
Disclaimer : Joss Whedon owns the characters. Atleast most of them. I'm continuing the story which didn't end when he finished. Just want to have an ending.

A/N : Thanks for your patience. Hope the story is interesting. More chapters coming up. PLEASE REVIEW

"So deadboy, what's the plan now?" Xander started the conversation.

"I don't know. I have an idea but I don't know if you guys are willing for it." Spike hesitated.

"Share it with us and let's see about it." Willow encouraged.

"I was thinking about staying here in L.A. and start an Investigation Service" Spike planted his idea to the group.

"You mean you want to continue Angel Investigations?" Willow asked but a stern look from Spike told otherwise. "That would be creepy."

"No. Not Angel Investigations. I was thinking more of like Summers Investigations." Spike said looking at the two Summers women sitting next to him. Both of them beamed up at the thought of their names.

"Ok… That would be alright I guess." Giles joined in the conversation.

"I've spoken to Buffy and Dawn and they are willing to stay in L.A. And Hyperion is in nobody's care anymore since all the AI members have either passed away or disappeared. I was thinking of staying here and start it." Spike explained his idea.

"I think it would be great." Dawn chipped in happily. "Summers Investigation Service. We protect the innocents." She advertised.

"So, what are your plans then?" Buffy asked her friends.

"Don't know. Maybe back to the jungle." Xander replied.

"I'm not sure either." Willow commented.

"So why don't you guys join in as well?" Spike offered. "We can use more people. And the old gang can be together again."

"That is a very good idea." Buffy joined in his excitement. "We can change the name to Scooby Investigation Service if you want."

"Whether it's a Scooby or Summers, both will be SIS. So I'm up for any." Xander gave his opinion.

"Me too" Willow replied excited.

"I believe I can be of assistance in the research department. Even though I'll be far away, a phone call could reach me and update me on the situation. I have resources and contacts that could help you to get your cases." Giles offered his support.

"That's very nice of you Rupert." Spike replied back honestly.

"And I may have to offer my investment on refurbishing this place. It needs to look more professional." Giles continued.

"Oh don't worry about that Giles. We have the master Vampire decorator here for that." Buffy said looking at Spike adoringly.

"Eww… you guys. Can't you take the looks to the room?" Dawn pretended to be disgusted by the looks both blondies were giving each other.

Just then Faith and the other Slayers came into the hotel.

"What's up guys? Who's ready for the travel back home?" Faith asked the gang.

"That would be only me." Giles said standing up.

"What? You guys are staying?" Faith asked the rest.

"Ya. We are going to start a Scooby Investigation Service here." Willow said excitingly.

"What? I thought you were coming with me." Kennedy interrupted looking annoyed.

"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Willow asked and moved to a quiet place.

"What now? Change of plans? Because I thought you are coming with me." Kennedy asked showing her anger in her voice.

"The gang are here and they are my family. I want to be with them. You can stay too if you want." Willow told her girlfriend.

"No. I don't want to. That's why we moved to Brazil in the first place. So that we can be alone together." Kennedy didn't lower her voice.

"No honey. You wanted to move there. I went with you only because you wanted to. I wanted to be with my friends. And I still do. So if you can't accept that, then it's better if we go our separate ways." Willow answered finally.

Kennedy just looked at Willow. Then she turned around and walked away. She went to Faith.

"I'm joining you guys to go to Cleveland. It might be more fun in there."

Willow walked back to her friends who have heard the conversation because of Kennedy's raised voice. Xander got up and embraced his best friend in a comforting hug. She hugged him back and after a moment, smile was back in her face.

"So what's the plan for celebration? Shopping? Movie?"

"I don't know. I'm thinking of taking a long day and night rest." Buffy replied looking at Spike who simply nodded in agreement.

"Guys… we all know what your idea of rest is. So just go do it ok?" Dawn said straight forwardly. Buffy blushed at her sister's response while Spike smirked back at her.

"Hey, didn't Whistler said your Seer will be coming in soon? Wonder who it is." Buffy asked him. Spike simply shrugged his shoulder and walked back towards their room. When all of them were starting to break up, Dawn let out a loud shriek that brought everyone back to her.

"What happened?" "What's wrong?" "Is something wrong Bit?" "What's the matter Dawn?" Questions were raised around her.

"Wow… this is so freaky. I suddenly had a thought of a demon attacking a young girl in an alley. I think it's the alley opposite to the shopping hall. Wonder what made that imagination come in my mind." Dawn spoke to the worried faces.

Xander and Willow looked confused. Spike and Buffy looked at each other. Then at Dawn. Then again at each other. Then they started to laugh out hysterically. Everyone else looked at them weirdly.

"Ok guys. If you can share the joke, we can join in the laughter too you know?" Willow spoke up.

Buffy and Spike controlled their laughter after a moment and explained. "Guess who became a Seer after being the key?" Spike asked the others. Everyone turned to look at Dawn who had wide eyes with surprise.

"Dawn is the Seer." Xander finally said it out loud.

A/N : OK Everyone. The story is complete. I wanted to give an explanation to the ending of Angel as well as a Spuffy ending. I wanted to give Angel a happy ending too and give a meaning for Illyria's return. Now everything is complete. Let me know whether a sequel is a good idea. It would be the life of the Scoobies as the Investigation team.Don't forget to REVIEW. I'm currently working on another three stories and your reviews will motivate me to write them quickly and release them. So please take a minute and review to cheer the author (ME). :D