Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Ranma 1/2 story. I don't own Ranma1/2 or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.

Signed: Benji Himura.

This story begins before the Dojo destroyer incident. If you dislike changes in things that people call CANNON then it is better stop reading here. If you dislike Self-Inserted fics then stop reading here. If you dislike both then don't read from me. If you like both or you want to see what I will do then I welcome you to read my fic. And please if you are a purist fan and think that I ruined the story save the harsh comments for yourself. I don't mind being flamed but just say that you disliked. If you send a harsh flaming review I might send a harsh answer. If you just disliked and review saying me so it is fine. I can't please everyone. But please don't do as few reviewers that I had and send harsh reviews that are basically the same one almost crucifying me. I could say name but I won't. If you want to know who just see my reviews. They are still there. Any review is welcome. But please when writing think if you would like to get an answer with harsh words if you use harsh words. And by harsh I mean cursing, name calling or even saying things about me or someone else that you don't know. Advices, constructive critics, comments about the story or characters, pointing mistakes in spelling, asking for pre-read and questions that I can answer with out giving any secret of the story, will be welcomed. Flames will be read and answered as civil as possible. But remember I also can lose my temper and send a flaming answer.

"Text" Talked or thought sentences.

(Text) Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.

;Text; Title of the scene song.

:Translations of a sentence in a language that isn't English, and small observations during the story:

Chapter one: Problems in the rain/Tropical heat

Nabiki, Ranma and Akane run by Nerima streets. The dark clouds above them signal that soon a heavy storm will fall over the city. Being a water magnet as he is Ranma get soaked first when the storm begins suddenly. The girls get soaked too. A lightning falls close of them. They hear the loud sound of the thunder. After it they hear a loud crash. Nabiki looks up just before being hit by something large and heavy.

Ranma and Akane stops and look at Nabiki who let out a cry of pain with the heavy impact. Over her there is a tall man with short black hair, wearing a white t-shirt, jeans trousers black boots and a bag pack. And he is unconscious like Nabiki. "Pervert!" Akane shouts pulling her mallet and swinging it to pound the unconscious man. "No!" Ranma shouts holding the mallet. "Why you are protecting that pervert!" Akane shouts. "It is because you are a pervert too!"

Ranma glares at Akane. "Look he is hurt and he is a normal person. Not a martial artist like you and me. If you hit him like you hit me you will kill him for sure." Ranma says coldly. Akane froze realizing that he is right. Even that her huge pride wants to deny it. "Let's take them to the Nekohanten, the old hag can see if they are hurt." Ranma says. "Why we are going to see that hussy!" Akane shouts.

"Because it is closer than Doctor Tofu clinic." Ranma replies. "They are soaking wet and out of cold. They can catch they deaths like that." Ranma picks up the man and places him over her shoulder. She also picks the bag pack. "Pick Nabiki up." She adds. Akane obeys unwilling. Few minutes later they enter on the restaurant. "Old hag we could use your help here." Ranma says to Cologne.

"What happened son-in-law?" Cologne asks. "This man fell over Nabiki and they are unconscious. Because the storm I thought that was better to bring them here and then call the Doc." Ranma answers. "Put them down." The diminutive woman orders. They obey.

Cologne exam the unconscious man. Her from his hidden by her wrinkled skin. "The poor boy is surrounded by chaos magic. Even more than Son-in-law. His ki is almost null. Just enough to keep him alive. He has no exposure to martial artists like us. It seems that the chaos brought a drifter. God this will be so amusing." She thinks as her eyes see things that most humans can't even see. "He is looking no older than eighteen now. But his energy shows that he passed by twenty one springs. The chaos is for sure having fun with him."

Then she moves to Nabiki, "She isn't hurt. She just fainted with the impact." Cologne says. "And he too." "But why he doesn't have any ki?" Ranma asks. "He has it son-in-law. But is weak. In the level of normal humans. He has some martial training. Most likely made only as an exercise or a way to defend himself. Unlike you that had years of training daily he most likely had few months doing two or three classes of two hours by week." Cologne answers.

