Chapter 1 The day the Dark Lord fell

Harry Potter lowered his wand. The screaming faded as he stared at the smoking remains of Lord Voldemort. The pain searing through his body was pushed aside as his mind froze. Dead. Muderer. Harry Potter was a murderer. Harry felt someone grab his arm. He turned to a tearful Hermione.

"Oh Harry! Harry you're a hero!" Hermione threw her arms around the silent 16 year old boy. Harry's voice low and emotionless whispered past her ear. It might have been because she was so close, but Hermione heard the word Harry had meant for no one else's ears.

"Not a hero. A murderer, but never a hero." Hermione was roughly pushed back as Harry turned and ran. Hermione closed her eyes on the painful image. October 31, 2003. The day the Dark Lord fell.


August 31 2005. Three years after the defeat of Voldemort. Twenty year old Hermione Granger sat at the dining room table in number 12 Grimmauld Place. She heard the kitchen door open and hastily flipped the picture she had been holding over, hiding the image from view. She turned quickly and met cold silver eyes.

"Draco! When did you get back?" Hermione stood and pulled her good friend of the past three years into a hug.

"Just got back, Mione." Draco looked past her to the oval shaped picture frame on the table. He quirked a brow. "Mione…." He reached out a pale hand and picked the picture frame up off the rough wooden table. He held it between them for a moment, knowing what he would see when he turned it over. Slowly rotating his wrist the picture was revealed. It was a 16 year old Harry Potter and a 17 year old Hermione Granger two months before the final battle. Harry was sitting in an over stuffed wing back chair facing a merry fire. Through the window in the back ground Draco could see snow swirling in the air. Hermione sat between Harry's knees, the side of her head resting on his thigh, her hand on his calf. Every now and then Harry would turn his eyes away from the fire and smile at the camera. Hermione in the picture spent half her time holding on to Harry like he would disappear at any moment, and the other half looking at Harry in concern. The picture as a whole radiated love and warmth. Draco gently sat the picture back down on the table and looked down at Hermione. She sniffled quietly.

"I miss him so much Draco. So much." She paused. "We got mail today. Back order mail from the Ministry. So many people sent him presents Draco. He's 19……"

"Would you like me to go with you?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes, please…..Can we leave now?" Draco nodded.


An hour later they slid off Draco's broom and passed beneath the sing reading "Here lay our greatest hero's". Draco couldn't help but notice how many graves they passed on their way to the center of the grave yard. As they crested a hill a stone monstrosity appeared. Around 10 feet tall made from white marble, it had a wide bottom and on top graced an angel. The angel adorning the top of the monument held a striking resemblance to Harry himself. Draco looked at Hermione as she began to shake.


"It's an empty grave Draco! We both know that Harry is not buried under this dirt. I saw him run! He's alive!"

"Hermione surly if he was alive he would have returned by now….."


Harry ran. He ran until his legs were numb from exertion and the cold. He ran until he couldn't take another step. And when he collapsed, the man who had breathlessly following him gently picked him up, cradling the small boy in his arms.

"It's time to rest Harry. It's time to rest, finally….."

A/N-Review,please review! I need to know if anyone likes it.Should I keep writing? ML Aubrey