Disclaimer: I do not own Veronica Mars or any of the characters.

Hey everyone. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner than I wanted. It was actually harder than you think because I had already done something similar in my other story Who Can You Count On, and I didn't want the same thing to happen again. But alas, I stuck it out, and here it is. The epilogue. Let me know what you think. I don't know if I'll be writing anymore stories, but you never know. Thank you for everyone fork sticking with this story. Threw the good and the bad.


"Were losing her. Let's shock her."

Ever have that disconnected feeling? Like you're not really inside of your body but on the outside watching what's going on around you? That's what's happening to me. I can see myself laying in the Ambulance while the workers are trying to revive my body. But I'm seeing it from behind the workers instead of in front of them.

My body. That doesn't make sense. It shouldn't be my body, I should be in it. And it shouldn't be dying. I can see myself rising and falling as the paddles shock my heart. And the weird thing is I can't feel it. Weird right? You would think I'd be able to feel the shock going through my body, but I can't feel anything. Except cold. Like I'm frozen.

The blood. There's so much blood all over my stomach. Or should I say my bodies stomach. Who would have thought that such a small blade could do that much damage.

"Again. We need to shock her again. That should work."

I hope it works. I really don't feel like dying now. That would be so uncool. What if I do what they do in the movies. What if I lay on top of my body and we reconnect. There's only one way to find out.

I move over to my body and just before I'm about to touch my bodies arm, the Ambulance lurches to a halt. The workers open the door and rush my body inside the Hospital. I feel a rushing sensation, and the next thing I know, I'm being pulled by some invisible force. Thank god cuz that means I'm still connected. They usher me into the operating room where they lift me off of the stretcher and onto the operating table. They keep the oxygen mask over my mouth, and they try everything they can to keep me breathing.

The only way I know how to help is to reconnect myself. I walk over to myself again. I reach my hand out, and touch my thigh. An overwhelming experience happens. The room around me starts swirling and there's a rushing noise so loud one would go insane.

Then silence. And blackness.

No not complete silence. If I strain enough I can just make out the first hint of murmuring. If I concentrate more, the murmuring turns into conversations. Though I can't recognize anyone just yet. Does this mean it worked? Am I back inside my body? Well I suppose there's only one way to find out. Wiggle you're big toe. Hey if it worked for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill who was in a Coma for four years and miraculously awakened, then why can't it work for me? It's not like I'm in a coma. Right? Like I said, there's only one way to find out.

I literally try to wiggle my big toe. Yes it worked. My toe twitched. So now it's time to start waking my body up. Sounds easy, but it's not. I may tell myself I want to wake up, but my body isn't responding. Maybe if I try to listen to the surrounding voices, that will help give me some type of clue.

"How is she doing doctor? Is there any progress?"

That sounds like Dad. What's he doing here? How long have I been out? He got here quick enough.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mars but there seems to be no progress. The chances of her waking up after being in a coma for so long is slim to none. It's been almost a month now. I'm sorry, but maybe it's time to talk about her other options."

"You can forget about it. You are not pulling the plug. My daughter is stronger than that. She's a fighter. I know she's going to wake up. Just give it a little more time. Please?"

Coma? A month? Pulling the plug? What the hell? I've been out that long? I didn't think it was that serious. No this is not happening. I won't allow this. He's right about one thing. I'm too strong for this. If I can get my body to work, then I sure as hell can open my eyes. Maybe I should get my pressure up and make the machines go off. Then they'll know some things happening.

"Ok Keith. We'll give it just a little more time. Then...what's that?"

Good I think I got there attention.

"What's happening? What's wrong with my daughter?"

Sorry dad. Don't mean to scare you more, but I need you to know that I'm awake.

"Her blood pressure sky rocketed. Something's happening."

Now! Open you're eyes now.

"Look. Her eyes are opening. She's awake!"

"Dad..." I manage to croak out.

"Yes sweetie. I'm here for you. Daddies here for you."


A few hours later, and I'm sitting up on the bed with dad sitting beside me in a wheelchair. A knock on the door stops me from finding out what happened.

"You're awake. Thank god for that. How you feeling?"

Oh god it's Logan! And he's holding a teddy bear. What is he doing here? Did he come to finish the job?

"Get away from me!" I scream out as he walks over to the bed. He stops and the smile on his face freezes. He looks over at Keith.

"What's going on?"

"Don't act confused. What the hell are you doing here? Don't you think you've done enough damage? I mean congratulations you succeeded with putting me in the hospital. What more do you want? Are you really willing to finish me off in front of my dad? Or are you going to pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about?"

"Honey. What's going on? Logan's here to see how you're doing. Why would he want to cause you damage?" Great he's already brain washed dad.

"Dad. Don't you get it? He's the reason I'm in the hospital. He's the one who stabbed me."

Dad and Logan shake their heads. "Honey are you sure you're ok? You weren't stabbed."

"I wasn't?" I look down at my stomach, but of course I can't see anything. So I lift the covers up to protect me as I lift my gown up. My stomach is smooth. I rub my hand all over trying to find the wound. There is none. I groan.

"I don't understand."

"Hey Veronica. I heard you were awake. How you feeling?"

"Duncan! Oh thank god you're ok! I didn't know what happened to you. But watch out for Logan." Duncan gives me a funny look. "Why?"

What does he mean why? "Um because he attacked us. What is wrong with everyone?"

I'm so confused and frustrated right now. Nothing makes sense. I rub my forehead with my palm. Trying to relieve the pressure.

"Veronica. What's wrong? Why would you even for a second think I would stab you? I mean I know you accused me of killing Lilly, but this is just ridiculous."