Benji groans and gets up. He takes few moments to adjust himself to the surroundings and recover from the impact. He sees who is surrounding him. He hides his surprise rather well. "What happened?" Benji asks in English sure that the three hundred years old Amazon knows how to speak it. "Apparently you fell over Miss Tendo over there and you were brought here by them." Cologne replies pointing to the male Ranma and Akane. "Elder there is a place where we can speak privately?" Benji asks in English.

Cologne smiles surprised. She haven't expected to the drifter know her post of matriarch elder of the amazons. "We can talk in the back. Can you walk?" she asks. Benji gets up and nods. "Akane, son-in-law I will talk with him in private by his request. You two stay here and watch over her." The elder says. The duo nods.

Cologne leads the way to a small room in the back and notices that Benji took his bag pack. She motions to the young man to sit, and he does sighing with the effort. "Do you speak Portuguese?" Benji asks in English. "I do. I am kind of rusty in that but I do speak it." She replies.

"Then Elder let's speak it. On this way whoever might be listening won't understand us." Benji says and Cologne nods. "So drifter what you have to say?" She asks. "Drifter?" Benji asks. "Is a term that my people use to people from other worlds that travel to our world. It also works the other way around." She explains.

"I see." Benji says. "I don't know how I ended on this world. I only know that I got a kind of accident with my computer and I ended here. I know who you are and who everyone is because in my world you all are part of a famous anime." Cologne shows some surprise. "Well I think that is understandable. Many stories are actually reality of other worlds. But you haven't asked me only to say this." She says. Benji confirms. "You are the only one that I can think that might have any idea of how returning me to my own world. I would like to know if you ma'am knows any way for me to return." Benji asks in a humble tone and bowing.

"I do not know. But I can look for it." Cologne says. "I admit that I like the fact that you are polite and treating me with respect. You must be well raised." "My family tried his best. But I always respected the elders. They have more experience and hold much knowledge that can be passed to the young." Benji replies. Cologne smiles. She can see on his weak energy that he isn't lying. "You have manners that are lacking on my son-in-law generation and you are wise to recognize the value of your elders. I propose you a deal." She says.

"Before you lay your terms let me announce that I won't try making Ranma leaving Akane or killing anyone for you. And if is possible I would like to discuss your terms before accepting." Benji says to the amazon.

"I am impressed. You haven't run with out thinking into a chance of return. You show patience and self-control unusual in younglings. I agree with you. I won't ask you to break them or kill for me." Cologne says and Benji nods. "I want you to try making sow-in-law more civil. If you know him a bit you also know that he has serious issues with people, he lack manners and respect for others that aren't martial artists better than him and he usually do things with out thinking. I will do my best to aid you. And in exchange you do your best to make Ranma a better person."

Benji thinks over the terms. "I accept them. But I won't make promises. I also know that he stubborn and I am one also I admit my flaws. I will try helping him but he won't do any progress if he doesn't try by himself. No changes are done if the people that need to be changed don't want to change." Benji says to her. She nods. "Your words are wise. I will aid you even if you fail. I said try. I am aware that he is hard to work with." Cologne replies. "I am also imposing two conditions to you."

"Which are?" Benji asks. "You can't tell to anyone about your drifter condition, they wouldn't be able to accept it. And I want to you to learn martial arts. I won't add languages because you have to learn them anyway." Cologne answers. "I understand the first one. But why I must learn martial arts?" Benji says. "You know that in this world are two people, martial artists and everyone else. You will be in direct contact with son-in-law and many others martial artists. And you wouldn't survive an attack of a rival like Ryoga. You need them to stay alive." Cologne answers. "I understand elder. I trust in your judgment over the best art for me and I will do my best to learn it from you." Benji says. She nods satisfied with the reasonable young man in front of her.

"What you carry on that bag?" she asks. "Two combat knifes, one spear that are made from five attachable parts, one shuriken like weapon and two metal tekkos as weapons. One CD player, two shirts, two shorts, one jeans pants, one CD case, a belt bag, four rechargeable batteries, a charger for them, a wallet and other smaller goods as personal hygiene products." Benji answers to the elder.

