Disclaimer: I do not own, nor am I associated with anything to do with Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, or any of the cast members of the movies.

Chapter 1

Rain poured down all around as harshly as was physically possible. The air was frigid, and the wind seemed to reflect what was going on. There was no denying it: this was the end. Not just the end of the school year, but the end of an era. Whosoever lost this last battle lost the war, and lost more than their life, but the lives of others would also be affected. One wrong move and that would be it. It only took two words to take away a life.

There was no escape. A crowd had gathered on this hilltop to witness the fate of the known world. As a bolt of lightning cracked, a proverbial line became visible: two groups. One was dark, menacing, and cloaked to match the darkness of night. The other was fearful, yet hope was glimmering through their eyes as they watched a 17 year old boy walk toward his foe, toward his destiny.

A figure stood in front of the shadows. His face marred and hatred gleamed in his eyes. There was no denying that he was the very essence of evil, the epitome of greed and hatred. The Dark Lord watched this boy step before him. For a brief moment, a sense of awe struck him. How was it that this…boy...stood between him and the remnants of the world that awaited its destruction? Was he not afraid of facing the most powerful wizard of all time? Yet here he was! A boy! This awe revealed a slight grin as the Dark Lord realized the irony of the situation. After all, it was at this age that his power began to grow; a shadow of his present self, but still a powerful wizard. He dared not look at this boy as anything less than a threat. To his credit, the boy had lasted in a duel with him, and lived to tell about it. He had also finally solved his enigmatic secret knowledge of horcruxes. He knew something the boy did not, though. He would not lose this night. Not after everything that had happened, no he would not!

As Harry Potter walked forward to meet his adversary, he knew fear. There was no denying that he was ready for this, but that didn't make it any easier. His friends were behind him. As he thought back on recent events, his heart hardened. It was this…this…thing in front of him that had taken away almost all that he held dear. He would not stand to let this go. There was no way!

Both men drew their wands. The moment was drawing nearer, and the anticipation was felt. Lord Voldemort raised his left hand, drawing with it a sword that looked all too familiar to Harry. He knew what that had to be. As a realization hit him, he lost a little faith. Regrouping fast, he took a few more steps to the dark figure ahead of him. The Dark Lord passed the sword to another man and walked forward. No one moved. Not a sound was uttered.

Time itself stood still. A moment that had been waited upon for almost 18 years had arrived. The rain stopped as the wind held its breath. As a bolt of lightning struck the ground directly between the two duelists, two curses were said. Simultaneously, two green bolts erupted from the wands and hurled directly at their opponents…

Harry awoke screaming. He looked around. It was only a dream, wasn't it? That moment couldn't have happened…after all, he had only been back at Privet Dr for a couple weeks. He stood up, rubbing his eyes as he looked out the window into the darkness. The darkness that would be as whole as ever until the events that took place in his dream became reality. Would it happen that way, Harry thought. Would I lose that much before that moment comes? And when will this occur? Harry's thoughts were driving him mad as he returned to his bed.

For these past couple weeks, he'd been thinking about the very same night. Not as vivid as this dream, but nevertheless, the same night. It had been a very interesting beginning to the summer. After he'd gotten home, he was "requested" to tell the Dursleys exactly what had been going on and to explain why he left so abruptly last summer. Though it took a lot of patience and a lot of endurance (after all, having his name be "idiot," "boy," and "one of them" for several minutes, it became hard to concentrate!), Harry explained the whole story. All the while, fear crept into the hearts of Number 4's occupants as the realization of the events of the wizarding world were suddenly slurred with their own. Though he was ignored more, which Harry thought was gracious of them, they gave him a little more respect. A little is perhaps too generous of a word, but at least he wasn't subjected to many insults since his arrival.

