02/04/2006 22:36:00

Ahiru fidgeted nervously with her dress. Fakir has lead her on a trek through the town, and outside the gate, to the lake that their fateful dance had taken place at. A beautiful dinner has been laid out, a small bistro table covered with a white table cloth had been set with an elegant flower arrangement, and candles. Uruza had been the one to bring them their food, with a little help from Aota, and an occasion proclamation of 'love-love zura', which caused both Ahiru and Fakir to glance down, their faces heated with a blush.

Aota chuckled to himself, and ushered Uzura away, telling her that when they saw Fakir and Ahiru again, there would indeed be love love zura.

Fakir moved his chair towards Ahiru, and noticed as she loked up at him, eyes eyes wide, and startled. She shifted away from him and he placed his hands on hers, his smile nervous.

"Fakir, what are you doing?"

"Ahiru—" His voice trembled and Ahiru looked at Fakir, looking at him under hooded eyes.

"—I know that I have been a jerk recently. I haven't made things easy for you, when you were a duck. I should have taken better care of you, I should never have said what I did."

"Fakir, its not your fault. You have been wonderful to me. I couldn't ask for anything else."

"But I want to give you something else."

Ahiru's voice caught in her throat.

"I don't ever want to be separate from you again. Those days, when we did not talk, when you were angry with me, I couldn't function." Fakir looked at Ahiru, and smiled. "I love you Ahiru. I would give you anything I could to make you happy. Will you be my princess?"

"I—" Ahiru stuttered. Ahiru stared at Fakir, tears welling up in her eyes.

'I—" Ahiru tried to speak through her tears, and instead settled for nodding.

"I love you." Fakir placed his hands on Ahiru's cheeks, giving her time to move if she wished, and moved his face towards hers, until he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "The prince has finally found his princess"

"The princess loves her knight." Ahiru's voice was a soft whispered reply as she pressed her lips to Fakir's.

One upon a time, a knight dedicated his life to a princess, and despite all the odds, their love triumphed, and the knight and the princess lived happily ever after, in debt to the prince that they had both sacrificed so much to save.

I know the end is short, but i felt that the story had played itself out. I hope you all enjoy, and i thank you for reading.