Another sold-out crowd. Thousands of screaming fans. 3 marriage proposals. She always knew whenever she received an invitation to marriage, it was always a great show. As she walked back to her dressing room, Trish was satisfied with her performance tonight. There were a few songs she could've done better. There were a few dance moves that could've been sharper. But her fans loved it, and she was happy.

Ever since the release of her latest album, Pure Stratusfaction, Trish Stratus has been traveling non-stop. If it wasn't a show, it was an interview. If it wasn't an interview, it was a promotional appearance. If it wasn't a promotional appearance, she damn sure was sleeping. Even though, she has had a successful solo career for the past 15 years, Trish still amazed her fans and critics alike with new material. While her concentration was mostly on R&B and hip-hop, she was known to branch out to pop and do some alternative tracks every once in awhile. She has done duets with the biggest names in music and she was regarded as one of the best singers of all time.

While her career was on track, so was the sideshow called her life. Trish was known to play the field and the tabloids had a field day with that one. Ever since her break-up with former boyfriend, Jeff Hardy, Trish has opted to enjoy being single and date. And it wasn't like she was lonely. With her long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and svelte figure, Trish was a hot commodity. Especially to one particular person.

As she entered her dressing room, she was surprised by the plethora of roses waiting for her. She felt her face form a big smile as she instantly knew who it was. He never ceases to amaze me. She walked over to the vase of roses that were in front of her mirror and read the card.

I miss you terribly, baby. Meet me at Smackdown tomorrow night.


Trish folded the card and tucked it away in her luggage. You're really laying it on thick, aren't you? While she was resistant not refer to him as her boyfriend, Trish concluded that David Batista was more than her friend. They met during Wrestlemania weekend when Trish was a special guest of her friend, Stephanie McMahon. Trish was so impressed with Dave's athletic built—not to mention that he was pretty damn hot—that she wanted him to co-star with her in one of her videos. He didn't hesitate as long as there was a love scene, which both parties spent an ample time rehearsing again and again.

Things have been slowly heating up between her and the WWE Superstar. And it wasn't going unnoticed. While Dave and Trish tried heaven and hell to keep their affair a secret, people still discussed it. Maybe it was the way that they would coyly sit right beside each other at local bars. Maybe it was the way that they would play around in front of the other wrestlers. Or maybe it was persistent rumor that they slept together and a lot of people were curious since neither party would confirm or deny it.

Either way, Dave had a wicked hold of Trish and she didn't care. She wasn't about to let go, even though she needed to. While they both agreed that their arrangement was only a sexual one due to their travel schedules, Dave and Trish knew there was something more to that. There was a lot more to that. And that was the problem. Trish was falling in love with Dave Batista—a wonderful and charming man—who is married.

Author's Note: This is just a prelude to a story that's been playing in my head for a while. I'll continue the story based on the reviews I receive for it. I probably won't update for a couple weeks but I wanted to put something out there. Let me know what you think!