A/N: I really don't own Naruto it's by Masashi Kishimoto! Hah! I mean, the whole © and those heck copyrights are all to the person. But--- people, this fic is mine, okay and forgive this mind. I wanna leash my imagination.

Of Legends and Lovers»» A SasuSaku Fic

Chapter One: The Reunion

Opening Remarks: Well, I want to tell that this is a futuristic Naruto cast and Konoha--- and they are all having happy love lives except for one Kunoichi.

Kakashi had been so busy these past few days. For a first reason, he was assigned to prepare for the whole reunion he and Iruka had planned for the Chuunin examiners close to them, five years ago--- probably the rookies and some first timers they'd become friends with. Everyone, I mean, every sensei wants to extend help--- so as for Gai, Kurenai, Anko, Jiraiya, Asuma, Ebisu and Iruka. They'd loved parties. But only another reason made Kakashi sooo very busy--- from running away two insane girls about him.

To tell you honestly, they are really pretty and serious in their looks. But one day their so-called childhood crush is this cool-looking snobby boy who turned out into a somewhat silent and masked sensei… whom I was pertaining is no other than Hatake Kakashi.

Matarashi Anko and Yuuhi Kurenai. They've once met in the Chuunin exams, when 3 students of Kurenai decided to go for it, while Anko was one of the toughest examiners that time. They were loveless then, until they saw a long-time unseen classmate at the ninja academy during their younger years. They'd been busy teaching and finally forgot about how their ruined friendship was like Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura's for a guy named Uchiha Sasuke.

They had watched the blooming girls as they fought once, friendship is not a mere thing at all. But a boy whom you love is almost as heavy as that. So for an entire decision, you'd probably pick a boy rather than friendship. It's been a long time and Kakashi might have forgotten that they were once running for him. But those childhood feelings were reborn--- and they made a bloody fight among girls which, Kakashi himself cannot tolerate.

This is what happens and Kakashi can't concentrate in the "Come, Come Paradise" volume 67 Jiraiya had gave to him. This book had overcome his whole being, and though he can see in front of him two cat fighting women, he wouldn't just care. He would sulk himself in trying to have a great concentration and at the end of his reading session, he'd pick the women up and let Gai or Iruka treat their wounds.

Kakashi would also prefer to run from Uzumaki Naruto who had grown a bit matured. He won't stop unless he gets a treat of Ramen bowl from Kakashi, but Iruka would probably do it. And so he runs off again and meet some other guys at the forest trail. And so this evening would be different from his oh-so-usual routine. Somebody had come back… and really surprises him.

"How are you?" a cold voice asked as Kakashi looked around and opened his one-eyed sharingan, and finally revealing the expected foe.

"Hey! Is that----" he stopped, as the shadow lurker comes closer to him. He smiled, then twitched. "You didn't change your personality, you boy. What took you so long? Someone's waiting for you."

"I know that. That's why I've returned." he replied

Not far away the forest trail, Sakura had been staying a while at a flower shop. It was Ino's very own ShikaIno Flower Shop. She'd dedicated half of it to her discovered beloved after merely realizing that it was Nara Shikamaru whom she truly love. The girls had been so close, and to tell you the truth, they'd turn into fine Kunoichis. Sakura had a perfectly curved body and an angelic face, and so is Ino who finally cut her hair eventually--- a sign she's not interested in Sasuke anymore.

Sakura on the other hand, remained to grow a long pink hair down to her hips, with a color aglow. Her cherry lips and emerald eyes still lured guys--- making her collect many suitors. Naruto had retired, for he'd realized something. It was Hyuga Hinata whom he loved truly--- and she is there too, who forwarded towards the two women chitchatting. She joined the womanly talk, and of course they had been describing their boys.

Sakura stopped for a while. What if Sasuke's not coming back anymore? Until when will she wait? Will she be stuck loveless for one very guy? Of course she had deleted those negative thoughts for deep inside her, she believes in their destiny. Only some shocking stuff happened, "Gaara of the Desert" dates her and still, "Rock Lee, the Persistent". But she tells them of course those are friendly dates. What surprised everyone is Gaara. He's been known as like Sasuke's cold and obnoxious character.

Sakura had really bloomed into one lovely flower who had been like a rose full of thorns and makes every aspiring guy turn down. She would simply turn down a guy by these four meaningful and striking words that were not even affecting Lee nor Gaara:

"If only you were Sasuke-kun,"

It makes everyone sick, why this beautiful lady's thorns are just this guy's memories? Ino once threatened her that she'll be a spinster for life if she won't open up for other guys--- just like Ino did. But she wouldn't and so Kakashi praises her valiantly shown faithfulness to the guy who'd shown her concern all over the series and who hadn't showed up for five years.

