Black Stars – Chapter 4: "Search and Decision"

"WHAT! HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET HIM GET AWAY!" The Gordanian king thundered.

His servants were all bowing before the throne, and some shifted their eyes to the shadowed figure of the general. A wicked purple glint arose from her eyes, and it does not seem like a pleasing flare.

"We are sorry, my lord. As you may or may not know, he used his power to melt the bars of the cell and free—"


Ryand'r and Starfire stood in the living room, the Tamaranian boy refusing to let go of his older sister's hand. Robin's veins were almost pulsing out of his head with jealousy, while Raven stood by and understood perfectly in the silence what had happened. Cyborg and Beast Boy circled the two aliens, staring in awe.

"Hey y'all, check it out!"

"The little dude has the same green eyes!"

"And that red hair."

"And the weird-lookin' bony face!"

"They must be siblings!"

The two boys shouted this last statement in unison, and then Raven crossed the counter and delivered them both an icy stare. They nodded and Beast Boy gulped.

Robin went over to Starfire and stared in disbelief at the little child.

"Starfire, I thought your only sibling was Blackfire," he said sternly, tilting his head from side to side a bit.

"Ryand'r was very young when I left for Earth. It would give you no interest to know about one so young."

Beast Boy continued his questions.

"Does the little dude have powers like you?"

Starfire looked down at her brother, who seemed a bit more at ease. He looked up at her, and shivered a bit.

"Rethmog, plekorph garorf fargnex? Hezbar norelf kabrorzketeck fraguntoof…"

"What did he just say, Starfire?" Raven asked.

"He is afraid and does not understand what you are saying."

Back on Gordania, the general finally rose to her feet and stepped out from the shadows. She sported long black hair past her waist, a very dark lavender dress down to her feet, black steel armor around her arms and waist lined with silver, and a black brooch at the clasp of her pure black cloak.

"Go and find that child. And once you have him, I won't let him out of my sight." She said, her hands pulsing with radiant violet energy.

"Go!" she commanded.

The armored men shuffled off in fear, and the general took her seat again.

Back to Titans' Tower, where Ryand'r was quaking in his little boots, waiting to hear what the Titans would say next.

"He is here because he was captured and then escaped from the enemy. He does have great power, and he will aid us if we allow him to stay here for just a small while." Starfire said.

The rest of the Titans looked at each other, knowing that they all must help the child. Then again, would he help them, or just take up space? Robin knelt down to look at him, and Ryand'r edged back slowly behind the protective figure of his sister. Robin stood up again, and nodded to Starfire.

"We'll let him stay. But, I think that if we want him on the team, he should train with us tomorrow. Until then, we'll help him with his English and provide him with all of the stuff we get. He can use Terra's old room."

That single name was like a sharp blow to Beast Boy's heart.
