Disclaimer: I don't own anything that is owned by the genius that is Tolkien.
A/N: This is my first fic. Okay, I'll admit it- I'm somewhat of a Mary-Sue fan. As long as they're well written and interesting, I can get hooked very easily. SO… I guess this is a Mary-Sue. Sorry. If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT. I hate flamers.
Song for Chapter: Rockin' the Suburbs by Ben Folds. I'll put parts of songs at the beginning of each chapter. Sometime they will have something to do with the chapter, and sometimes they won't. Like this one. I only put it in here cause I LOVE IT.
I got $hit running through my brain
so intense that I can't explain
all alone in my white boy pain
shake your booty while the band complains
Chapter One: The Beginning
You know, being pregnant really isn't that much fun. Sure, the first few weeks it's all, "Oh! I'm having a baby!" and after a while it turns to "NO! I'm having a BABY." Why couldn't the pregnancy process be easier? Without all the mood swings and pain and random cravings for pumpkin pie in the middle of the night, I think a lot more people would want to have kids. But then the world would be over populated because a lot of the women in the world are nymphomaniacs.
But it's a boy. I know it will be.
You're probably wondering how I got knocked up. Well…too bad. I'm not telling. Yet. It's too long of a story anyway.
I guess I should tell you how this whole mess started. So this is what went down that fateful October night:
I was coming home from work. I'm the editor for a small newspaper in Philadelphia. It pays enough to get by on, but when my little bundle of joys comes along, I'll need to find another job. Working two jobs probably isn't the best thing, but I have no choice.
Anyways, I was driving home from work. Actually, I wasn't going home. I was heading over to Kate and Dave's apartment. We had this tradition where we watched movies every Friday night and prank called the Indian pizza deliverymen.
Look, just because I'm twenty-two doesn't mean I still can't prank call people. Especially Indian deliverymen.
As I said earlier, I was heading over to their apartment. I wasn't really in the mood for a movie. But I couldn't break the tradition. So I went anyway. On the way over, my cell phone rang. I fumbled for it in my purse on the passenger seat. I glanced at the caller.
"How the hell did he get my number?" I said to no one in particular, seeing as I was alone in the car. It was Jason. I ran my finger over the scar just under my left eyebrow lightly.
Okay, I guess I'll tell you the whole story about Jason and my unborn child. We can't really move on with the story unless I do.
Though you could ask my therapists, as they have made me recount every single detail of that horrible night over and over.
Jason was this guy I met in college. He seemed to be a very mice guy to be exact- Tall and dark haired with big chocolate eyes and some of the hottest abs I have ever seen- he was just so polite and sweet. Jason did all those little things that mean so much. For eight months. Then he popped the question.
It was a few days after my last day of college. He just asked me out of the blue. Randomly. But Jason was well prepared. He had the ring I always dreamed of. It was beautiful. I thought the euphoria would never end.
It was four months after the ceremony that we had that fateful…tumble in bed. I couldn't sleep that night. I kept thinking, 'Am I pregnant?'
You know the outcome of that one obviously.
A week or so after, I took a pregnancy test. It turned out positive. I think I blacked out because I remember waking up on the couch with Jason leaning over me. He didn't look happy.
Turns out that Jason discovered the pregnancy test. He drank a lot after he found out. I blamed myself for not telling him right away. He changed a lot during that time. He became moodier and angrier. He just wasn't the Jason I used to know. We would fight constantly about the stupidest things.
One night, when we were arguing- I can't even remember what it we were arguing about- I brought up the baby. My stomach had started swelling with two months of pregnancy under my belt.
"It's your fault I'm having this baby anyway!" I shouted angrily. I was on the verge of tears but did he care? I think not. I already had a single bag with all my belongings packed.
That's when it happened. He backhanded me hard across the face and caught the skin just under my left eyebrow with his stupid class ring. I staggered back against the wall as I felt the blood dripping down my face. We just stared at each other for what seemed like forever when I grabbed my bag and left without a word. He never even tried to stop me.
So why is he calling me now? I have no idea. He recently started calling me all the time. The incident was six months ago. Why now?
I hung up the phone and threw it back into my purse. It rang again. I let my voicemail take it. I made a mental note to get my number changed.
I sighed as I pulled up into the parking lot of Kate's apartment complex. Getting out of the car isn't easy when you're seven months pregnant. I rang the buzzer to her apartment and her voice came over the speaker.
"State your purpose."
"It's me," I said plainly.
"Oh. Hold on a sec." A few moments later Kate appeared in the doorway. Her blond hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. She pulled her jacket tightly around her slim figure.
How I envy her.
"Tonight it's Dodgeball." She said as she held the door open for me. "I've got the popcorn ready and everything."
We walked to the end of the hall on the fourth floor. We walked inside and the smell of popcorn filled my nose. God, I love popcorn.
"Yo, Diana," Dave called from the kitchen, "What up, homeslice?"
"Dave, shut up. You're horrible at talking ghetto." Kate said.
"I know, I just do it to annoy you," Dave entered the room. His brown hair was disheveled atop his head, which was about six feet from the ground. Dave's pretty tall.
"You do a good job at it," Dave snaked his arm around her waist and they proceeded to make out.
