A New Order
Disclaimer: I don't own this, I don't make money, and I don't own anything but the plot. So why sue, you have nothing to gain.
Chapter 4 – A Birthday, Transformations, and Training
Spells are in Italian
'Book titles'
Draco and Narcissa came running towards the master bedroom; a scream could be heard from inside, flinging open the door they rushed to the bed. Lying in the middle of it was Harry Potter-Pendragon. A cold sweat was running down his body as he shivered from the result of another Voldermort induced nightmare. Gentle shaking him, Draco whispered, "Harry, it's just a dream. Pull out of it. We still need you here."
Slowly Harry woke, still shaking as he remembered the dream. "Why, why me," Harry moaned before falling back into a restless sleep.
"Mother, he can't go on like this we have to find away to help him." Draco stated coldly. "Yes, Draco we will find an answer. Come on we'll go to the library. A solution will be their if anywhere," Narcissa told her son. Before walking out the door, and heading towards the main library. Draco soon followed.
Breakfast the next morning was a quiet, no one wanting to talk about last night and the horrors Harry must have seen. Draco, and Narcissa had found a cure but it involved a potion and a spell. The potion was already in place, diluted in Harry's pumpkin juice. Now all they had to do was wait for him to drink it all, then they could cast the spell. The spell it self was nothing fancy, found in an old book that was titled "Removing Failed Curses" the authors name was unknown and the only copy was in this library. At the moment it was sitting open at a table to the page with the counter cure for a failed AK curse.
Suddenly two voices called out "Linkis Reversi Deletis". The light from the two spells combined hit Harry in the forehead. Crying out in pain he hit the ground. Narcissa and Draco ran towards him afraid that they had hurt him.
"I, I can't feel him any more. It's as if our link disappeared," Harry whispered.
"It worked," His two companions yelled in joy.
"What worked, why you are so happy?" Harry moaned.
"The spell, it really removed your connection. You are no longer connected to the dark lord." Draco exclaimed excitedly.
"Thank you, you have no idea how, how much this means to me," Harry said.
POP, "Master, it's time for you to go to the warded room, don't forget your weapons. The time of your transformation has arrived," a house elf yelled before disappearing.
"Damn, I have to go, I'll see you soon." Harry yelled as he ran towards his room to gather his sword, and staff.
Damn. Why can't I ever be normal? Nope always different… "Ahh," Harry screamed as the pain became unbearable, a blinding light appeared, covering the whole room before it died down, revealing a new Harry. He now stood 6 feet 5 inches, with long, straight, silky black hair, streaks of silver running through it and his ears had become more pointed, courtesy of his elfish heritage. His eyes were glasses free, and he no longer had a skinny, weak frame. Now he had a muscular, athletic body, that looked as if he spent every hour of his day active. He also needed less sleep now, thanks to his vampire heritage. His human heritage gave him his magic, which increased three fold, making the already powerful man, twice the power that Voldermort or Dumbledore could ever achieve. His eyes were still an emerald green but now had a twinkle in them that suggested he knew something you didn't. Along with these physical transformations came some with his mind, now it was organized, and the practice of protecting his mind perfected. He also had a photogenic memory, capable of remembering anything he had ever read, learned or was going to read in the future. Hmm, I think I am going to like this.
"Sit down everyone. Bill I need you talk to the bank manager. We need to get access to the Potter and Black Family Vaults."
"No. I will not steal for you Dumbledore." Bill coldly told the headmaster.
"Yes. You will do what I tell you," demanded Albus.
"No, I refuse to," replied Bill in an even colder voice.
"You will do what you are told to," started Albus.
"That's it, we quit," screamed Fred, George and Bill together.
"Fine, Oblivate" Dumbledore calmly cast.
"What, why are we here." They asked, acting as if the charm had succeeded.
"Never mind, just know that you need to leave." Molly told her sons.
Calmly they left the room, smiling to themselves over the fact they had gotten one over Dumbldore and their mother. They would never betray Harry, he was family to them. Even if their mother couldn't see that.
"Wow, are these all for me," an amazed Harry asked as he surveyed the dining room.
"No, there for some boy called Harry." Draco joked.
"Shut up."
"Just open your gifts, Harry," Narcissa kindly told the young boy.
