Disclaimer I do not own Sailor Moon or the sailor scouts. I do own the Sailor Gems. Do not sue me.

The Gemstone Senshi

Prologue: I thought time travel was forbidden.

The solar sailor Senshi are tiring. Their battles have become long and hard and their bodies are wearing out. Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi-Moon are the sole exceptions. For the two outer Senshi age would never be a problem. They were pretty much immortal. Saturn could not die because if she did, the Silence would be set loose wreaking havoc across the galaxies and the maker did not wish for that to be unleashed yet so she was eternally youthful and eternally alive unless she used her forbidden attack which let's face it, she only used that once in a blue moon anyway. Pluto could not die because if she did time could never flow again so she wiled away the years ageless and deathless at the gates of time which let me tell you got boring after awhile. Chibi-Moon would not die because her body had willingly housed the silver crystal and suffered no ill side effects from it.

Neo-Queen Serenity died in King Endymion's arms on her 957 birthday. He followed her quickly by way of a broken heart. Sailors Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter had been sick with an unknown disease for a very long time and finally succumbed in July of that same year. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune never recovered form betraying their fellow senshi with Sailor Galaxia and committed suicide not long after the King and Queen came to power.

Three months after the King and Queen died, Princess Small Lady Serenity Tsukino called a meeting with her advisors on what to do about the rampant monster attacks.

"Something has to be done," said the pink haired princess. "The people can't hold out much longer against the encroaching threat. What are your thoughts on the current situation, Master Artemis?"

"My lady," said the white feline with the crescent moon symbol on his forehead, "Sailor Saturn and Sailor Pluto are doing all they can to defeat the monsters right now, but they need a little bit of help. Does the Silver Crystal still reject you as ruler?"

"Yes, Luna said it would until I have a solid team of senshi to help me. But how am I to find Senshi? I thought all the senshi in this part of the galaxy were dead."

"You could always go retrieve the Gemstone Senshi." A voice from the corner stated, "I have been observing them and am sure they are tired of the time they are stuck in."

"Sailor Pluto! I'm glad to see you. Who are the Gemstone Senshi? Why have I never heard of them and what did you mean about that time crack?"

"The Gemstone Senshi are the senshi of the lost Kingdom of Spectra who lived outside our solar system and out of Queen Serenity's jurisdiction. The Kingdom of Spectra sank into obscurity during the Silver Millennium because the true heir to the throne, Princess Crystal was kidnapped and hidden far from Spectra. The Kingdom of Spectra was divided into only ten planets each named after a certain gemstone. The ruling planet was Planet Crystal whose people were supposed to be completely pure hearted and true to the ruling family. The second planet was Garnet, Home of Sailor Garnet, the Vibrant red soldier. She came to help at the end of the Silver Millennium. They all did. But they attempted to return home just a bit too late and were caught in Serenity's magic. Anyway, the third planet was I believe Emerald, Sailor Emerald's homeland. The forth plant was Cat's-Eye, with Sailor Cats-eye. The fifth planet was Amber, Home of Sailor Amber. The Sixth planet was Bloodstone, place of Sailor Bloodstone, a Senshi who was slightly prone to violent acts. The Seventh planet was Hematite with Sailor Hematite as protector. The Eighth was Jade, with Sailor Jade as protector. The ninth was Lapis Lazuli, with the twin senshi, Sailor Lapis and Sailor Lazuli. The Tenth was Onyx, haven of Sailor Onyx. You have never heard of them because their powers have never been activated. Indeed they have just now started awakening in the past. They are reawakening in Feudal Japan. The time is rife with demonic activity and happenings. I believe they were caught in the backwash of Serenity's magic and were sent only 500 years into the future by accident. Back with my story, just as Sailor Garnet and the rest of the Gems, as everyone called them, arrived in the Moon Kingdom there was a great uproar on one of the Solar Asteroids. I believe it was Ceres. Princess Crystal had been found living quietly with her captors. She was whisked away to the Moon Kingdom to await her personal guard who were in reality already there and trying to fight there way to the moon. So every Gem and their princess were sent into the future, quite by accident."

"So, what you're saying is I have to find 10 people who are lost in the stream of time!" The pink haired lady said with a squeal.

"No, my lady, we only need to find Sailor's Garnet, Jade, Hematite, Crystal, Onyx and Amber right now. They are the only ones in the Feudal era."

"Oh, that makes it easier, I suppose. What are you leaving out, Pluto?"

"Nothing your highness…"

"Come on Plu, I'm a big girl now. Nothing will hurt me."

"You can't go"

"What do you mean? I have to go! I'm the new leader of the Sailor Senshi and I have to go!"

"I knew you would react like this. My Lady, you cannot go because in your absence someone could effectively seize the throne and have us hunted down and destroyed when we return."

The princess mulled over this turn of events for a few minutes and concluded that Sailor Pluto was right.

"Alright, I want Pluto and Saturn to head out right away. Artemis, I want you, Luna and Diana to change to human and increase the guards around the castle."

"Yes, Princess" the two Senshi and one cat bowed and ran out of the room to do their precious princesses bidding.

"Please hurry, Plu, Saturn. I can't hold the castle by myself for long.

To be continued…

Chapter 2: Onwards to the Gates of Time.