She nods thinking. "Come with me." she says to him and walks back to the restaurant. Benji follows keeping himself a respectable distance from her. Nabiki is already wake and Shampoo and Mousse are there too. "Mu Tsu I want you to get yourself a weapon and fight this young man. Not to death, not for honor. I as spar I need to see his skill. And you are the closer one of his level here that fight armed and knows to hold back since he is an amateur I need someone with control." Cologne says. Mousse feels offended and pulls a sword from his sleeves. "Keep only with that one." she tells him.

"Now young one I want you to get one of your weapons and fight Mousse. You don't have to win. Only show me how you fight." Cologne tells to Benji. He puts on his tekkos and assembles the spear and ties a bandana under the blade. Then he ties one on his forehead. "He is aware that I am not close of his level?" Benji asks. "Yes he is. And I told him that he have to hold back." Cologne replies. Benji nods.

Benji gives a polite bow to Mousse that replies with a harsh one. "Begin!" Cologne announces. Benji gives a quick stab aiming to Mousse chest. "Totally amateur." The male amazon thinks easily fending off the strike. "Ahhhh!" Mousse shouts feeling a strong pain on this left knee. He doesn't have time to see what happened because Benji is attacking again. Mousse fends off the attack again.

Benji spins his body and the spear filling it with his momentum and slams against Mousse. He blocks. "What the hell is going on? That amateur doesn't stop attacking." The Chinese man gets angry and begins to attack Benji savagely. Benji hardly blocks and dodges the attacks. Mousse sees the red flash of the bandana on the tip of the spear and blocks it. He never saw Benji right foot smashing against his unprotected side. Mousse shouts in pain clutching his chest. Benji leaps and slams the spear against the side of the Chinese head. The metal breaks with the impact, but Mousse falls out of cold with his glasses broken.

Benji is panting with the effort of keeping up with Mousse. Everyone is staring at him. "Really good young one. I see much of a ninja on you." Cologne says. "Trickery, distraction, surprise, use of your enemy confidence against himself, low attacks, use of the enemy weak points. You are fit to be a ninja."

"Elder it would be wise to check on him. I might have hurt him." Benji says. "No need to worry. Mousse took harder blows from Shampoo. But you used well that spear. The intention of it was simply make everyone even him look at the bandana under the blade. Not to you." Cologne says.

"Stupid duck boy is okay. Just wake with headache later." Shampoo says in broken English. "Thanks. I feel better knowing that." Benji replies with a small smile. "Come I feel bad that you broke your spear in order to show to this old woman how you fight. I will give you a new one." Cologne says pulling Benji to the office.

"I still haven't figured what happened here." Akane says. "That man used the bandana that he tied on the spear to make sure that Mousse would be looking at the spear. Meanwhile he kicked Mousse who was too busy to see it coming dealing with the spear. Resuming he made Mousse look to the other way while he hitted him." Nabiki says to her little sister and blockhead Ranma.

"You saw past that?" Ranma asks. "Yes. I figured it when he tied it. He was very aware that his own skills are inferior than Mousse's. So in order to win he made the attention of Mousse be focused in a decoy. He also used the fact that Mousse was underestimating him to win. In other words he used the greatest weapon that Mousse and many of you doesn't have." Nabiki explains.

"And what is that?" Akane asks. "His brain and intelligence." Nabiki answers. Akane fumes at her sister comment. Ranma is too busy trying to understand everything. On the office Benji introduces himself and he and Cologne create a fake story for him. Ten minutes later they leave the office. Benji is holding a spear as tall as him with a double edged blade and on the bottom of the blade there is a crescent moon blade.

"Son-in-law this is Himura Benji. He is from a family that is an old friend of mine." Cologne says. "Put old in that." Ranma says. Cologne ignores the comment. "I am getting old since I forgot that he were supposed to visit. His family wants to him to learn under me. He got lost since he doesn't speak Japanese. And he fell under Nabiki Tendo by accident when seeking shelter under the rain." She continues to say. "Since there isn't room for him here in the Nekohanten I would like to ask if it is possible for him stay in the Tendo dojo. Of course I will pay for a reasonable rent until I can found a closer place for him to stay."

