Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I do however love the books and movies.

Summery: Harry Potter was abandoned as a chiled on the streets of London. Now at the age of fifteen he continues to survive on the streets. Sirius was freed after the capture of Pettigrew, and is now searching for his godson.

Chapter one

If anyone really took a look at the petit, thin boy with long messy black hair and bright green eyes, they would have relised the boy was homeless. But no one really took a good look at the boy. They were too concerned about work or personaly problems to trouble themselves with paying any more attention then they had to.

Not that they boy helped them much. Over the years, he had learned to blend in as well as possible. Growing up on the streets had taught him a lot.

His name was Harry Potter. Currently he was walking to his appartment. He had found it a few years earlier. It was a run-down, condemed building that no one lived in. He had found it one afternoon while running from the police. He hid from the police because he didn't want to go to any orphanage or foster care. He opened the door and climed up the stairs to the room he occupied. The room was small, with things strown about it. There was a stack of books in the corner. Several blankets piled up, and a dirty old mattress he used as a bed pushed in a corner. He went over and sat on his bed and took off his book bag and began to take out the contents.

He took out several books. He had become friends with a local book store owner who would give him old books. He had met the bookstore owner through his frequent visits to the small bookstore. He used to spend hours reading the books. He favoured science and history books. He had continued his schooling as best as he could through the years. The bookstore owner, Mr. Wilson, gave him books that were the same as he would get if he went to a public school. They were old, used, and tattered, but he was always pleased to recieve them. Mr. Wilson also gave him books that were traded in. If there was a book that he wanted to read or keep, Mr. Wilson would trade an afternoon of work for books. Today, Mr. Wilson had given him a tade-in book called Ripley's Believe It Or Not!. He had a few of these already, and had them memorised. He enjoyed reading them. He opened the book and look through its contents. It was thick and had about 150 pages in it. He knew he'd have it memorised within a week. After reading a few pages, he placed the book next to his bed so he could read more a little later. He pulled his book bag closer and began to take out some food he had gotten from Mr. Wilson. There was a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, and a bottle of water. Mr. Wilson helped him out as much as he could. And Harry would help him if he ever needed it at the bookstore.

After eating he picked up his book and read until it was too dark to read and went to bed. Pulling a blanket over himself, he fell asleep soon after.

Dream Sequence

A large beefy man came over towards him. He knew he was in trouble. He had been called to the principals office, and to his suprise was given an award for his good behavior, and work at school. Normally, well, for anyone but him, this would be concidered a good thing. But for him, it was bad. Dudley Dursley, his cousin, had not recieved these awards. Infact, Dudley was barely passing the school year.

Vernon Dursley, the large beffy man, finally reached his nephew. After a few minutes of fake smiles to the teacher, and idol chat, he pulled the small boy to the car. Dudley was already seated in the car, enjoying a snack his father had brought him.

Harry noticed they were driving in the opposite direction of Number Four Privete Drive. At first, he was a little alarmed, but thought that maybe his uncle needed something from a store in this direction. The car pulled up to a diry part of the city they were at. Harry realised they were in London. The car pulled to a stop, and Vernon turned around to face his nephew.

"Get out." He said in a snarl.

Harry was too stuned to move. His uncle was kicking him out? Sure, he had threatened it in the past, but he'd never acted on that threat. What was he going to do? Where would he stay?

A hand rufly grabbing his shoulder and yanking pulled him out of his thoughts. Next thing he knew, he was on the pavement. He uncle got into the car slamed the door shut and drove off without a word. Harry sat dazed for a moment. Well, now what? He thought. He got to his feet and picked up his backpack and put it over his shoulder. Looking around he noticed it would be dark soon. He decided he needed to find a place to sleep for the night so he began to try and find a safe enough area.

End dream sequence

Harry awoke and gasped. He sat up after a moment and looked around. He had this dream often. Too often as far as he was concerned.

That had taken place just a week before the end of the school year. He and the Dursleys, his relatives, had never gotten along. They had just tollerated one another. He was five when this had happened. He loved school, even then. Dudley however, hated it. The only thing he liked was lunch and recess.

He had not seen his relatives since his uncle had droped him in the streets. He didn't care to see them either.

After splashing a little water over his face, he fell back into his bed, and was asleep shortly after.

A/N: Hello all! I had to write this down. This plot has been bothering me for a week now! Sorry its a short chapter. I have no clue how long this story will be. I hope you all like the first chapter. Magic will be a part of this story, just not yet. I am still writting chapter 13 for Life Changing. I am half way though. I'm trying to make it long.