He was glad he had Hermione and Ron. He probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. As a matter of fact, he knew he wouldn't. After all they'd been there for him through the puzzles of his first year, the Chamber of Secrets, the Triwizard Tournament, and so much more. He couldn't imagine life without them, and he hoped he wouldn't have to. They were his heart and soul. Lying back down, he reminisced on happier times…

He thought of the first time he met Hermione and Ron. He remembered their investigations through every year at Hogwarts. He thought about the Chamber of Secrets and saving Ginny. Then he remembered the end of his sixth year. He remembered their walks by the lake, the feeling of her fingers intertwined with his, the taste of her lips on his…

He stopped right there. He knew that he'd rushed that decision, but he knew it was right. He cared so much about her, but he wouldn't allow her to be hurt. Not ever, not as long as his name was Harry James Potter. After all, his father had died for the woman he loved…wait, love? Did he love Ginny? Could he? No, it couldn't have happened. But yet, there it was. He wouldn't admit it to anyone. He would take this love to his grave, if it meant that was how it ended. Otherwise, maybe after the battle he could chance it. If he lived, that is.

He gave up on reasoning this point, and fell back asleep. His dreams were of those happier moments. But darkness always loomed in the distance of these moments. That would soon end. One way or the other, it would soon end.


Ginny wasn't the only thing on Harry's mind. She was just one of the many things that he'd lost recently. Sirius was still the lowest blow, but losing Dumbledore instilled a fear in Harry's heart that he could not ignore. If this dream came to pass, surely he would lose. Without Dumbledore behind him, what was he to do…

That last day with Dumbledore was on an endless loop in Harry's head as tomorrow became the present. The trip to the cave where Voldemort had cursed the other children when he was younger had been a bit more than Harry expected. The lake was eerie, and the events with the Inferi haunted him each time his mind retraced that expedition. How close had he come to his death in that cave! Luckily Dumbledore was there to save him…yet that had been Dumbledore's second to last mistake, was drinking that accursed fluid Harry poured down his throat. Harry cursed himself under his breath. It was his fault Dumbledore was weakened before Snape had finished him off. There was no other explanation. And he would pay. Oh, yes, if it was the last thing Harry did, he would meet up with his old professor. How could he have not seen it coming? But, come to think of it, he'd been the only one to see it! He thought Draco Malfoy was up to something, and it turns out he was. He told his friends to watch out on the night he and Dumbledore left, and had it not been for his advice, they would surely have shared his headmaster's fate. He'd never be able to forgive himself if Ron, Hermione, or Ginny died and he wasn't able to stop it. He'd lost so much already that losing one of his closest friends would be the end of him.

Along with these thoughts came thoughts of the promises he'd made at the end of the school year. He promised Ron and Hermione he'd be there for Bill and Fleur's wedding, and he would honor his word. He would also return, for the first time since that fateful night sixteen years ago, to Godric's Hollow. He needed retribution, and he wanted to find it at the resting place of his parents. The incident at the graveyard his fourth year at Hogwarts had left a lasting mark on his soul, and he longed to be comforted like that again. The comfort he felt when he saw his mother and father. His parents had rescued him…again. The moment wasn't long enough, and he hoped that by returning to their home in the Hollow, he would find some comfort from his parents. At the very least, something he could take with him to remind him of his parents. His memory swept yet again through the years to his introduction to the Order of the Phoenix preceding his fifth year.

Mad-Eye Moody had shown him a picture of the original Order, and his eyes locked right onto his parents. They looked so happy, all of them did. Sirius was there, even Dumbledore. In the midst of all the danger taking place around them, they were content to be who they were, where they were. Harry hoped that the Order would once again have that closeness about them before the final battle, yet feared that would never come to pass. With Dumbledore gone, Sirius gone, and a few more out of action, the Order was shrinking in numbers. Perhaps it was time that he joined them. They would need him, after all. He would have to inform them of the Prophecy, but that would be fine. He wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to protect the ones he loved. Never again would Voldemort take someone away from him. If Harry couldn't stop it, he'd push them away so they wouldn't be in danger. He didn't mind being hurt by being alone: just as long as it was only him who was hurt, and not someone he cared about.

