4:00 in the morning

(Phil's bedside phone rings. Half asleep, he fumbles to answer it.)

Phil: Hello, Keely. What is it now?

Keely: (excitedly) Exactly 3 hours until we're officially seniors!

Phil: Yeah, Keel, I know. An hour ago it was 4 hours and the hour before that it was 5. I'm just gonna take a stab at this, but in an hour from now it'll be 2 hours until we're officially seniors. Now can you just let me sleep?

Keely: How can you sleep? This is the biggest thing ever!

Via: Yeah, Phil, Keely's right.

Phil: Via? How'd you get on here?

Keely: Oh, Via and Owen three-wayed me and I three-wayed you.

Phil: You're on here too, Owen?

Owen: What, dude, you thought I'd let you hog the two most beautiful gals in Pickford all to yourself?

Phil: Okay, I don't know what it is, but you guys have all lost it. What am I missing? (Sarcastically) Besides sleep.

Keely: Everything, Phil! You're the one who's lost it if you don't understand why we're excited about being seniors. I mean think of all the things we get to do now!

Via: Like senior pictures!

Owen: We get to eat at the senior table and (excitedly)use the senior bathrooms. No

more single-ply toilet paper for us, Bro!

Via: You're kidding right? Toilet-paper?

Phil: Actually, he makes a pretty good point.

Keely/Via: (at the same time) What!

Via: You guys are missing the point! Being seniors is like the first step to being adults!

Keely: Yeah, and don't forget about the senior prom! (both girls squeal)

Phil: Alright, that's enough for me. I'm going to hang up now. And Keel, I mean it…don't call again! (hangs up)

5 Minutes Later

(Phil has finally settled back to sleep when the phone rings again.)

Phil: (groaning) What is it?

Keely: I forgot to ask what you plan on wearing.

Pim: (from her phone) Give it a rest, Blondie! You'll find out what he's wearing when you see him IN THE MORNING! You know, the morning where there's actually a sun in the sky! Now I'm going to give you one more minute to hang up and you're not going to call back. If you do, I'll make sure you get dropped off with Curtis in the Stone Age when we get the time machine fixed! (mock sincerity) Sweet dreams. (hangs up her phone)

Keely: And I thought she was grouchy during the day. (no response) Phil? Phil? Are you there? (hears snoring!) Alright, Sleeping Beauty, I get the point. Good-night, Phil. (finally hangs up)

The Next Morning

(At Keely's House) Keely's trying on dozens of outfits and accessories while dancing and singing to her radio.

(At Phil's House) Phil and his family are at breakfast. Barb is serving breakfast.Lloyd isreading the newspaper. Phil and Pim are arguing over the pancakes and syrup.

30 Minutes Later

(Outside) Phil and Keely walk out of their houses and meet each other on the sidewalk. Via pulls up in an SUV with Owen in the front seat. Phil and Keely get in and we see them drive away.

(In Via's SUV)

Phil: Thanks for the ride, Via, but you do know it wasn't necessary right? I mean me and

Keely probably live closer to the school than anyone else. We could've walked.

Owen: Phil, my man, when will ya get with the program? We get senior parking now!

When my brother came here they had valet parking.

Keely: Oh hey, I remember that. Wasn't there some kind of accident that made them get

rid of it?

Owen: Yeah, I think someone crashed into the principle's brand new Mercedes. Rumor

was that it wasn't an accident.

Phil: Ouch.

Keely: Mmm-hmm. Oh! I just remembered I have a surprise for the three of you!

Phil: What?

Keely: (acting coy) Oh, I don't know.

Via: Come on! Spill!

Keely: Alright, I talked to the Vice Principle Hackett and he approved my idea for a

special daily newscast for the seniors. I get to be top reporter!

Phil: Wow, Keel, that's great. I know how much you wanted to do this.

Keely: And here's the best part. Via's going to be co-host!

Via: Really? (turning around to look at Keely)

(The car begins to swerve towards the other side of the road. Owen quickly grabs the wheel to steer it back into the right lane.)

Owen: Via!

Via: Oh, sorry guys. (grabs the wheel)

Keely: And as for Phil and Owen, you guys get to actually be in charge of all the camera

equipment, including training the freshmen.

(Phil and Owen look at each other unenthusiastically)

Phil/Owen: (imitating a girly squeal) Oh my gosh!

Keely: Ha ha, you guys. Real funny. Laugh if you want, but this year's going to be the

best year ever, hands down.