I lift my head up and look at him. Is he serious? "I accussed you because you did do it. You killed Lilly because she was sleeping with your dad. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you trying to confuse me? I thought you loved me? How could you use me like that?" I can't help it, but I started crying. Logan looks surprised. And confused.

"But dad did kill Lilly. You know this. You're the one who found the tapes. You're the one he went after. I wasn't even with you when this happened. Duncan was."

"I only found the tapes because you wanted me to. You wanted me to pin this on him so you could be off the hook."

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" Ms. Fennel walks in. I smile.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Oregon?"

"What would I be doing in Oregon?" She walks over and kisses dad.

Wait. What? Ms. Fennel and my dad? Wallace's mom?

"What's wrong with you honey? Trying to collect flies with your mouth?" I shut my mouth and look at him.

"When did this happen?"

"When did what happen? Are you sure she's ok Keith?" Ms. Fennel asks.

I look down at my hands trying to collect myself. Then I look up at Alicia. "How are you doing?" She looks at me like I've lost it.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know. Because of Wallace. I was just wondering how you were handling it and moving on."

"I'm sorry but what? Moving on from what? What's wrong with Wallace?"

"Yea what's wrong with me?"

Ok maybe I really have lost it. Wallace just walked in through the doors holding flowers. He smiles at me and I do all that I can to try and not pass out.

"Wallace? Is that really you?"

"Course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" He walks over to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How you doin?"

I open my mouth and all that comes out is a sob as the tears course down my face. I'm crying so hard I can't say anything. All I can do is hold on to him for dear life. I throw my arms around his shoulders and squeeze as hard as I can. He's alive!

Finally after some coaxing from Wallace, I'm able to stop squeezing, but I still hold on to his hand. To make sure he doesn't disappear on me.

"Alright I think it's time we got some answers now. Tell us what happened." Dad says this. And I'm willing to share just so I can get things straight.

"I guess everything started when we lived in Oregon..." After I told them everything, they all just kind of stared at me as they absorbed the information. During the whole speech, especially about the part of me and Logan dating, I couldn't look at him. I mostly just looked at Wallace. He's back and he's alive!

"Wow you really went through all of that? Well the doctor did say you would have side affects and I guess that's what he meant."

"What are you trying to say dad?"

"Honey that life isn't true. That's not real. You're real life is here in Neptune. You've lived here your whole life. Duncan Kane used to be your boyfriend and Logan and Lilly Kane used to be your best friends. Lilly died and Wallace and his mom moved to town. Aaron Echolls really did kill Lilly, and he went after you. He locked you up in a fridge and lit it on fire. That's why I'm in the wheelchair. I was badly burned as I got you out. And you've been in a coma ever since."

Speechless. I don't think I've ever been speechless before. But I believe him. When dad was telling me the real story, I could actually see it like it happened. I'm starting to realize that everything that happened, Wallace, didn't in fact happen. I smile, and everyone sighs in relief.

"I remember now. I'm sorry to have put you through that. But I'm ok now. Thanks."

"Sure thing. But I think it's time for you to get some rest. We'll come back in the morning. Bye sweetie." I kiss dad on the forehead before he wheels himself out. Everyone-including Wallace who's hand I finally let go of-left but Logan.

He cautiously walks over to me and sits in the chair next to my bed. Tears spring to my eyes as I think about the betrayal of Logan that didn't really happen, but of everything that really did happen.

"I'm sorry I ever accused you of killing Lilly. I don't know what got into me. I know that you would never hurt her. And I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. I guess things were just to good to be true. But Logan, if one thing I've learned, it's how much I really love you. The time I spent with you in my head was the happiest I've felt since before Lilly died. I love you Logan. Do you think you have it in you to forgive me?"

Logan gives me a lopsided smile just before he sits on my bed and puts his hands on my cheeks. "I love you Veronica Mars. As much as I tried not too and as much as I've tried to hate you, I just can't. I love you." He seals that promise with a searing kiss.

Yes, I like this reality better. Now I know me and Logan can be together.


See I'm not really an evil person. Lol I decided to give everyone what they wanted and have it be a dream. I hope you liked it, and let me here those sighs of relief everyone let out. And to let me know that you don't officially hate me ;p

Luvlogan-sara: Lol well I hope I get more than an Ugh on this one. I'm curious as to know what you were thinking. And be honest.

Twisted3ljw: I'm glad you were supportive. Lol I don't think I would have been able to pull it off if it wasn't for you. Thank you so much :)

Simply Lily: Lol Yea I wanted to be the first LoVe shipper to pull that off. No one had ever gone that route, and I said what the hell why not. Lol now you know I have to stones. I'm up for any challenge. Lol. I'm so glad Logan freaked you out cuz that's what I was going for. Thank you for supporting me :)

FanFicFairy514: I'm glad you loved it. Not many people did. I tried so hard to stay with the show, but to not copy it. Lol I hope I redeemed myself here.

Ivory Black: Yea I did twist it. I know everyone was hoping it would be Logan. And yes I meant Epilogue. Thanks for catching that.

QueenCate: It's ok, I'm just glad that you are still reviewing. Thanks I tried my best to tie it all together cuz it became such a challenge. He wasn't my main choice of the killer. I was actually gonna have Duncan be the killer, but it's like been there, done that. As for Logan, I knew he would never admit it, so I had him not say anything. Yea I loved adding Wallace's ghost at the end.

Wantingchino: Well I hope you change your mind of liking this story. I'm a big time Logan/Veronica shipper as well. Lol as for the dream...