This is my first ever Alien or Predator fanfic. And of course since its a fanfic the only thing here that i own is the plot ..
Sisters By Mind, Sisters By Blood
Chapter1: Welcome To The Jungle
The sun strained through the sticky canopy of the lush rainforest. Tiny droplets crowned the trees, and shimmered magically as they fell from the treetops. Usually the forest was alive with the voices of nature, however today it was silent. Not even a hot summers breeze dared to breathe against the leaves of these trees.
Ancient roots cradled a brownish egg coated with a slimy film. Here the egg had rested for no more than an hour, and already the embryo within was beginning to die, the protective film coating drying despite the moist environment.
At long last, when the leathery substance was almost completely dried a curious orangutan dropped down from the branches and prodded the alien object.
Slowly the top split into four equal openings revealing a pale, spidery creature. It coiled itself to spring upon the unknowing primeape, a tube issuing from its mouth-like opening. Just as the royal face-hugger was about to ensure its species' survival, a rustling to the left caused the ape to scream and flee back to the tree from whence it had come, if the alien being could speak, a steady flowing stream of curses would have elicited from its nonexistent lips.
But suddenly it seemed Providence took pity upon the parasitic creature, a swollen middle-aged woman only hours from labor staggered into range and all but passed out at the foot of the giant tree fixing the spider-like creature with an unfocused gaze. The royal face-hugger had no qualms about attaching itself to her and feeding its eggs down her esophagus and into her chest cavity in the orangutan's stead.
Despite the alien only just having been implanted, and the fetus having been there for much longer, it was clear that they would both be born around the same time. The alien DNA revitalized the near-dead infant, who stirred slightly within the womb at the sudden change. The two very different life forms began to bond through the thin walls of their dying 'mother's' uterus.
"Boss! Boss! I found escaped experiment 1029, boss get here quick there's something on her face!" The young voice of a man called out, it was quickly answered by another, much older looking man with dark skin and eyes, but no hair. He glared down at the troublesome woman and signaled for them to toss her into the back of the truck with the rest of the escapees.
"Tell the Scientists she's near death and will likely need a c-section, also get that thing off her face." He barked turning his back upon people he obveoiusly thought stupid and incompetent. The 'stupid incompetent workers' felt a temporary pang of pity for their cold-hearted leader, this was his wife he had committed these experiments on after all, and his child as well. They revved the engine of the army design truck and drove at their highest speed to their nearby base.
The first thing the young serpent queen was aware of was the murmuring voice just beyond these thin walls, and sensed a hand approaching and pressing against the thin membrane. The queen moved toward it reaching out a not-yet-fully developed yet still very serpentine head to feel both the membrane and the hand just beyond it. Something inside the queen began to awaken as more of the human's DNA, some unknown chemical and hers intermixed, she felt a stirring in the back of her mind and a link began to form between the two very different sisters.
The both of them were lurched apart however as it felt as if the whole world had just fallen and began to quake around them. All the two could do was huddle within the confines of their 'mothers' stomach, hoping for the world to stop shaking so badly. It seemed to stop for a moment before they felt the world raising and both of them were badly jarred as something struck their mother's stomach, out of instinct both of them struck back, and were again jarred as their mother fell.
I wish all this movement would stop…The queen was aware of another presence within her mind, and agreed completely with what it was communicating.
Yes, it is most bothersome is it not? Replied the Royal as she resumed her coiled position in the upper chest portion, wrapping around a faintly beating heart and preparing to burst from this prison. Why are you behind a wall? How will you escape this place if you are not in bursting position?
I am already changing position and the water in here is beginning to drain…I will see you on the outside Sister. Was the reply to her question, she was curious to watch what would happen, and pressed her own body against the slightly thicker membrane that held her here, preparing to burst free. Wait just a few moments please Sister, if you escape before I then I shall be stuck here and will not be allowed to live…just a few more hours please sister…
For you I will wait. Came the slightly impatient reply, something within the soon-to-be queen told her that if this being next to her did not live, part of her would die as well. Though that wasn't the only thing that kept her there…she also was beginning to feel the same types of emotions as humans, to both a lesser and greater extent depedning on the emotion. One she felt particularly strongly was of obligation to this being beside her. As if she owed her something. Even from her position wrapped around the now pounding heart she felt the contraction of the walls, and winced at the force of it. Her Sister was beginning her escape, it seemed, but this was not an escape that was familiar to the queen…it was as if mother were pushing the child out herself…
When the bumpy ride came to a screeching halt a young man lifted the seemingly lifeless body none-to-gently before even waiting for the engine to turn off, not paying attention entirely and elbowing her in the ribs and stomach.
"Bloody fooling 'ell!" He exclaimed, dropping her to the ground as two punches assaulted his unsuspecting ribs. He received surprised glances, disapproving looks and an angry glare. "The babe inside-" he was unable to go on seeing as something else had pressed against the woman's chest, he thought he saw the outline of a snakes head. He then heard the young woman moan as her stomach tensed, many of the scientists rushed forward to take her into the lab to safely deliver the baby they had carefully monitored and dispensed small amounts of chemicals to…
They rushed her into the surgery room and prepared to cut the infant out of her womb, seeing as she wasn't dilating very large. They cut into the mother who cried out and roused from her unconsciousness momentarily before passing out again from the pain. They cut through the uterine walls and snipped off the umbilical chord, congratulating themselves on a job well done as they cleaned the gunk out of the Childs mouth and heard it cough and sputter to take a breath. They smirked, placing the child in a chamber where she would be under the very capable care of automated systems.
So caught up in their accomplishment were they that all failed to notice the snake-like thing that burst from the mother's chest and slithered away from them, hiding itself under a cabinet near her squalling sibling.
Oh no what was that? The young human girl cried out, both of them feeling and hearing their mother's flesh being ripped apart. Something just grabbed me! The human infant tried to twist away from the hand but found it impossible as she winced from the pain of her umbilical chord being cut away.
Sister what is happening? Demanded the serpentine queen, the only answer she got however was the chocking squalling voice of her sister from far away, and she knew that it was her turn to burst free of her holding, and she did so without hesitation. She sensed many different life forms here, and slithered beneath their feet, following the cries of her perturbed sibling and hiding under the very machine she knew kept her sister alive. Here she waited as she transformed, but the queen knew she could not transform here, it was too dangerous to both her sibling and herself.
I'll come back for you sister, when we are stronger. It nearly killed the queen to say it, but she knew it must be done. The queen was much too weak to carry out any obligations to care, and the infant far too vulnerable.
Yes sister…do what you must…to keep yourself alive. Was the human babe's last though before she drifted into slumber…