Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did I wouldn't destroy something great.

It takes place six months after Twilight. The shooting on the roof happened but no one got hurt. Ari hasn't been found.

This story hasn't nothing to do with Winter Dream or any other story I've written. I'll write more on Winter Dream when I have time and if people are still interested in it.


Tony went in to Abby's lab and turned of her stereo. He needed to talk to her about something or rather hear her opinion about something.

"Hey…Don't turn that off." Abby said a little upset over losing her music and focus. She worked better with music on.

"I need to ask you something." Tony said to her.

"Ok…ask away." Abby said walking over to one of her machines.

"How do you tell people that you've applied for a new job?" Tony asked her.

"Gibbs or Kate?" Abby said as she turned around facing him.

"Both." Tony quickly answered.

"Tell Gibbs when you know you got the job. Tell Kate as soon as possible with only you two in the room." Abby suggested.

"I thought maybe after the stake out." Tony told her.

Tony was blocking Abby's view so she couldn't see her computer so she moved a few feet. When she moved she saw someone standing in the doorway.

"I was going to ask if you're finished." Kate said to Abby.

Tony turned around in fear. How much had she heard?

"Did you hear everything?" Tony asked her.

"I didn't hear a thing." Kate replied.

"No. They're not finished. I'll let you know." Abby answered her. As soon as Abby had replied, Kate quickly left the room.

"She heard something." Tony sighed. He had waited all day for this moment to talk to Abby alone and it all still backfired.

"You better find out how much she knows. Denying your feelings for each other will only make it worse. The last six months have been tough and you two don't make it worse. I don't want to be around this mess one more second." Abby told him firmly. Tony listened and just left the room without saying anything to Abby.


"Ok, so we are pretty sure he'll be there tonight. It's an easy job. Just sit in the car and watch. When he comes arrest him! Simple as that." Gibbs said when Tony came back. Kate sat at her desk ignoring Tony.

"So what if his friend leaves his apartment. Should we follow him or not?" Tony asked. Following people was a lot more fun than sitting in a car watching nothing happen.

"If he leaves then he must have a reason to leave so follow him. If his friend suspects you are following him then you have to make a diversion of some sorts. Are my instructions crystal clear?" Gibbs asked them.

"Yes, boss." Kate said looking down at her papers which contained all the info they needed on the case.

"Then I expect some results tomorrow morning." Gibbs said before heading back to his desk. While they were going to find the suspect he was going to work on finding Ari. Six months had gone but the search was still on even if they weren't officially working on finding him.

Abby then come out requesting to talk to Tony before he left. Kate watched them walk away to her lab wondering what they were talking about. About her again or something else?


Kate and Tony went out to the car NCIS used for stake outs. Tony went to the driver's seat.

"How come you are driving?" Kate asked a little upset over him taking over. They shared this case and he wasn't the boss.

"Because I want to. Do you want that too?" Tony answered.

"Just don't imply I always want to do it your way. You don't know me." Kate told him.

"I don't do that." Tony defended himself.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No!" Tony said while opening the door.

"Yes, you do. Admit it." Kate said while she opened her door.

Then they sat down.

"I won't admit to things I don't do." Tony continued.

"Like talking about me with Abby behind my back." Kate blurted out. She didn't mean it to come out that way.

"Let me explain…I'll tell you when the time is right but you already know don't you? I didn't want you to find out that way." Tony told her.

Before any of them could say anything both got a text message. They read it and didn't answer the person who sent it.

"I didn't know it was on." Kate told Tony.

"I think it turns on as soon as the door is opened, someone is in it or near the car. A sophisticated car. It's all for our safety." Tony explained. They talked about the two-way radio communication system which Abby was able to listen to. She had texted both of them with the message of it being on.

"Abby, walk away from it for a few minutes." Tony told her.

"Why did you say that?" Kate asked surprised.

"Because I have a lot to tell you." Tony admitted.

Abby smiled and hoped what she wrote worked. She had written a bit more than just that the radio being on.

"I have applied for two new jobs and I don't know if I'll get them."

"So you're leaving. I never thought you would leave. You seemed so happy here." Kate said trying to sound surprised but she had overheard them talking before.

Abby couldn't help but stay listening to them.

"I was and still am…I think a change is needed…To fill a void or something." Tony continued.

"If that makes you happy." Kate said trying to act neutral since being happy for him was hard for her to be.

"It does." Tony said before starting the car and driving off.

They didn't say a word to each other on the whole way to the suspect's friend's apartment building and Abby was unhappy. Why was it so hard for them to confess their true feelings for each other? Why did Tony feel that it would be for the best to leave? She knew she should have tried more to persuade him to stay.

………………Five hours later…………

Abby hated stake outs. She hated being the one who had to stay up and listen to what was going on. Tony and Kate hadn't talked much to each other and when they did it wasn't about something interesting.

"Kate, he has looked out through the window many times the last hour. I know he has seen us. We have to do something before it all backfires." Tony warned her.

"We can't leave in case he comes." Kate told him looking up at the apartment. Just then the guy looked out of the window again. Tony saw that too and felt so bad about messing this up that he felt that only one thing could be done.

"Kate, kiss me." Tony told her.

That instantly got Abby's attention and she didn't feel as tired as before..

"If he thinks we're a couple he won't suspect we're here to get his friend." Tony told her.

"I don't love you. I know Abby wrote the same thing in your text message." Kate said thinking this is way he is playing this practical joke on her.

"I don't love you either. " Tony explained.

"So you just thought you could joke with me while we're on a mission. That's just so typical you. So Tony…" Kate said upset.

"You're reaction is just typical Kate. Plain boring. I guess nothing exciting happens in your life."

"I'm not boring. You want me to act like you! Like a child who can't do anything right and has to ask others for advice. I sure hope you didn't apply for a job where you are the boss." Kate said verbally attacking him.

"That's low even coming from you." Tony said to her. He was pretty upset.


Then they heard a car drive fast away from them. While they were fighting they had stopped watching the apartment. Now someone had driven away quite fast from them and they didn't know who it was.

"What's going on?" Abby asked after the sudden silence from them.

"A car drove of quite fast. We don't know who it was." Kate answered. She didn't have to press anything to talk to Abby since the microphones and transmitters where around the car.

"Then drive after him!" Abby told them. Tony quickly drove away so he could catch up with the car. They were lucky because the guy had stopped at a red light so they could get closer to him. They followed him to another apartment building which was outside a big grocery shop. Tony and Kate parked outside the grocery shop so they could see them well but not be too near and make them suspicious.

"Why don't you go and buy some food since we don't know for how long we'll be here." Tony asked her.

"Why can't you do it?"

"I'm sitting in the driving seat and both can't be here since it would look suspicious." Tony told her. Kate gave up and just went out to buy something.

………Ten minutes later…………

Kate paid and when she went out of the doors she saw two guys at the car. She couldn't see who they were. Kate didn't know what to do. She took up her phone and called Abby. Why hadn't Abby called her?

"Abby, what's going on?"

"I've just called for back-up. I was just about to call you. It's them and they know you are following them. Tony said both have guns. I suggest you stay away. It's too dangerous." Abby told her.

Then both of them saw Kate. One of them shot at her but the shot wasn't well directed and missed her by miles. When she looked up again she saw one of the men shoving Tony to the passenger seat and the other one went in the back. They quickly drove away with Tony.


I hope you will like this story. I hope you will write reviews.