Nabiki perks up over the words 'pay' and 'rent'. "It will be one hundred thousand yens by month. Food not accounted." Nabiki says. "I give you that only with food accounted. With out food fifty thousand yens." Cologne says in a firm tone. Seeing that she won't make the amazon budge Nabiki agrees.

"If he breaks the house it will be charged." Nabiki says. "Benji isn't like your sister or anyone of Nerima." Cologne replies. "He doesn't have enemies, isn't in love with any one here, he isn't a martial artist like most of us and he is smarter than most of the people on the dojo. Is highly unlikely that he will cause any damage to the house or the dojo."

Nabiki grunts but knows that the elder is right. "I give you extra ten thousand yens by month to you begin to teach him Japanese. Daily lessons, three hours long." Cologne asks. "Make fifteen and we have a deal." Nabiki replies. "Agreed." Cologne says. "Now Benji go with them I will contact a friend that will aid me in teaching you." Benji nods and soon he is leaving with the Tendo sisters and Ranma.

Benji is with the spear over his right shoulder walking a bit behind Akane and Ranma that are moving faster and besides Nabiki that is on a slower pace. "Sorry for earlier." Benji says to her. "It is okay. Was an accident." Nabiki replies. "So from where you are? You don't look like a full Japanese."

"I am Brazilian. One third Japanese, one third Arab or Lebanese and one third Brazilian. Well or the mix that we call Brazilians." Benji answers. "I heard that is a nice country." Nabiki says. "It is nice. But is hard to live there, underpaid overcharged, there is lots of violence because criminals, corrupt politics that only think in getting richer even if that mean stealing from the country. And the list goes on. It isn't a never ending Carnaval." Benji replies.

Nabiki is surprised. As many people she waited that Brazil was a country with never ending parties and filled with joy and happiness. They keep a light chat until they arrive on the Tendo household. Nabiki explains to everyone why Benji is there. And the glean of greed on Genma eyes is easily seem, not only by the money that Nabiki have but Benji's spear seems to be ancient and worth a lot of money.

"I will show you or spare room on the second floor." Nabiki says. "It is besides mine and has a lock." Benji nods and the duo see the disappointment in Genma face. They move to the second floor. "For a second I thought that the fat one would tackle us. You for the money and me for the spear." Benji says. "I thought so too. Keep that hidden or he will try to sell it." Nabiki warns. Benji nods. "Okay here it is." She says opening an empty bedroom. "It is kind of small but is the only one left on his floor."

"I don't mind. It is larger than ones that I have slept before." Benji says entering. It is shinning clean thanks to Kasumi cleaning skills. "Well I will take a bath and change clothes. In one hour we begin your first class." Nabiki says. "Okay." Benji replies placing his few belongings on the floor.

Two weeks later

Nabiki is honestly surprised with the speed that Benji is learning. She doesn't know that is the need, the fact that he is hearing Japanese more than anything or talent. But she assumes that are all the three. His Japanese when he began was bad, barely enough to ask for food or say that he doesn't speak Japanese. But he knew a large range of words and expressions. After two weeks of daily practices that Nabiki extended to whenever she was bored, that was very often, Benji can speak much better. With better grammar than Shampoo and with a cute accent that made sure that it wasn't his mother language and showed that deep down he spoke some Latin language. In exchange of the extra hours Benji teached Nabiki Portuguese. The Tendo girl learned with eager since more knowledge means more chances of making money.

Benji is also taking an intensive martial training with Cologne getting him ready to the even more intense ninjitsu training that will begin later. And when he wasn't learning something he was serving ramen on the Nekohanten. His strong, tall and naturally tanned figure among his Latino features made him quickly the favorite waiter of over ninety percent of the young females' costumers of the restaurant.

And his uniform there was more suited to be a mariachi clothes than Chinese clothes. But no one complained since was tight enough to give the girls a good show of the outline of his figure. And his voice made all the girls shiver when he asked with his accented Japanese. "How can I serve you?" Line that Cologne picked herself for the hidden meaning that many girls would easily hear.