"I want to watch Dodgeball, not a porno please." I sat down on the couch and grabbed a handful of popcorn. I hated it when they kissed. I just get so jealous sometimes.
After their three-hour make out session, we finally settled down and watched the movie. It was really funny, but I just wasn't in the mood. The whole time I kept thinking about Jason. Why did he call?
"Okay," Kate paused the movie, "What's up? You hardly laughed at all and you love these kinds of movies. What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I feigned innocence.
"You're lying." Damn, she's good.
"I don't want to talk about it…"
"I don't care. Tell me."
"Okay fine," I bit my lip, trying to decide whether to lie or not. "He called."
"What. The. Hell." Dave's jaw dropped open.
"Did you answer?"
"No." I sighed. I should've lied. "I just hung up on him. But he probably hasn't called me back since."
"Just forget about it. He might have dialed your number out of habit or something." Kate said in an effort to comfort me.
"Yeah…I guess." I shrugged and tried to continue watching the movie. But my thoughts were elsewhere that night.
The movie was over a half hour later. I checked my watch. It was eleven. I suddenly felt tired so I picked up my car keys and headed towards the door.
"Yes Kate?"
"Don't get too worked up over Jason, okay? He's not worth it."
"See ya."
"Catch ya later, G-Unit!"
"Bye Dave." I shut the door behind me and made my way down to the parking lot. People stared as I passed. That's another thing about being pregnant: The bulge attracts too much unwanted attention.
I heard the cell phone ring as I unlocked my car. I let my voicemail pick it up again. Talking to Jason wasn't on my list of to-dos that day.
I checked my messages. At least fifteen were left. I listened to my voicemail after a few minutes. Jason was desperate. How sad.
"Listen, Diana, we have to talk," the tone in his voice definitely sounded desperate, "Let's just start over. Please? I made a mistake, just give me another chance. I'll make it up to you. I swear I'll be a good father."
He would never come within one hundred yards of my child. It's maternal instinct. I will protect my baby at all costs. Jason would never set eyes on his son.
Enough with the depressing stuff and on to the important part. I drove back to my apartment, which was only about five minutes away, blasting Ben Folds the whole way. When I finally got back to my apartment, I threw myself down on the couch.
My apartment was small, but pretty decent. It consisted of a bathroom, a kitchen, and a bedroom. Most of the stuff I had was my parent's old junk. But it was sufficient enough so I didn't complain. I turned on the T.V. and flipped through the channels. Nothing was on, so I settled for some ABC Family movie.
I heard a soft beep coming from the answering machine. I'll give you a clue to who it was: It starts with a J and ends in 'ason'.
"Come on, Diana," He sounded angry, "You're being immature! We have to talk about this! Please answer the phone! That child is just as much mine as it is yours!"
Furious, I stomped off to my room and changed into my jammers. He could be so cruel sometimes. I ripped out the hair band that held my tangled russet curls behind my head and began to brush through it. How dare he even mention the baby! I slammed the brush down on my dresser and stared at myself in the mirror. Dark circles had formed under my brown eyes. I was pale as well, which gave me somewhat of a gothic look.
I went back out to the couch. I continued to watch the crappy movie. Something about some girl and a guy and…well, I can't really remember. I just remember thinking it was really bad. Bad acting, bad plot, the works.
I didn't have to suffer for long though, as my good friend fatigue caught up with me. My eyelids began to droop as I leaned my head against the pillow. In a few moments, I was fast asleep.
I dreamed about Jason that night. We were fighting again, and the baby had been born. He was trying to take my child away from me. I screamed and kicked, but Jason simply plucked the child from my arms and disappeared. I began to sob and chase after him, but he was nowhere to be found.
Is this why Jason was calling me?
I began to scream. People were walking by, but they wouldn't help me. I begged them. But they didn't notice. I lost all hope and disappeared into darkness.
My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. I was panting hard. I put my hand over my stomach. The bulge was still there. It was only a dream. I felt tears run down my face. I looked at the clock. It was one fourteen in the morning and the room was very dark, making it hard to see anything.
That's when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight. I had that horrible feeling that someone was watching me. I held my breath, fearing that the noise would draw attention to myself.
I quietly slid off the couch and tip toed over to the kitchen cabinets. I grabbed a frying pan from the bottom shelf for protection. I heard a soft click and snapped my head around. The closet door was shut.
Last time I checked, it was open.
I flipped the switch on the wall, and light filled the room. I figured that I could catch whoever was in my house easier if I could see them. I inched closer and closer to the closet until I was only an arm's length away from the door. I hesitated a little before opening it. Maybe I was just hearing things?
Nope. I heard someone shuffling around behind the door.
In an instant, I threw open the door and drew back my arm to strike. Only I wasn't successful. A hand caught mine before the frying pan could make contact with the intruder's head. I tried to punch with my other hand, but again, I was stopped.
I looked up into the eyes of the intruder. He was a good five inches taller than me. Long, blonde hair bordered his face. As azure eyes stared back into mine, I thought, 'At least the man who is probably going to rob my house is really hot...'
A/N: A cliffhanger already? I guess it's not really a cliffhanger cause you guys probably know who it is anyways.
But review PLEASE! It'll make me happy!
And this is my first story, so be nice.