Finally, his mind brought him to the end of his last year, his sixth at Hogwarts. Everything was going fine, until the end. He had Ginny and his friends, he had Dumbledore, and he had a chance against Voldemort. With Dumbledore behind him, they would definitely win this war. But the Dark Lord knew he had to dispose of the only wizard he ever feared before his course would be clear. Harry dreaded thinking about it, but he knew what he had to do. The path in front of him was not going to be an easy one, and the sooner he got onto it, the better. For as soon as he set foot on that path, the faster the final confrontation would take place.

He'd made up his mind before he even got back that he would leave as early as possible. He'd kept his promise to Dumbledore, as had his aunt and uncle. He needed to start searching for the other horcruxes, and he needed to start now. His relatives wouldn't need a full explanation: they'd already received that. He just had to decide when to tell them, and explain that he wasn't coming back. They'd be overjoyed to hear that for sure! With a determined feel about him, he got up and went to his desk. The sky was growing lighter, meaning that the day was approaching. The sun never came out anymore, as the mist and cloudiness was too much for the sun's rays to penetrate.

Harry sat at his desk and grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment. He would write to Ron, telling him that he would need a ride back to the Burrow for the wedding and to make it as soon as possible. He put the quill to the parchment and wrote:

Hey, Ron.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I've been kind of stuck in my own world for a while, but I have come to the conclusion that I need to start fulfilling the promise I made, and start looking swiftly. I'd love to meet up with you sometime in the near future, so let me know when that can be, and how, and I'll see you then. Hope your summer's going better than mine,


Content with the letter after a couple re-reads, he gently pulled Hedwig out of her cage. She wasn't very content at all, seeing as how her summers consisted of being locked in a birdcage, but she was more concerned this summer than all the rest for some reason. It was almost as if she could sense that something was bothering Harry, and something that was beyond his or anyone's control. She was truly a smart bird. Harry tied the letter to Ron around her leg. She nipped his fingers affectionately, and stood waiting for more instructions.

"Hedwig, I need you to take this to Ron at the Burrow. It's important he gets this as soon as you can get it to him. I need to meet up with him so I can start getting a move on this mission of mine. Can you do that?"

The snow owl gave him another nip on the fingers and a deep hoot of confirmation before beating her wings and flying out of the window.

Well, that's one thing taken care of, thought Harry. Now all he had to do was let his relatives know about his plans, and await the reply from Ron. And save the wizarding world while he was at it, which, of course, would be a cinch. It'd probably be as easy as catching a Snitch out of thin air while a tornado was ripping through London at top velocity. Nervous though he was, Harry started to pack his things. He knew it'd be a little while before he got word from Ron, but he had to be ready for anything. After all, last year around this time, Dumbledore himself came to pick him up on rather late notice. As he sat in the middle of his room, half his things packed, Harry thought about what he was going to say to his aunt and uncle. He wanted to make it quick and to the point, yet something tugged at his heart to make it a little more meaningful. Chances were that this would be the last conversation with either of them he would have.


The gloomy day dragged on as Harry continued packing his things. He continually got distracted by his books on Quidditch from Hermione, and the old notes he'd received from years past as he relived each moment one more time. Many of the things in the letters he'd forgotten already. Had it been that long since these events took place? Even the letters during the summer before his fifth year which later infuriated him, seemed like a distant memory. After each letter, he'd put it away, reflect a little more, and feel his anticipation and anxiety grow waiting for Ron's reply letter. After all the letters had been sorted out, the books put away, and his clothes crammed into his trunks, he turned towards the door. Although he'd been distracted with the letters and books and packing, he had also thought about what he was going to say to his relatives for their last conversation.