With Shampoo in her skimpy dresses and Benji on his tight mariachi like uniform the Nekohanten was always full and the duo made large tips. Of course Cologne couldn't predict that his usually friendly smile and manners would make all the girls there hang there longer asking for soft drinks and lighter foods so they could ask more so they can see him more. Something that she pleased discovered since increased her profits.

Nabiki leaves to deal with his usual money making business. Benji leaves to work on the Nekohanten. Adding a dagger on the sash his uniform. A detail that all the girls seemed to love because shows him as ready to fight for anything. And on the girls minds for them. Cologne allowed since brought more profit.

Cologne pays him weekly. But keeps two thirds of his payment in order to pay Nabiki. Something that he doesn't complain since is fair. And he is already making close enough with his tips. And allowed him to buy more clothes since he couldn't stay only with three shirts, three shorts and two pairs of pants.

Benji arrives just in time and begins to work among Shampoo. Mousse still dislikes and despises Benji, but by Cologne threats of make roasted duck for the Brazilian he doesn't harm him. Loads of girls of Nabiki and Akane school are there eating. And they make sure to stay over the areas assigned to Benji to serve. They giggle and whisper in small groups as the tall teen passes by skillfully balancing trays and more trays of steaming ramen and other Chinese foods.

"So as I was saying…" Nabiki says entering on the Nekohanten with a handful of her female minions. Since they all agreed in lunch there even having to pay for Nabiki, she agreed to go. They sit in the only empty table and Nabiki stops talking when Benji said the usual line. All the girls but Nabiki blush at his words and stutter a bit before making the requests that Benji wrote down with a small friendly smile. His trademark on the job. He leaves them to place the orders.

"God he is so handsome!" Shikuka one of Nabiki oldest lieutenants says blushing as red as a stop sign. "And that smile! God I think that I was going to melt!" Sakura another of Nabiki most reliable lieutenants adds blushing in the same shade of red of her friend. "And his voice…God I could stay hearing for hours. And that accent is so cute and sexy." Another one adds.

Nabiki admitted that Cologne was a genius in using Benji clearly visible ethnic charm to bring costumers. But the devastating effect that he has over her school female population is one hundred percent Benji work, conscious or not. "Most like unconscious." Nabiki thinks. Benji is usually very polite and respectful. Treating the females with respect and kindness almost inexistent in Nerima. Added to his tendency of saying heart melting lines once and a while. Benji was fully armed to create an army of lovesick teenagers with fourteen to eighteen. Something that he is already doing. And seeing it first handed makes Nabiki think in how use that for her own personal profit. For sure pictures of him will sell like cold water in a hot desert but she wants more.

Much later in that evening Benji is helping Shampoo to clean the restaurant after it closed. And as they began to do as a small habit they chat over small things in they broken and accented Japanese. Mousse is cleaning the kitchen and Cologne is watching the trio working. After the clean up the elder calls Benji.

"What can I do for you elder?" Benji asks in Japanese. She can't help in smiling at the polite young man. "Sit down and let's talk a bit." Cologne says showing him a seat on the balcony. Benji does as told. "I admit that you improved greatly in your Japanese in the past weeks. And considering your situation is not only normal but common, all people who pass by that gain an even greater ability to learn languages." Cologne says fixing for both some ramen.

"Your martial skills are also improving a lot. You are learning the basic very well. And since you have a small base in armed combat it is easier to move you to higher levels. I am honestly impressed with you abilities with knifes." She continues handing him a bowl of ramen. "I have lots of previous experience with them." Benji says picking a pair of chopsticks.

"Indeed. You are above the average in the normal standards, on the average for normal martial artists and far comparing to us. But the last one is natural. I can say that we are the world bests." Cologne says slurping her ramen. Benji nods agreeing. Still praise from someone like her worth a lot. "My friend that is a ninja will arrive next week. And she has some exquisite methods of training. It will make up for the years of training in a rather short time. But it is dangerous and tiring and might kill you."

