Disclaimer: I'm an HHr writer—of course I'm not JKR!
Opening Thoughts: After HBP came out, I was a little wary of putting out any fics labeled HHr in fear of rabid RHr and HG fans who would click this just so they could put their opinions and smug victory cliches in, such as: 'It's RHr and HG in canon so you need to get over it!' along with some profanity in there.
While I accept that RHr and HG are canon, please just let me have my fanfiction and be gracious winners as I am not being a sore loser.
About this fic: Companion to fic Extraordinary. You don't have to read it to understand this story, but I highly recommend you do. Ginny and Ron may seem evil (not really) in this fic, but what can I say? I'm delusional—I can do whatever I want.
Summary: The war is over and Harry begins his new ordinary life with Ginny, and Hermione does the same with Ron... Until one day, someone decides that they would rather have extraordinary over ordinary (not who you may think).
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Ordinary: Part Five of… Five
Arriving at his hotel in Naples, Italy, Harry checked in, put his things down, and promptly left the hotel again in search of his female friend.
People recognized him, and he asked the witches and wizards who spoke English if they had seen Hermione Granger, who was well known as well for her work in the war.
"She is by the water," someone pointed. "At the beach."
With his Firebolt in hand,Harryflewacross the coastline, barely grazing it.-- Then,spotted her, sitting on a large, flat rock, looking out in to the water, her voluminous hair blowing about her.
Landing a few meters away, he came up from behind and wordlessly sat beside her.
With her intelligent, expressive eyes and understanding smile, Hermione Granger was still the same, bless the lord. Unsurprised at his arrival, she turned to face him. "I was wondering when you'd be here," she said simply.
Harry gaped. "Did Ron tell you?" He sputtered.
"Then what?" Harry persisted.
She smiled a small, knowing smile. "I've been waiting for you to find me."
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They sat in silence for a few moments when Harry cleared his throat. "I… I wanted to apologize for the way I acted," he said finally. "I said cruel things that were…"
She cut him off. "Worthy of Ron?"
Harry blinked. "What's Ron been saying?"
Hermione shook her head, remembering. "No, not now. I was just remembering our sixth year."
"Ah yes… what a year, eh?" Harry attempted a girn.
Hermione chuckled humorlessly. "Yes, what a year… the year of our demise."
Harry frowned. "Our demise? What…?"
"The year we grew apart." Hermione clarified.
The year he gravitated towards Ginny and the year Hermione pined for Ron. Hmmm. "It was a gradual demise, wasn't it." It wasn't a question, but a statement.
Hermione sighed. "So gradual I didn't even notice until around the time I broke up with Ron."
Then, she did something that surprised him. "Harry, why did you come here?"
He blinked. "To… to apologize." That was the main thought in his mind: he had to set things right with Hermione. He had to set things right with Hermione.
"That's it?" Hermione asked gently.
While he was about to reply it was, Harry stopped himself. He had traveled across thousands of miles to find her to… to apologize? No, that wasn't it. There was something more.
"I just… I couldn't… live without you," Harry almost cringed at the cheesiness, but it was true. Life without Hermione Granger was not only incredibly dull, but lackluster… and… and just colorless.
Hermione looked at him, a little disbelieving, but amused more than anything. "Really?"
"Really," Harry began, and then remembered something he said to Ginny. "Hermione… you're the most important person in my life."
She grinned. "Well," she whispered, standing up with a completely un-Hermione look on her face, "it's about time."
"What?" Harry said in shocked voice, looking up at her.
Hermione sighed, putting her hands on her hips and rolling her eyes. "Harry, let's look at the facts, shall we? You traveled thousands of miles to find me. You can't live without me. I'm the most important person in your life. What does that mean, Harry?"
He was a bit jumbled for a moment, but then he whispered the words, in astonishment and certainty, "It means… it means I love you, Hermione. I really do."
He stood up slowly then, never taking his eyes off her. She came closer, and put her arms around his neck and he her waist.
Right before she kissed him, she said, "And I really do, too."
So much for ordinary.
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Somewhere, up in heaven, four figures stood looking down at the two.
"Now that's definitely not just hormones," Sirius said smugly.
No, Sirius, it wasn't.
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Notes: And it's done! (Like that little tidbit? If you read Extraordinary, you'll see what I mean).
Thanks to everyone who reviewed: you guys are great. You really cheer up my day.