She had loved him dearly through the years and she won't let go of these feelings. But these two guys are also like her--- they won't let go of those feelings even they are at times hurt. They wouldn't mind how painful it is to see her crying on a shade of a tree, looking every now and then at Sasuke's pictures, since young and up to the time he had left them five years ago. And on her room hanged a large picture of them together--- the only one she had paid to be enlarged. Though he is not smiling, she felt so happy as she sees it. Her one and only Sasuke-kun…

While she's still a kid, she had believed in one legend at Konoha she thought that is never true. A member of the Harunos shall continue this so that when Konoha is in danger, only true love can defeat darkness and a knight in shining armor shall save everything. But who is that knight in her life? It won't be anyone but of course, the one she expects--- Uchiha Sasuke.

"My god! That is not real," she thought. "I am not a fairytale believing girl… and of course, I'd want it to be Sasuke-kun!"

"Be for real," she answered herself. "It's not him. It won't be him until he comes back."

Sakura stared at her dresser, and a letter neatly written in fine paper was there--- the invitation for their reunion. She read everything there. Tonight, she read. Then the doorbell rang.

"Hai!" it was Gaara. He shyly went to bow before her.

"Sakura-san," he began. "I--- I--- want to go out with you if you have time, please?"

Gaara pleading... oh no! her inner self thought, "Of course, you're a best friend of mine anyway!" She flashed a mesmerizing smile. And so Gaara was somehow melted away, escorting the beautiful, untaken and lovely lady out of her house towards the supermarket.

Sakura looked around curiously. She smiled to herself, thinking the day is so perfect for a walk with Gaara. They had been silent for a while, as if it's Sasuke beside her--- who wouldn't even care to speak something. She chuckled, as she remembers him walking her to home, the days she treasured most. He was even very reluctant to walk her way for he lives at the other side of the village. But at least she made him do it. Just a little bit of attention. Right, Right.

The sun was finally up, revealing the busy marketplace. Many people are scavenging goods there, as she spotted a woman with black hair. It was Yuuhi Kurenai, with her sexy-looking outfit that caught the friends' eyes.

"How do you like my new outfit, Sakura-chan and Gaara-kun?" she asked. "I bought this so that Kakashi might finally notice me tonight! Taa Taa!" she bade.

"Not… bad," Gaara quoted. "So, where do you want to eat?"

"Icharaku!" Sakura cried. "Oh no, Naruto might have influenced me!"

"Yeah right, that fox kid."

"He hadn't matured yet," Sakura continued. Finally arriving at Icharaku Ramen House, they spotted Hinata and Naruto--- but with Neji as the chaperone, as usual.

"Hinata-chan, Naruto-kun!" Sakura greeted happily, "and oh, Neji-kun is also here!"

Gaara and Neji glared at each other before Gaara took his seat quietly.

"Why is Neji-kun present in your date?"

"Well of course, Daddy Hiashi--- I mean, Hinata-love's dad asked him to go." Naruto explained. "And that one thing."

Sakura noticed Temari pulling Ten-Ten away, and making lout chaotic bickering. Neji was sweat dropped as he was mingling off his thoughts. Gaara glared at the girls, then grunted. Ten-Ten announced last meeting of the whole gang that she likes Neji in a truth or dare game…


"Hey Lee, Sakura, come play with us. Truth or Dare." Shikamaru invited the duo as they came into the living room. "Are you done with my computer?"

Sakura nodded and plopped down beside Shikamaru. "Let's make it more interesting. Truth or Dare spin the bottle. If you don't agree with the dare that we give you, then you'll have to stay in the closet with the person who dared you for fifteen minutes. SHIKAMARU, do you have a small closet?"

Shikamaru laughed. "Ne, Sakura, I like the way you think. Let's do that." He took out a wine bottle. "Okay, who'll go first?"

"Next Hokage is here! I'll go first." Naruto sat beside Hinata. He spun the bottle and it landed on Chouji. "Noooo! I don't want to kiss the wild monkey!" He turned around and then glanced at Hinata. "Can I have another chance?" He asked.

"Naruto, you fool! You don't have to kiss Chouji, it's Truth or Dare." Sakura giggled. "What a fool!" She whispered and cocked her head toward Shikamaru.

He nodded. "What are you going to ask him to do? Hurry up Naruto!"

Naruto, arms akimbo pretended to be lost in deep thought. "I dare Chouji to hug the sand boy."

Chouji stood in protest. "I am not gay like you monkey!"

Gaara gave Chouji and Naruto dark looks. "Do'aho's!"

Naruto and Chouji jumped at Gaara. "You Sand boy!" They simultaneously yelled. They each grabbed a shoulder and was about to shake him when Maki and Neji knocked them on the heads.