Benji nods tensely. "Her ways are so rare that most of people think that it is a legend and only people who are or insane or too brave train like that. But considering your condition I am quite sure that you will be able to do it well. Unlike son-in-law. I think that his body wouldn't sustain the stress, after suffering the amount that his body already did." She continues. "And she kind of unique too." "Like everyone else." Benji thinks eating his ramen.

Half hour later Benji leaves the restaurant. The streets are empty as usual because of the late hour. He doesn't mind since he is used to it. Nabiki is following him in a safe distance. For some reason she decided to spy the Brazilian even thought most of his day he passes with her studying. She returned from a late collect and saw him on his way back and decided to follow him instead of walking with him. Maybe she can see something that will give her profits.

On the middle of the way Benji is surrounded by a group of ten boys. Nabiki recognizes them as part of the Furinkan high soccer team and all of them are holding bokkens. Nabiki sees Benji moving his headphones and resting them around his neck, his belt bag is hanged across his chest with his CD player there.

"Now you will pay for attracting all the girls' gaijin." One of them says. "I did nothing that Ranma haven't done before me." Benji replies. "I am guessing since none of you are a good martial artist of man enough to face him you decided to try attacking me. A non martial artist. Is the only way that losers like you can win."

Nabiki sees that Benji comments hit home hard. Specially the one over the boys' manhood. Two of them charge at Benji on a furious rage. Big mistake. Benji sidestep the attack of the first and grabs his bokken and breaks the boy arm in four different locations thru the bone not counting the dislocation of the joints. Before the first is down the second boy arm is broken by a massive strike on the side, on the arm length shattering the bone. And Benji got a second bokken.

Benji changes his footing and spins his swords together and clash the tips together with a loud sound that have the desired effect of scaring even more the remaining ones. "You guys should have paid Nabiki for information before trying." Benji taunts them. "I may not be good as Ranma or Ryoga, but I am a martial artist. Thought she doesn't know that my specialty is armed combat against multiple enemies."

"He is alone! He can't be good!" the first to scream to him shouts and the others charge him. Benji kicks hard one of the attackers kneecap. Using hard rubber soles boots as part of his uniform the result is easily predicted. The bone shatters under the strong impact and the joint moves in a direction that is against the nature. Benji slams one of the swords against the boy shoulder breaking it.

Nabiki watches as Benji fights them all. She was going to call for aid. But Benji is doing just fine. "Indeed not as skilled as Ranma or a good fencer like Kuno. But he is reasonably good. Thought his moves are harsh. Still effective but harsh. Cologne is working well on him." She things analyzing Benji skills. She may not be a martial artist as her younger sister but she practiced and still trains once and a while to keep herself in good shape. "Unlike Kuno, Mousse and Shampoo he mix armed strikes with unarmed ones. They can't defend from the swords and the rest of his body at the same time."

Benji finishes the last one. Two broken arms, one broken leg and a cracked jaw is his score on that one. Benji tosses the bokkens aside and they hit two of the boys on the groin giving them something else to suffer. Benji moves away and walks to a payphone. Nabiki moves closer and hears him calling for ambulances. After it he moves away. He stops in a house and crouches by a faucet and washes his hands removing some blood from punching the boys.

"You know I could charge you for not telling the police over this." Nabiki says leaning on the wall besides him. "Go on." Benji replies. "That was self-defense. They began attacking me, they were in ten and were armed. Until they were out of cold they are still a menace to me. And if needed I could kill them with out facing charges and they would be the guilty ones. They aren't out of cold and they are still alive."

Nabiki eyes shows surprise. No one confronted her like this before. Part of her wants to prove him wrong, but a larger part of her is happy and curious over if can do it more. "You are right. If was anyone else of Nerima they would have paid with our hesitating. You are smarter than most of people here." Nabiki says. "And don't worry. I was kidding. I knew that was self-defense."

