A/N Thank you to all my reviewers. If you want me to respond to your reviews just leave your e-mail address. I will not be answering reviews through my story. I am really trying hard to get my creative spirit back up for you guys and I think it's working, let me know at the end of the chapter. I am sorry I don't update very often but the bitch called life keeps me from my story, lol. Here is the long awaited chapter 3, hope you all enjoy.
BTW I am looking for a beta to help me get the chapters out faster…part of the problem with me not updating often is that I go over the chapter several times to make sure I get the majority of the mistakes. If you are interested leave it in a review and I'll get back to you, I would like someone who is good with grammar and spelling and someone I can contact either through yahoo IM or MSN IM in order to discuss the plot line for this story. If I can talk/type it out with someone I do better with the creative imagination. So again e-mail me if your interested or leave it in a review.
CAUTION: This story is rated M for a very good reason. They will be violence, language, very explicit lemons, and a possible rape scene. If you are not 17 and up or you do not like any of the above listed I suggest you turn back NOW! You have been warned so don't blame me.
Chapter Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to YOU. My faithful reviewers who have been so patient with me, thanks a lot guys! I love you all.
This chapter has a small lime/lemon so beware.
I have had several people ask where Inu and the gang are and why Inuyasha hasn't tried to rescue Kagome yet….. well the answer is you need to go back and reread the first chapter carefully because I do say that Inuyasha and the gang have tried to rescue her several times already and they have all failed.
The Miko's Curse
By : hellspixie18
Chapter 3
Day 2 : Preparing
Kagome moaned in pleasure at the butterfly touches he used as he brushed her sensitive nipples. She arched her back when he gently teased the hardened nub into his mouth where it rightfully belonged. His muscles bunched and contracted as he moved to lightly press kisses to her chest and then navel slowly moving further south. Warmth flooded her body as hot searing desire pooled in her loins making her ready for his invasion of her body in a matter of moments. His silky hair tickled her as he moved even lower to taste her sweet nectar…….
Kagome woke up gasping for breath as if she had run for miles on end. Her body was alive with pure energy and unsatisfied sexual desire. " What the fuck was that!"
(With Sesshomaru)
Sesshomaru came out of his trance with a full blown smile on his face. 'So this Sesshomaru can invade and direct her dreams then… this will be very useful to me.' He was pleased that his theory had proven itself correct. He was silently hoping that this new found information would help him when it came time to take the Shikon Miko as his own. He had surprised even himself at how much he had grown to respect the miko in her time as his so called guest. He didn't really like her but she would make a suitable mate for him.
' This Sesshomaru is running out of time and as loath as I am to take her against her will I have no choice.' Sesshomaru growled at that thought and his eyes bled a deep crimson red. ' Damn the demon counsel elders, I should kill them all for forcing me into this situation. The miko is my only choice I can not cause a war with the elders, there is too much at stake right now.' With an uncharacteristic sigh Sesshomaru resigned himself to his fate, it seemed the gods were determined to make his life a living hell. His eyes flowed back to their golden hue.
The elders had told him specifically to mate with the Shikon Miko in order to have strong heirs, for not only would they be full youkai but they would carry the combined powers of jaki and holy ki. All strong miko's had the ability to produce full bloodied youkai if they were mated and impregnated on the night of the blood moon, which only happened every 200 years or so. The Shikon Miko was different however, for her offspring would be a combination of youkai and something divine.
Sesshomaru knew that she was logically the best choice for a mate, and he always had the best, but going so far as to kidnap her and more then likely he would have to rape her, it just didn't sit well with him. Which was unusual in itself, he was the cold Lord of the West he wasn't suppose to feel. The ningen had made him feel all sorts of unfamiliar emotions, all of which he didn't care for.
Unknown to Kagome, Sesshomaru had studied her throughout her stay at his castle. She would switch moods faster then a hummingbird flapped it's wings. She was kind and always had a smile for the servants she passed in the halls. The most noticeable fact about her though, was the fact that she was so very pure. Her purity and innocence flowed off of her in comforting waves. It almost seemed like she knew not of the evil in the world and yet she had dealt with it on a daily basis when traveling with her group.
He almost despised the fact that he would be the one to ruin that fact. However his darker, deeper, more evil side was absolutely thrilled at the idea. Destroying something so pure is the life ambition of every youkai's dark side.
He left his chambers to go peek in on the miko and get their daily routine going. 'Well maybe this time the routine will be slightly different.' he thought with a smirk of anticipation.
(With Kagome)
Her body was still singing from the dream even as her mind vehemently rejected it. 'There is no way in HELL I just had a sex dream about HIM of all people!' She physically and mentally shook her head to dispel the images from her mind. She stood and walked over to the vanity. She was still sore from training and she had to go repeat the offensive duty again in just a few hours. She sighed and resigned herself to another long day.
Kagome walked back over to her western styled bed and looked under it to make sure the rats had not been at her rations, she would need those for her escape. She also had her old backpack under there with three extra fighting kimono's and two sets of miko garb. She almost had everything she needed. The only thing left was her weapons but Sesshomaru made sure they were locked away when she wasn't training. It looked like she would have to leave the weapons here, and as much as she hated to do it, she would. If she attempted to take the weapons Sesshomaru had made for her then she would risk being caught.
Kagome's head snapped up in surprise when she heard a light knock. Thinking it was only Yanagi or Kyuuen she told them to come in not bothering to cover her half nakedness. To her surprise when she turned to ask what they wanted she found the Ice Lord himself staring at her. She shrieked and quickly turned her back to him. "Pervert! Get out!"
She gasped in shock when warm strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a wall of muscle. When she struggled to get free, Sesshomaru tightened his grip to almost a painful level until she ceased fighting against him. She shivered against his form as her body flared back to full desire as Sesshomaru lightly trailed his claws down her stomach past her navel and to her sweet spot.
'Oh kami, oh kami, oh kami! What the hell is he do….oh! Oh my kami his hand is in my panties and he is……oh kami make him stop! I can't control myself when he does that!' "Sess..ho..maru what… are …you…doing?
AN : That's all for now guys…I know it's short believe me I'm trying to make them longer… You never really now how hard it is to write long chapters until you actually try doing it, lol. I wasn't planning on revealing some of the info in this chapter until much later but I had so many people wanting to know that I gave you guys a small peek into the plot. Hope you guys like it XD.