Making up his mind, he walked to the door with a purpose. As he walked down the stairs, his walk became slower. By the time he'd reached the bottom of the stairs, he knew exactly what he would say, and how he would put it to them. Walking into the kitchen, he got everybody's attention. After all, it'd been a while since he'd walked purposefully into a room with them in it. Let alone walk right up to Vernon himself!

"Well, boy," he said as Harry took a seat, "you seem to be quite confident today. Any particular reason? You aren't having any of those…those…well, your kind over here anytime soon, are you?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I was just coming down to talk to you and Aunt Petunia about leaving…"

Harry waited for this statement to sink in before continuing. There was quite the change in atmosphere as Uncle Vernon fell back into his seat with the most surprised look on his face that Harry had ever seen. He chose that moment to add…

"…for good."

If Harry had a camera, he sure could've used quite a few roles of film now! Vernon's face wasn't the purple color it usually was when he was upset. No, quite the contrary, to be honest. It was glowing brightly. So brightly, in fact, that Harry could not recall the last time he ever saw Uncle Vernon this happy, or if he'd ever seen his uncle this happy, for that matter.

"Is this true! Well, Harry, tell me more, my boy! When is this, err, event, going to take place?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to discuss with you. I've just sent word to my friend, Ron, and asked him if he could meet me somewhere. In the past, err, my kind have come directly here to pick me up. This time I'm saving you the trouble."

"This is spectacular news, Harry! I say, spectacular news!" Finally, this boy would be out of his home, and FOR GOOD, he said! This was a day he would remember for the rest of his life…the day his dreams came true, Vernon told himself. Nothing could destroy this feeling. Not even if one of those dementee, demen…those big black sucky things came into his house, or the old man, or a flying car…It was ALL going to be over, and soon!

The fact that Uncle Vernon was using Harry's name (and my boy!) told him that this was going to work as he'd planned. Shocked though he was at his uncle's drastic change in treatment towards him, he continued.

"I'm already packed. I spent all day going through my things. I promise I won't leave anything behind. And as soon as I hear something from Ron, I'll let you know when I'm leaving, and take off."

"Well that is certainly taking care of business, boy! Why couldn't you have shown this much aptitude earlier in your life!" Uncle Vernon tried to calm himself, and mildly succeeded. "Harry, I just wanted to say…"

But before he could say anything, there was a loud crack coming from the living room. Everyone stood still, expecting something to blow up. Then a familiar voice was heard…

"Harry? Harry, are you there?"

Harry knew that voice. It was Ron! That must mean he was using the fireplace to let him know what was going on. He didn't think Hedwig would fly that fast! He suddenly remembered where he was, and looked up at his uncle, expecting a red-faced man ready to explode. Instead, he saw almost a proud look on his face as he looked back at Harry.

"Well, why don't you answer him? You said as soon as you knew something, didn't you? In fact, I'll even join you. Come Petunia, Dudley, let's all go!"

Petunia and Dudley weren't sure how to take the situation. Truth be told, they'd never seen Vernon like this either. The fact that he was willingly talking to someone who performed magic was strange enough. But they followed him cautiously into the den area, where Harry was already in conversation with the…the…face in the fireplace?

"So you got my message, then?" Harry said breathlessly.

"What? Oh, yeah, we did," replied Ron, just remembering the owl. "When did you send the thing? Hedwig is exhausted!"

"This morning, early. I've never seen her fly that fast before."

"Neither have I, Harry. Anyways, my mum wanted me to let you know that dad's already getting a rental car to pick you up. He'll be taking a Trixie, I think it's called."

"A taxi," Harry laughed. He forgot what it was like to laugh and actually have a fun conversation.

"Yeah, one of those. He doesn't want to be conspicuous. He said he wanted you to stay at your house, though, until he gets there."

Harry turned fast, fearing what his uncle would say. Vernon, however, sat there beaming, and actually leaned into the fireplace!

"Ron, is it? Harry is welcome to stay until your father picks him up. As long as he doesn't come in, that is. I'd rather not have to redo something else that'll blow up or something, you know?" he chuckled as he leaned back out. This was bizarre, Harry told himself.