Benji closes the faucet and gets up. Nabiki stands him a handkerchief. "How much?" Benji asks. Nabiki winces inwardly over the question. "No charge." She replies. "I just want it back." Benji picks it and dry his hands. They move to the Tendo household. "You know that you destroyed those boys soccer carriers don't you?" she asks.

"I know. And you know that they would be much worse with me." Benji answers. Nabiki nods. She can easily picture the boys beating Benji very badly. Maybe even to death. And even if he recovered he would be badly scarred and would have high chances of never walking again. And none of them would have called an ambulance for Benji, like he did for them.

They arrive in the Tendo household. "Kawaikune!" they hear Ranma voice shout. "Hentai Baka!" they hear Akane voice shouting. And then the sound of a mallet hitting flesh. Benji jumps to a side pushing Nabiki away. Far from the danger of a high speed flying Ranma passing by the entry.

Ranma hits a wall hard. Nabiki stare in shock feeling Benji body pressing her tightly against the wall, covering her. "Hentai!" Akane shouts seeing Benji and Nabiki as they are. She is pulling the mallet back. "Stop!" Nabiki shouts. Akane freezes, Nabiki never shouts. "If you hit him I will tell all your secrets for every newspaper, radio and TV station of the country and ruin any reputation that you might have." Nabiki says icily. "But he is assaulting you!" Akane shouts angrily. "He was protecting me. You malleted Ranma against us. If Benji haven't taken me out of the harms way I would be in a hospital or maybe dead." Nabiki replies pointing to the Ranma shaped hole in the wall of the front house.

"Or you think that I would just get up like Ranma and dust myself from any injuries?" Nabiki asks. "Benji was a perfect gentleman in his actions. And any hostility against him will result in painful repayment for you. And I don't mean money. I will sell cheaply some embarrassing pictures of you for anyone asking." Akane pales up.

"Let's go Benji I believe that Kasumi saved us some dinner." Nabiki says pulling Benji inside after they took off they shoes. Akane stares surprised at her sister. Kasumi serves to the duo they share of dinner and sits besides them. Kasumi and Benji began chatting as they usually do in a daily ritual.

On the next day

Nabiki is leaving the school after the ends of the classes surrounded by her higher ranked minions. The girls stop telling her the reports and glance at the entrance. She looks at the gate and sees Benji leaning against the wall with his headphones on. "Yo Nabiki!" the tall brunette calls. She walks to him. "Need anything from me Benji?" she asks him while he removes the phones.

"Not actually." Benji replies pulling something from his jacket pocket. "I came to return this." He hands to her the handkerchief that she borrowed him on the night before. "You even washed. That was very considerate of you." She says picking it up. "But you skipped work just to return it? You could have given me by dinner."

"Well I came make a deliver near by. And since was close of the time of the classes end and I was around I decided to return it. You might need it." Benji answers. "Thank you." Nabiki replies. "So you are returning to the Nekohanten now?" Benji nods. "Yes. Got ramen to serve." He says. "See you later." "Bye." Nabiki replies. Benji turns his back and walks in the direction of the restaurant. Nabiki walks to her minions. "So what else happened today?" she asks them.

"Boss how come you are so close of him?" one of them asks. Nabiki stands her hand. All the girls pay her two thousand yens. "He lives in my house. He rents a room there and I am teaching him Japanese." Nabiki says keeping the information of him being a martial artist hidden. The others girls stare with shock and jealousy.

"Abunai!" Nabiki shouts seeing a boy from the hokey club charging to attack Benji behind his back. Benji reacts quickly with a high kick, breaking the hockey stick with his boot, but the momentum of the tall boy and from the Brazilian kick combine on the soft spot of the boy's neck. Where Benji's boot heel connects.

A second breaking sound is heard on the second following the second impact. The boy flies backwards and hit the ground. When he begins to choke blood one girl screams in horror. Benji returned to a normal standing position but he is shocked with the results of his kick. He miscalculated the strength needed to break the stick and added much more force than needed. And the results where clear when he felt the boy's windpipe crush under his hard rubber heel.

The school nurse runs to aid the boy and one of the teachers called an ambulance. Benji stays there shocked as well many of the student body. Ranma and Akane also saw the scene. Ranma was too busy discussing to Akane to prevent it. Since he only noticed it after Nabiki shouted a warning for Benji.

