Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters, places et al. are owned by J.K. Rowling
A/N: So I got bored and started writing again... :) It is a sequel to my previous story, "Change". I could have written a fanfic in a more classic environment, but I liked the setting of my previous fanfic, and some of the characters I created. And now I'll have some new ones :)
„So it is confirmed?" the hooded figure asked into the darkness.
"Yes," the darkness answered. "Our contacts in the ministry heard rumors, that they will finally come out of their hiding. After all these years…"
"We will have revenge. They will pay. Oh yes…"
"But we must be careful or we lose everything."
"Yes," he whispered. "I'll make the necessary arrangements. It will not be easy, but it shall be done!"
Chapter One
He looked across the tables below him, full with eager faces of students looking up at him. The occasional lightning bold from the thunderstorm outside sent the occasional strobe of light into the hall and highlighted them even further. Though he knew that they were really looking forward to the great feast, and not his speech; thought that sent a stab of pain through his soul. In the past years, he had worked hard to shed some of his previous character traits, especially now that he was Headmaster and had to live up to expectations such exalted positions brought with them.
The lights of thousand candles floating in air shed the Great Hall in a warm, flickering light, even the deep green and silver of Slytherin's house colours seemed warmer and friendlier. He smiled as he saw it, though he tried not to show it. He was supposed to be impartial, but seeing his house winning the house cup time and again after waiting all these years still warmed his heart.
The sorting ceremony was over and the new students seated, so it was time for his welcome speech. He smoothed out a strand of his long hair and raised his voice.
"Students, new and old," Severus Snape started to speak, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" The students furiously clapped. "It's good to see so many new faces, and sad, that so many have left the school. But such is the turn of time. Hogwarts demands, and gets, the best, so be warned that the school will not tolerate slackers or laziness. We encourage you to become independent, bright young wizards, but not reckless. This school has rules and guidelines, and they will be observed, even if you might think they are stupid. Mr. Filch", he pointed at the impossibly frail looking man, who despite his age somehow managed to still be at the school, "will make sure they are observed. "The forest-"
Snape stopped suddenly as the candles started to flicker as if a strong wind was rushing at them and soon the first went out, quickly followed by others, scores by scores. As the lights went out, coolness rose from the floor that sent shivers through his body. Darkness, far darker than the mere absence of candles could ever produce crept from the corners and cracks of the walls, until, without warning, all light went out. Someone yelled "Lumos" but to no avail.
He heard a loud banging sound, as if the doors of the great hall were kicked open. As suddenly as the lights went, they slowly returned, candle by candle. The occasional flashes of light from the thunderstorm further helped to cast the Great Hall in an eerie light revealing two persons standing in the middle of the Great Hall, right between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.
Before he could speak, several wands were out from teachers and pupils alike.
"Identify yourselves!" Snape shouted, his wand out as well.
The two persons stood there, unmoved, unperturbed, in long and elegant cloaks, like statutes of black marble. In a swift, floating movement, they removed their hoods and showed a teenaged girl and boy.
"Liandra and Ereb Malfoy-Potter," the girl answered him in a calm voice clear as crystal.
There was an outcry of shocked disbelief by almost the whole Hall.
The stunned silence that followed was as thick as the darkness that came before it.
The doors of the small study behind the teacher's table shut with a loud bang. Outside Snape heard the rising chatter and conversations as the students were discussing this outrage and the teachers trying to calm them down.
"Who are you, really?" Snape snapped.
"I told you, Professor", the girl answered him levelly. "I am Liandra Malfoy-Potter, and this is my brother, Ereb. And we are here to go to school. It is a school, right?" She said mockingly.
He fought down the rising anger. The last person who brought him that close to the edge was "Potter," he hissed. He breathed sharply in and regarded the two intruders.
"If I am to believe you," he finally spoke, "and for the moment I am, what do you want here?" And he truly believed them, for their looks alone. Even though it was hard to believe at first, the resemblance was there. The girl, he realised, had a lot of Lilly Potter, most prominently the eyes and her lips. The perfectly cut face was framed by elegantly flowing midnight black hair, contrasting with the full red of her lips. The demeanour was clearly Malfoy, though. The boy seemed to have more of the Malfoy line physically. He was tall, already as tall as he himself, but not lanky. Beneath the expensive clothing he must hide a muscular body, he surmised. The face, as beautiful as his sister's, with the high cheekbones and strong jaw line, was set in a mane of white-blond hair. The green-grey eyes observed his every move. Together with the way he moved - like a predator following its prey – made for a very disturbing presence. Children of same sex couples was something that happened occasionally. All it took was a willing surrogate mother and some magic to achieve. Though he never thought the Potter and Malfoy lines would cross in that combination. The Daily Prophet would go insane over this.
"My sister told you," the boy opened his mouth, and the voice was so deep as if it came from some rocks grinding at each other, "we are here to attend this school for the final two years. We are to get O.W.L.s and then move on to N.E.W.T.s."
"Preposterous," Snape said immediately. "You can't come rushing in here and demand to enter this school, and expect to be welcomed here. You don't have the knowledge-"
"You will find that we do have the necessary skills," Liandra interrupted him haughtily. "But our fathers told us that you might be somewhat resistant to this. I am sure Uncle Lucius will not be delighted to hear your decision."
Snape stopped. Lucius… Despite all his past, the snivelling Malfoy had managed to regain his former power with startling speed and even built further on it. Controlling both the Potter and Malfoy holdings certainly helped him, especially with 'Potter' fame now behind him. And now he was far more powerful than ever. And as his own career somewhat depended on the trust of the school governors, he ground his teeth, but tried to smile instead. "Very well," his voice was vitriolic. "You may have your wish. But you must be tested first, and tested you will be. You will now be sorted into your house, and meet me tomorrow in my office after I have discussed it with the Ministry. Understood?"
"Of course," the twins said in unison.
"And what about your fathers?" He asked them, finally giving in to his curiosity. "Where are they? They might need to sign things." Not necessarily, he thought, but they didn't know that, did they?
"They are around, I can assure you," Liandra fluted. "And if there is anything to sign, Uncle Lucius will be more than pleased to sign them for them instead."
"I would rather meet them personally. Mr. Potter and Malfoy have been missing for almost 20 years now, and suddenly their children pop up?"
"I think you should ask them yourself, when and if you should meet them. But they're entrusting this school – and you – with our safety; that counts for something."
After they left the study again, they were sorted. The crowd of students fell silent and watched. The faces showed a wide variety of emotions, ranging from curious interest to pure hatred, especially from the Slytherin side. Their parents didn't seem to have left a good impression with some of their parents it seemed.
Liandra was first. The sorting hat was placed on her head and she heard him mutter.
"Difficult, really," he whispered. "Just like young Harry, so many possibilities…" The hat squirmed above her head. "Gryffindor or Slytherin; it's both there." It murmured some more, but she didn't understand, when it finally shouted "Gryffindor!"
The hat was lifted, and she stood up. The Gryffindor's reaction was mixed. A great many clapped and shouted; the name Potter still had power and repute. It was the Malfoy part that lead to some grim looking students, most prominently a small group of red-headed students. As she stepped down towards the Gryffindor table, the hat shouted another "Gryffindor" behind her. At least her brother and she weren't separated. If she had to endure this, better not alone. She waited for him to come down, and together they sat down at the table, looking into the faces of curious Gryffindors.
Interesting times lay ahead, just as Harry had promised.