"Well great then," Ron responded. "He said he should be there by tomorrow afternoon sometime, so be ready, Harry."

"I'm already packed," Harry and Vernon said in unison. Ron sensed the strangeness of the situation, recalling the past few encounters with Harry's uncle, and wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation.

"Alright, well I guess I'll see you soon then. Bye, Harry."

"Bye Ron," Harry said, as the head of his friend in the fireplace disappeared. If he'd have been told that morning that he'd be gone from here the following afternoon, he wouldn't have believed it. But it was true!

"Well, I'd say it's time for a meal, wouldn't you?" Uncle Vernon said, breaking his train of thought. "What would you all like to have? Pizza? Hamburgers? We can even go out if you'd like!"

Never in Harry's dreams would he have imagined this possibility! But as it was his last night with these…relatives, he would accept their hospitality for the first and last time.


Dinner with the Dursleys wasn't the most fun Harry had recently had. He wouldn't have even ranked it in the top 100 things. But it did rank, however. Actually having a meal with them was one thing, but not being insulted or talked down too (too much, anyways) was also unique. Uncle Vernon continually calling the waitress for more food was kind of a nuisance, and Dudley trying to put the moves on some of the younger girls in the place was also very interesting. Trying, but not succeeding, Harry snickered to himself. It wasn't the family he wanted. But for at least one night, he wouldn't regret being related to this one.

Dudley drove home, the situation being that Uncle Vernon had consumed a few too many alcoholic beverages, and Petunia was too paranoid of that "Volde-what's-his-face-thing" attacking them while Harry was away. The entire trip home, Harry tried to let her know that, by him leaving, there was no chance that would happen. He had to do this with shorted breath, however, as being in a car with Dudley driving was quite an adventure, and not the good kind! By the time they'd gotten home, Petunia was a new shade of white after the near-collisions with an older couple, three other vehicles (one being a double-decker bus), and several small animals (some regretfully did not survive to pass on their story). Vernon, however, could be heard from a block away, with his talk about how he was proud of his boy, Dudders, and he was glad to get rid of Harry (he still used his first name, remarkably).

As they all bedded down, Harry lay awake in his bed. A lot of lasts was this night. He wondered how many more nights like this he would have. If things went ill during his…confrontation with Voldemort, he would have had his last night at the Burrow, his last night with his friends, his last breath…

He shuddered at the thought, and decided to turn his thoughts to something more comforting: Hogwarts. He was still debating with himself about returning. How could he? Dumbledore wouldn't be there. One good thing was that Snape wouldn't be returning either. He'd told both Ron and Hermione that he probably wouldn't go back just a couple weeks ago. Yet why was he debating so harshly with himself over a choice that was seemingly already made? He knew the answer well before he'd even asked it, as it was his argument for going back: Hogwarts was his home.

He'd never known a place where he felt safer and more loved than Hogwarts. It wasn't without its misgivings, his enemies, and other imperfections, but it was without a doubt the place that Harry regarded as a sanctuary from the outside world. A large portion of his life was lived within those grounds, and to not finish what he started would be ridiculous. Yet how would he protect his friends if he was in Hogwarts? How would he find the horcruxes and finish this war? Another thought scared him…what would he do if he weren't there to protect them? If he were away from Hogwarts, he wouldn't be there to save anybody should something occur.

Well, I have the whole summer to think about it, Harry told himself. His sleep was a fitful one; his dreams filled with more possibilities of what was to come, and always ending with the rainstorm on top of that hill.


The following morning, Harry slept in. All that needed to be done was already done: he was packed, ready to go, and goodbyes were pretty much said (whether or not you counted Uncle Vernon's nonsensical rubbish at the end of the night as a good bye). When he awoke, he grabbed his trunk, Hedwig's cage, and walked down the stairs for the last time. He grabbed a bite to eat, sitting at the kitchen table. Dudley was playing video games next to him, so he just kept to himself. After his meal, he walked over to the den area and sat on the couch nearest the window. He could see Mr. Weasley coming from here.