One of the teaches is holding Benji arm. Not that he made any sign of leaving. He is too shocked for it. An ambulance arrives and the boy is taken to a hospital. Benji is taken to the principal office and the police are called. One hour after the police arrived and an intense process of interviewing every student that saw the event one of the detectives talks to the principal and a member of the parents and teachers association.

"We spoke to all the students who saw what happened." He begins. "Your student attack Himura-dono. Who was with his back turned to him and with a CD player with headphones on. He would have assaulted him successfully with a hockey stick if one of your students hasn't warned over the danger. It was self-defense."

"He send a student to the hospital and to the ICU and you are telling me that you won't do anything!" the over forties woman asks enraged. "The student can die!" The detective looks at her. "Yes he can. But that is his own fault. I admit that Himura-dono used of much force. But he is beginning to train martial arts and miscalculated the strength needed to defend himself from the stick." The detective says. "And just telling by his look he is regretting that he isn't experienced enough to made thing different."

"And what business he had on the school grounds! He is not a student!" she asks again. "He was here delivering a personal item of one of the students and he was walking away when it happened." The detective answers the woman on his professional and calm tone. "And the reason of the attack was jealousy. Unfounded and unneeded jealousy. All he students confirmed the fact that he is a waiter on a popular ramen restaurant. And he is popular among the female costumers."

The woman is looking for an argument. "This is indeed a tragedy." The principal says. "I got reports of my teachers that many of the boys here were angry and jealous because of the new waiter of the Nekohanten. But I never thought that one of them would try anything like this. I am deeply ashamed that by lack of attention of my part something like this happened to a working young man who is trying to make an honest living."

The detective nods agreeing. "I also heard that there are many students harassing a girl, making her fight against many boys every morning and one of them is from the Kuno family." He says. "I believe that this is also part of the reason of this incident. I heard that this is happening have months with out the school doing anything to prevent it. The sense of impunity on assaulting a young maiden daily even that she defeats them all made your students thinks that they can only assault the reason of a problem with out dealing with the consequences."

"I will begin to give punishments to the ones on the mob and Kuno Tatewaki for inciting and making part of it." The principal says. The detective nods. "I will give Himura-dono a ride to his residence and speak with his employer about the incident and give him a time off to recover. But Himura-dono I want you to see a professional to help you deal with this mater." He replies. Benji nods weakly.

"And he will be left unpunished for attacking a student! That will be the same thing that telling to every criminal come here and rape the girls knowing that they won't be punished." The woman says angry. "Ma'am, he protected his life from an attack that could be deadly. An attack that was made by a student of this school. Himura-dono can not only sue the school as he can sue the boy parents. You have any idea of the emotional damage that he had?" the detective replies. A phone ring and the principal answers. "I see." After a small talk he hangs up. "Tanaka didn't made it. He just passed away with pulmonary deficiency caused by broken larynx." The principal tells them.

Benji gets pale. "And he will get away with murder?" the woman spats angrily. "It wasn't murder." The detective says. "It was self-defense."

And he takes Benji to the Tendo household. In there Benji enters on his room and locks himself in. Some minutes later Ranma, Akane and Nabiki arrive and the others members of the household hear what happened. Kasumi chokes a 'oh my!' when she heard it. Genma and Soun didn't showed any emotion, thing that bothered the others member of the household.

Cologne enters on the household. "Hello, I came here to talk to my disciple, I heard that he became a blooded warrior." She says greeting them. "That is true." Nabiki replies hiding her emotions with years of experience. "Thought it was by accident." Cologne sighs. "I take you to his room. But he locked himself in." Nabiki adds. Cologne nods.

"You will comfort him?" Nabiki asks while the move. "I will give him few words of wisdom, it is not easy face the first kill. Especially in cases like this were you didn't mean to kill." Cologne answers. "But I won't do anything else. He will have to overcome it by himself." Nabiki stays in silence and shows Benji's room door. Then she moves to her own room.