As he opened gifts from Narcissa, Draco, Bill, the Twins, and Ginny laughs could be heard through out the manor. The twins gave him a box of joke, of course being the jokesters they are, the present was hidden under a Hogwarts toilet seat, on the bottom was a note saying that they would always be on Harry's side after all who founded their shop. Ginny sent him a pensive that she found in a second hand shop along with a note that Dumbledore was recruiting spies to watch Harry, telling them he was going dark. "Damn that man," Harry scowled.
Bill gave him an ancient book on curse breaking and cursing, Egyptian style. Finally as he reached Draco and Narcissa's present he smiled. It was a rare tiger wolf cub, the magical version of a wolf. "Thanks, I think I'll name it dreamer, it rather like Luna's eyes are.
The rest of Harry's birthday went along ok, until the howler came.
"That was interesting," Draco stated.
"Ya, I guess it was," Harry laughed, "wonder if I will get to pick my classes.
Harry's Pov
"History of the Old Bloods" by Arthur Pendragon
The Old Bloods are the ancient families that can be traced back to the times when magic was founded. They are the original beings taught by me, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot and Merlin. Together we created what is known as magic and taught it to a few trusted families. The families we taught include the Gryffindor, Slytherins, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Blacks, and Longbottoms. From their each family taught their apprentices. The rest of the wizards that have sprouted out are called New Blood (taught by the Old Bloods, Line stated after the Old Bloods.), Purebloods (taught by the New Bloods and the Line started 800 to 100 year's ago.) or Muggleborns (taught by New Blood, and have no family lines). The New Bloods are all in an alliance with an Old blood; Muggleborns and Purebloods have the choice of joining an alliance but usually do not as it is against their 'beliefs' and stops them from gaining a better position.
House of Pendragon
Old Blood Alliances to the House of Pendragon
Old Blood Families: - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Blacks, and Longbottoms.
New Blood Families: - House Potter, House Bone, House Lupine, and House
History of the Pendragons
The Pendragon line was long thought to be gone. Unknown to the general public was the fact the family married into the Evans Line. Most members of this family were squibs marrying other squibs only to produce squibs. The first heir in 500 years was Lily Evans-Potter, who sadly could not claim her title in time. Harry Potter-Pendragon is the current heir to the line, and has chosen to bring the line back to the Wizarding world.
Magical Talent and Explanations for the Head and Spouse of the Line
Wandless Magic – The ability to do any magic with out a wand or focusing stone.
Magick – the original magic, lost to most of the magical population
Runic Magic – Rune magic at its truest form
Ward Masters – Capable of putting up the strongest wards that only they can take down.
Atlantian Battle Magic – War magic, used in desperate situations and highly dangerous.
Wow, I can do all this. Hmm. I better start to training if I want to stay fit. Snapping out of his thoughts Harry walked to the muggle training room and began to run for an hour. At first it was a slow and tedious process, running around the large room. Finally he stopped and began to weight train. Starting with small weights he worked his way up using sets of 10. Working with free weights, a bench press, and some other weight equipment he began to build up his stamina. Calling it quits after two hours he headed for his next room, the libray.
Entering the library he literally began to absorb the knowledge thanks to his photographic mind. Picking up a new book he reflects on what he ahs learned from his Ancient Texts so far. They included Advance Battle Magic from Atlantis, Forgotten Magicks, and Runic Magic by Rowena Ravenclaw, Theory behind Wandless Magic, The Mind Arts, and Ancient Japanese Martial Arts.
He had already memorized all his Hogwarts Text books, from year one to seven, along with Master textbooks in Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, and Rune Magic. He could probably beat most of the professors in their own subjects.
He had also found some long lost spell books in one section of his library. He had read Parsle Magic by Salazar Slytherin, Wand Making by M. Ollivander, Dueling with Magic and Weapons by Merlin, Goblin, Elves and Veela Customs and Ancient Laws and Traditions in the Wizarding World.
"Stupefy," yelled Draco.
"Protego," murmured Harry, "Lazo"(1)
"Protego último (2)," screamed Draco.
"Stupefy," Harry said lazily.
The duel went on far another half and hour before Harry and Draco finished their duel. Of course Harry won using an advance binding spell and then stunning him. "Wanna play again," grinned Harry.
"Damn you, I still need to be intact for the ride tomorrow," moaned Draco as he got up.
To be continued….
1 – Lazo – Bind
2 – último - Ultimate
Authors Note: Thanks for all those who have reviewed. What do you think about this chapter, was it good was it bad?
Now for a vote: Should Seamus and Dean betray Harry and Spy on him or should they stay on his side.
Blue Werewolf Boy