After waiting for nearly two hours, a taxi pulled up. Harry rushed to the door, remembering Uncle Vernon's words to keep Mr. Weasley out of the house. As soon as he opened the door, he was pounced upon by what appeared to be a bushel of brown hair. Startled, he pulled back a little, and he was able to hear a voice coming from the bushel.

"Harry, we missed you!"

He knew this voice to be Hermione Granger's, and a smile came to his lips. Ron was also at the door, with a big smile on his face. Mr. Weasley was behind Ron at the car, trying to figure out how to pay the driver.

"I'll help you," Harry said, as he led his two best friends out from Number Four Privet Dr, walking out of the house for the final time in his life. He looked back, and smiled. Never again would he have to be bothered by these three Muggles again!

Mr. Weasley told the driver that he'd pay him when they got back to downtown London. He turned around and reached his hand out to greet Harry. The young wizard grabbed the outstretched hand and shook it firmly, glad to be back in the company of the ones he loved. This was his family, and they always would be. As he was about to open the door, it opened, and out stepped a beautiful fifteen-year-old girl with the most radiantly red hair Harry had known. He knew this angel, and as he looked into Ginny Weasley's eyes, he felt himself smile his biggest smile yet. She reached out her arms and pulled Harry into a big hug. He couldn't have been happier.

Inside the taxi, he sat between Ginny and Ron. Ginny wasn't as talkative as Harry remembered. He wanted to talk to her and further explain what happened and why they couldn't be together, but he couldn't do that just yet. There would be a time for that later. He would just wait until then.

"So Harry, were your aunt and uncle glad to see you go?" Ron asked.

"I can't remember if they've ever treated me like a family member before yesterday, to answer your question," Harry responded. Looking around, he saw all smiles and everyone laughed at this comment. They all knew the hardships he had endured as a child growing up, and even into his teenage years. Harry never realized how much he had missed laughing and smiling and actually enjoying life. His mind wasn't on Voldemort. It wasn't about those he'd lost. It was about the love he felt for every member of this car (minus the taxi driver, but in this mood, he might just include him for the moment). They returned to downtown London, and Mr. Weasley had him pull up into an older part of the city. Harry knew this part of London from two summers past as soon as he saw a very familiar phone booth right next to where the taxi stopped. He helped Mr. Weasley pay for the taxi, and they all walked up to the phone booth.

"No, you're not going to go to the Ministry today, Harry," Mr. Weasley softly, as if to calm Harry down. The past two times he'd been here had not been the most pleasant of visits.

"Ron, Hermione, you both know how to successfully Apparate, correct?" he asked. Both shook their heads yes.

"And Harry, you as well?" Harry confirmed this.

"Okay, then. Listen up, everybody. You will all Apparate to the Burrow as soon as I'm gone. I have some business to attend to at the Ministry. Ginny, you just grab onto somebody, and they'll take you."

"Okay, dad," Ginny replied, and wrapped her arms around Harry as soon as Mr. Weasley had used the phone booth to get to work. Harry felt comforted, yet at the same time, awkward. After all, he and Ginny were no longer together. He ignored it, and concentrated hard on the Burrow. As he stepped forward and spun, his world started swirling as if he was being sucked down a drain. He felt his feet leave the floor for just a moment. Then the floor reappeared. The blurs faded away, and he saw the Burrow. Oh, how he'd missed it. Ginny let go and backed away a little as Ron and Hermione came back. They all walked into the Weasley's house together, where Harry was greeted by Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Fleur, Bill's fiancée. The sights and smells that were so familiar all came floating back to Harry as he settled in. At least for now, his worries weren't the center of his life, and he could enjoy the company of his friends. No one could touch him now, not even Voldemort. He felt at home, at peace, and happy.