked before turning his head away blushing heavily.

"I like this princess costume you bought for me Kagome, thank you very much." Sango said twirling around in her pink gown with flower embedded around the hems and sleeves as Miroku entered the washroom closing the door behind to change.

"What am I suppose to be Kagome?" Miroku asked as he exited the washroom in his costume.

"Wow, that cave man costume does look good on you Miroku." Kagome giggled as Sango merely blushed. A shredded cloth wrapped around his lower torso where a thin layer of cloth hung from his shoulder keeping the costume up in one hand Miroku carried a plastic club. "Make sure you are wearing something underneath there." Kagome advised.

"Does it really matter, no one would see me." Miroku said as he sat down causing everyone in the room to turn away.

"You didn't wear anything did you?" Squeaked Kagome as she covered Bankotsu's eyes.

"You idiot why didn't you put anything on underneath that yellow yoga thing you are wearing." Sango raged as she covered her blushing face with her hands.

"Like I said, why bother when something is already covering me." Miroku grinned. "Besides I think the ladies might like the sight."

"More like run away in fright is more like it." Bankotsu said as he slipped Kagome's hand off his face.

"Oh well, I like the wind blowing gently down there." Miroku shrugged.

"Oh well let's not have this ruin our fun, let us go out now, I think I see many of the trick or treaters." Kagome said as she rushed into the washroom to change. "I'll be out in a few seconds."

From downstairs the individuals can hear the cry of little children's yelling 'trick or treat.' To Kagome's mother while her mother merely giggled handing the kids some treats.

"What are those things I hear the kids eating?" Bankotsu asked curiously.

"They are called candies, when you trick or treat, the person tells you to tell him/her a trick or she or he may give you a treat." Kagome explained as she exited the washroom in her costume.

"Holy crap you look sexy lady Kagome." Miroku dog whistled as he eyed the costume on Kagome. Her bra the only thing covering her top while her bottom a very short white skirt covered the area, a bunny tail protruding from her back, Sango did a double in take as Kagome made her way over to the surprised Bankotsu. Bankotsu was so surprised that he didn't even object or squirm when Kagome placed the small bunny outfit on him.

"Now we can go?" Miroku asked snapping out of his dazed fantasy.

"Let's go, oh I think Shippo is downstairs helping my mother." Kagome smiled as the three individual exited Kagome's room making their way downstairs to the hallway where Shippo and Kagome's mother was handing out chocolate bars to a pair of twins dressed up as pirates.

"Here you go dears, don't eat all the candies now or else you will get a tummy ache." Kagome's mother advised as she smiled kindly at the little kids who in return smiled back before running off into the dark.

"Well mom, I am going trick or treating with my friends now, Shippo come." Kagome said to her mother as she walked past her.

"Don't stay out to long dear, and do make sure you don't attract many guys with that outfit of yours, it really does look ridiculous." Her mother chuckled as she waves the group off.

"I promise mom." Kagome said before the four individual with Bankotsu within Kagome's arms headed off.

"So where do you guys want to go first?" Kagome asked as she eyed the many children run past her into different directions.

"How about there, that house seems to have a lot of candy." Shippo grinned as he dashed towards a house with ghost decorations hanging from the roof and jack-o-lanterns streaming their pavements. Chuckling merrily Kagome set Bankotsu on the ground.

"Well, why don't you join Shippo with his treating while we follow up from behind." Kagome said, but blinked suddenly at the look she was being sent.

"You have got to be kidding me, first I'm dressed like a fucking bunny, and now you want me running door to door asking for treats in this?" Bankotsu raged as he plucked at his bunny ears.

"Oh stop being such a poor sport Bankotsu; here I'll take you with me." Shippo squealed doubling back before grabbing Bankotsu's hand dragging him towards the house.

"Let's see how it goes." Kagome giggled as the three grown up stood at the entrance way watching as the two kids make their way to the door. Kagome smiled lightly as Shippo knocked on the door with Bankotsu flushing heavily nearby. She shifted her position to allow other children and their parents by as the new kids joined Shippo and Bankotsu at the door, many of the female children giggled at Bankotsu's outfit earning a respectable growl and flush.

"Oh what scary costumes you cute children have." A teenaged male said as he eyed the group with a smile.

"Trick or treat!" They all cried excluding Bankotsu who just stared at the teenager with a flush.

Laughing the teenager with green hair grabbed a bowl on a nearby table and started to hand out jelly beans to the group. "Three for each of the cute angels…", after said that the three females in angel costumes giggled and ran off with their parents following. "Three for the vampire…" The teenager laughed as he ruffled Shippo's hair. Laughing Shippo licked his lips tenderly as he eyed the packages of jelly beans within his bag before rushing off towards the group. "Now for the bunny, I didn't hear you say 'trick or treat.' little one." The teenager smiled at Bankotsu.

"Just bite me would you, I hate it in this costume and I rather not have to put up with a newb pestering me with annoying lectures." Bankotsu coldly said to the teenager who blinked in surprise.

"Well somebody has a huge vocabulary for someone who is so young as you, just for that you get six packages of jelly beans for being smart." The teenager smiled as he placed a fistful of jelly beans into his bag. "Good night little one." With a final ruffle of his hair the teenager reentered his house closing the door behind him.

"Of all the nerve, calling me young then ruffling my hair, he's going to be the first person on my list who I will kill personally." Bankotsu huffed as he made his way back to Kagome and the others.

"Well how did it go Bankotsu?" Miroku asked the little bunny.

"Fuck off will you; I am having the time of my life." Bankotsu sarcastically said.

