A/N: Please read and review this. I don't know how you'll all react to this, you might not like it, but please let me know what you think! I really appreciate it. The summary explains later chapters as well. The song is GoodbyeMy Lover by JamesBluntOk i think thats all! Please be nice! Thanks

Did I disappoint you?

Or let you down?

Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?

" I got another letter." Elliot muttered. The normally brave and strong detective, looked quiet and withdrawn. His physique was slumped and weighty. He looked up at his Captain. Cragen's face was tight with thought and a glum seriousness filled the contours of his face.

"Elliot, this is the sixth in as many months now. Each more threatening than the last." Cragen spoke quietly still in some thought.

"Come on Captain. I'm only telling you this because I owe you the truth. I've kept it from you until now but the kids, Olivia." Elliot tried to make light of the Captains concern but he couldn't make it work. Cragen raised an eyebrow.

"What's this one say?" he asked.

"That I should watch my back or and I quote 'you will find that the ones you love will really feel the weight of my anger. Don't piss with me Stabler. You owe me.' end quote." Elliot recited.

"Elliot this isn't just threatening you now. But the people you love. The kids, Olivia; you gotta make this official." Cragen told him. "You gotta tell Olivia at least, and let Kathy know."

Elliot shook his head, furiously.

"If I tell them they'll panic. Kathy will never let me see the kids again. I just felt I should tell you now that's all, I don't think anything's gonna happen." Elliot said.

"I dunno Elliot," a familiar voice from behind him. Elliot wheeled around to see the all knowing face of Dr Huang. "The rage of these letters is becoming more intense, its only time before they crack and hurt someone."

Elliot looked doubtful. He wasn't a lover of psychologist; he Elliot Stabler liked hard evidence, firm facts, solid stuff.

"We'll be fine." Elliot snapped getting up and walking out of his Captains office. This was ridiculous. As much as he'd seen terrible things, horrendous things in SVU, he never thought he'd be stalked. No of course not, he thought, don't be ridiculous.

"Olivia, hey, I got our next case…"

Later that night Olivia and Alex walked in to Olivia's apartment. They'd been to a bar after work and wanted Ben and Jerry's. Slightly drunk they staggered up the stairs giggling like schoolgirls.

"So Olivia Benson, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Alex asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know Miss Cabot," a devilish grin spreading across her face.

"You'd show me?" Alex asked, cheekily. They stopped walking and laughing. Silent. They watched each other for a second, the feelings in the air changing. A small smile played on Olivia's face and they both exploded with laughter. They got to Olivia's door. It was open.

"Shit," Olivia, snapped, "Susie'll have, got out." Her frow furrowed.

"Susie?" Alex asked as they entered. Olivia flicking the hall light on.

"My cat. It's a cute name." she explained at the look on her companions face.

"It's very cute. I'm gonna use the bathroom." Alex said.

Olivia took her coat off and walked into the kitchen. A pot on the stove was bubbling away, Olivia gulped ,she didn't have a pot like that. Her breathing quickened. She walked slowly over to the cooker, adrenalin coursing through her body. Someone's been in, she thought while I've been away.

She peered in and nearly died as she saw the boiling water surrounding her cat. It's boiled skin red, and blistered, eyes wide and claws out. Olivia screamed. A long ,piercing, soul chilling scream of horror…

It was 12am, Elliot had been home for a half hour, after being out with his colleagues. His phone trilled and startled him breaking the silence of his lonely place.

"Hello…" he said, wondering who could be calling so late.

"You had your warning. Hope Olivia, likes her dinner." A rasp said.

I saw he end, before we'd begun,

Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.