"Oh Naruto, are you alright?" Hinata asked in concern. She held his held and lightly patted his cheek. He lazily opened an eye and smiled sweetly at her.

"Don't worry about me Hinata!"

"Now you two will have to stay in the closet for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes in heaven!" Lee teased and laughed when shock revealed in the two monkey's faces.

"Depends on who you stay with. Do you think they'll kill each other in that fifteen minutes?" Sakura asked nonchalantly. She gave Gaara a sidelong glance. He was staring at her.

"Sakura, want a drink?" A guy asked and handed a glass of clear liquid.

"Sure." She took it and took it in one go. A burning sensation filled her body and her throat felt like it was burning. She was about to drop the glass but she snapped back to normal and smiled at the guy. "Get me some more will ya?"

He nodded, smiled and left to get some more.

Shikamaru took the bottle and handed it to Hinata. "Here. Spin it. The monkeys are still recovering from their coma."

She slowly took and unsurely looked at her brother.

"Man it must suck to have your older brother watching your every move at a party!" Sakura whispered.

Shikamaru nodded. "No kidding. I'm glad my parents gave me the whole house for myself!" She nodded.

Naruto twitched. He was so bored. Training. Ramen. Sleep. Ramen. Sleep. Ramen. HINATA. Eh? HINATA?

He glanced at HINATA who was staring directly at him. She spun the bottle and it landed on him. Fortunate for her. Not so fortunate for him. Uh-oh. I don't like this.

Sakura sat up straight when she saw the bottle land on Naruto. From the corner of her eye, she saw Hinata smiling shyly at Naruto. Neji was giving his sister a suspicious look and Naruto was glaring at Gaara. Just then, a glass was handed to her. She downed it again and handed it back. It tastes so delicious.

"Ummm…Naruto-kun, truth or dare?" She shyly asked. Her cheeks turning cherry red.

"Of course, Dare!" He replied excitedly.

"Hey Naruto, Hinata's been your devoted fan, why don't you give her something special!" Someone had called from the back.

"Kiss her!" Chouji blurted out. He wanted to see Naruto's reaction when the one girl he was devoted to get kissed form his rival.

Le stood up with Sakura still clinging to him. As she let go, she wobbled back. "Sakura, are you okay? You don't look so good."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm good. Hey, there's my drinking buddy! Come back here." She stumbled to the guy who gave the drink earlier.

Everyone gave her strange looks. Then they turned back to Naruto and Hinata. "Go Naruto. Kiss her!" They chanted. Except for Hinata, Neji, Naruto and Gaara.

Sakura slumped on the counter. "Oh boy. I couldn't have drunk that much. I only had two glasses."

"Here you go." Another glass appeared in front of her.

She wrapped her hand around it and brought it to her lips. Before she could taste it, she heard a loud hoot from the living room. "Damn it!" She screeched and gulped it down.

"I can't believe it. He actually did it." Shikamaru strolled into the kitchen. He looked at her. "What happened to you?"

"Let's go back and play then." She grabbed Shikamaru and dragged him back to the living room. "Okay, spin it!"

The bottle spun, passing eager faces. It started to slow down and spun around until it stopped at Lee. But since, Ten-Ten came back, it was pointing at her. "Truth or Dare." Neji asked. This should be interesting. Pick dare. Dare!

"Dare!" Ten-Ten proclaimed boldly.

Neji jumped inside. "I dare you to go to the corner of this street and start singing 'I'm a Slave for You.'"

Ten-Ten's jaw dropped. So did everybody else's. "No! Why don't you?"

Lee grinned. "Ten-Ten, remember the rules. You have to stay in the broom closet with Neji for fifteen minutes!"

They both paled. If get Neji could get any paler.

"Go. The closet is this way." Shikamaru lead the way. The two reluctantly followed. "Ladies first!" Shikamaru opened the door.

Ten -Ten looked inside. Small was an understatement. Two people could not possibly fit. It was impossible. She glared at SHIKAMARU then went inside.

"It was Sakura's RULES, Ten-Ten." Shikamaru reminded her and pushed Neji in and shut the door tight. He placed a chair to jam the handle. "Now kids, behave! There are no pharmacy's near my house. Enjoy each other's company!" He laughed and trotted back to the living room.

"So what happened?" Lee asked.

"Ten Ten gave me one of her infamous blush and glare and I swear, if they make a mess. There's not much room to move in there anyway." Shikamaru picked up the bottle and looked around. "Movie anyone?"

Inside the closet, Ten -Ten Felt she liked Neji a lot--- and so after the said time----

"Nee, Neji-kun… I like you!"


So Neji had been so jumpy since. Naruto then grinned, and whispered to Hinata that he tagged Ten-Ten so that Neji would run… What a plan! Hinata giggled, and then winced at Neji's suspicious sight.