"Oh there is another house!" Shippo gleefully cried as he grabbed hold of Bankotsu's hand again and dragged him forward.

"My Shippo is one enthusiastic kid." Miroku laughed eyeing the two kids running up the stairway.

"Indeed he is, but poor Bankotsu." Kagome laughed watching Bankotsu trip.

"You guys, but have you noticed that people are staring at you two." Sango asked baring her fist in her pocket as teenagers of opposite gender pass by eyed Miroku and Kagome with interest.

"Oh let them, they have nothing to see except our bodies." Kagome said ignoring the many looks.

"Trick or treat!" Shippo yelled as an elderly woman appeared baring basket filled with chocolates.

"Oh what wonderful little kids you are!" The granny chuckled as she handed Shippo two chocolate bars and Bankotsu three. Laughing merrily at them, the elderly lady reentered her house waiting for other kids.

"Hey Bankotsu…" Shippo whispered.

"Yea, what is it?" Bankotsu asked.

"Let's have some of our chocolate bars and not tell Kagome and the others." Shippo snickered as he unraveled a mars bar before taking a large bite out of it. "Mmmm it is so good, here you should try some." Shippo giggled.

"I think not, that is food I have never seen in my life, don't you dare point that near me." Bankotsu disgustedly spat smacking Shippo's offering hand away.

"Oh don't be a sour lemon Bankotsu, here…" Forcefully grabbing Bankotsu by the face Shippo shoved the piece of chocolate bar into his mouth. Choking drastically Bankotsu was forced to swallow the thing. As he swallowed the last remaining chunk down his throat, a sweet flavour tasting aroused in his mouth, it was something he had never felt before, the thing he had just ate was pretty good. Eyeing his own bag, Bankotsu took one of his chocolate bars and unraveled it.

"See I knew you would like them." Shippo smiled as he watches Bankotsu munch up the chocolate bar he unraveled. But as Bankotsu took another chocolate bar out, Shippo's eyes grew worried. "Uh Bankotsu you shouldn't eat too much of that." Shippo warned. With no response Shippo placed a shaking hand on Bankotsu's shoulder. "Uh Bankotsu you ok?" he was taken aback when Bankotsu whirled his way, his eyes widened with excitement his mouth smeared with chocolate.

"Am I ok…? I have never felt this exhilarant before, it's like I can do anything I want… what tasty things these chocolate bars are… I want more." Bankotsu squealed scaring Shippo to bits as he watches the raven head dash off.

"Uh Kagome I think we may have a problem…" Shippo said.

"Um… he seems rather excited, what happened?" Kagome asked as she watch Bankotsu run up to another house.

"Well you see, I gave him a taste of chocolate, when he took a bite out of it, he seemed rather attached to them so he uh ate all his chocolate bars that he had been given." Shippo sheepishly said.

"Oh dear, I think we better get him before something happens, I am afraid of the thing he might be in." Kagome said running towards Bankotsu.

"Oh what a cute costume you have young lad here take as many chocolate bars as you want." An elderly man smiled showing the bowl to Bankotsu.

"Thanks, don't mind if I do." Bankotsu grinned before taking the whole bowl and dumping all of its contents into his bag before dashing off cackling like mad leaving behind a surprised yet peeved man.

"Bankotsu, that is not nice at all!" Kagome yelled as she chased the rabid raven head towards the next house.

"Who fucking cares, I have this chocolate to keep me satisfied." Bankotsu giggled merrily as he hugged a chocolate bar close to himself while he ran. "Aren't you the most precious thing to me, oh yea you are…" Bankotsu cooed nuzzling the chocolate bar.

"Oh wow, Kodak moment, scary but definitely a Kodak moment." Kagome murmured as she chased him down.

"Oh I can't wait for you to meet my tummy chocolate, first I am going to play with you, then I am going to strip you, then I am going to eat you…" Bankotsu cackled merrily as he skipped the rest of the way.

"Whoa, too scary, I was afraid of this." Kagome whispered to herself horrified with the truth.

"Kagome, what the hell is wrong with him?" Shippo said puffing in vain as he tried to catch up.

"Yea lady Kagome, it would seem he's a totally different person." Miroku shuddered.

"If he's a totally different person, then that is something we should be afraid about." Sango warned as she jogged alongside Miroku.

"Well you guys the truth is, he's hyper, with too many sweets coating his system I say he's going to be like this for a while. Unless we can catch him, he's going to find sweet wherever he can." Kagome explained.

"Oh well that explains why he is behaving strangely, ok let's chase him down." Miroku said as he sped up his pace to match alongside Bankotsu. "This is as far as you go little one." Miroku said holding Bankotsu tightly to his body.

"Let me go, please let me go…" Bankotsu struggled as Miroku passed him into Kagome's arms. "I want more chocolates they are so yummy, I can't believe something as good has never been tasted by me." Bankotsu squirmed.

"No more sweets for you, we are going home after Shippo is done with his trick or treating, as for you, no more." Kagome scolded. Surprised at what she said Bankotsu pouted a bit, until an idea came to his mind. He had always seen Shippo use it on Kagome, and every time he did that he always got what he wanted. So if he was to use it on her, maybe he will get his chocolates. "Do you hear me Bankotsu…? I said no more." Kagome repeated.

"Awe but please Kagome…" Bankotsu asked as he gave her the most adorable puppy eyes look.

The End.

I shall leave it at this and continue it some other time in a different story lol. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't mind my spelling mistakes and grammar, I know it's horrible but bare with me people, I'm not a person who is good with English hehe.