Once they arrived at the club Amber was the first one out and then remembered that she had no ID on her to get into the club since she was still under age and she had to wait for the others and hope that she could sneak through and passed the bouncers fi

A/N: Hey guys aren't you lucky two updates within the space of what a day or so! This is because I'm so bored and have nearly finished uni just got one more exam to go and its becoming so boring to revise! Sorry if this chapter's lame I've kind of lost my muse at the moment and need to get back on track with the story.

Once again I don't own anyone other than Amber so please don't sue me I don't have anything worth suing me for to be honest.

-- Please read and review I really do want to know what you guys think!! And some ideas would be gratefully welcome.--

As Dave and hunter were dancing they continually glanced across at the two young people on the dance floor knowing they needed to do something before Randy worked out where she was and what was happening after all they knew it wouldn't be long before Randy himself got bored of spending time with Candice and would want to go clubbing and no doubt he would know where everybody was going and would end up following on down to that club.

--Randy's POV--

I was still in Candice's room trying to calm her down about the information she had just heard and she was now making me feel extremely guilty about not having told her about this sooner. Whilst it took me forever to explain it all and why I had never told her this before she soon came around to my thinking, or so I had thought.

"Baby you know I would never do anything to harm you I just thought it would be better off it I kept it a secret for a while I didn't mean to deceive you and from now on I promise no more lies."

"I guess I can see your point of view but I wouldn't have loved you any less. I just don't get why you didn't think you would be able to come and tell me about I thought we agreed at the beginning of the relationship that we would have no secrets from each other"

"Yeah I know but this was one secret that nobody knew of not even the guys they all met her today and it was a big shock to the system I haven't even told Vince that's she's going to be travelling with us yet. But all I want is for you to promise me that you'll try with her even though I know that it's going to be hard work because she has an attitude but please candy for me."

"Randy I don't now I can't deal with another person being thrown into the mix right now, its going to be hard work for me to deal with this and I think its going to be best if you go and take some time away from me and spend it with your daughter and I can take some to think things threw. I'm not saying its over between us but I need space and time"

"Candy baby please don't do this, I need you by my side, you make me happy all the time and most of all I know I have something to come back too after I've been in the ring, if I had of known this was going to happen then I would have told you sooner please"

"No randy you need to leave my room now ill give you a call when I've figured things out in my head and know what I want but I promise you I will come back"

I despondently left Candice's hotel room and instead of heading back to my room I went to the bar instead opting to get wasted over this whole situation and that's when I realised that the guys were all down at the local club which was one of the main hot spots of the town, so after a couple shots of jack I grabbed a cab and got into the club almost immediately.

After heading to the bar and getting a couple of beers in and saw the guys sat down in a private booth and headed over towards them Adam and Amy were sat their sucking each others faces off and it just made me think even more about how much I really was going to hate this time apart from Candice she would normally come to the clubs with me which usually ended up in hot drunken sex.

"Hey guys"

I got a few murmured responses from them and then noticed that they were all looking towards the dance floor and I wondered what was so interesting on there so I turned and had a look and saw Amber dancing with my best friend John Cena I sat there for a few more minutes when Amy finally noticed me looking over at them.

"Hey Randy please me nice to them they look so cute together just let them be"

"Amy how the fuck can you say that! That's my daughter and my best friend dancing if you hadn't noticed I should go over there!"

"Look I think I know full well who that is on the dance floor and to me they look perfectly happy out there. Plus Dave and Hunter have been out there keeping an eye on them since they first came in I really wouldn't worry"

I paused for a while and then suddenly thought Amber had only just had her 18th birthday on Monday and that's why she was with me how on earth did she get into the club to start off with.

"Hey Ames, how did Amber get in here?"

"Ummmm. I don't really think I should be the one to answer that question"

"AMY tell me NOW!! She shouldn't be in here she's only 18 damn it, what does it look like now I can even keep an eye on my own daughter."

Adam stood up looking like he was ready to take me on.

"Ok Fine, she has a fake ID is that what you want to hear! It was her idea for us to come here not mine not Johns and not Trish's!! Let her have her fun tonight and deal with the problem tomorrow if. I shouldn't be saying this since she's my friend if you want to show whose boss, catch her off guard she won't know you've been here and then you can lay the authority down."

"Thanks Ames, look I'm sorry for yelling at you I guess I'm just a little anxious tonight. Well I guess I'm just going to head on home and catch some sleep before tomorrow its going to be one hell of a day."

With that I downed my last bottle and bid my goodbyes and left the club unnoticed by anyone and headed back to the hotel.

--Back to third person--

Amy looked on as Randy left the club still looking rather depressed it almost made her feel sorry for him but she let it go and looked across at her boyfriend and smiled at him and dragged him up from his seat at the table and they made their way to the dance floor she looked over and Amber and John were still going at it. They were dancing so close it almost looked dirty.

Amy broke away from Adam and headed over to the couple and tapped Amber on her shoulder and looked at John for a second.

"I'm just going to steal your girl for a few moments"

John looked puzzled and just shrugged and made his way towards the bar whilst Amy dragged Amber off towards the toilets.

"Girl you need to be careful with Mr. Cena you guys look like your going to get your freak on right there on the dance floor"

"It is not that bad Ames, it's just dancing and I happen to be having a good time. It's not like anyone else has a problem with it"

Amy shook her head in disbelief and whispered to herself "girl you have no idea who's just spotted you and wannabe rapper getting it on"

"What was that you just said?"

"Oh nothing, how about we go to the bar and grab another drink and find those men of ours"

"Sure why not"

Amber just smiled and made her way out of the bathroom whilst Amy let out a sigh and followed on out.

Amber was at the bar and already had her arms wrapped around him by the time Amy had headed over there.

Amy looked on at the two of them and had no choice but to smile and let them be, after all she had already tried to warn them but she didn't want to get on Randy's bad side either. It was going to be a long and trying week for Amy to get through.

--Amber's POV--

I couldn't believe how drunk I was well I guess I could that was my plan for the night to get completely wasted so that I could forget about all my problems that had been mounting up since I had arrived and bearing in mind that hadn't been for long I knew my problems must be bad!

Whilst we were standing at the bar it suddenly came over me how tired I was and I was beginning to wish I could go home and just sleep the drink off. I looked over at noticed Amy and Adam looked ready to disappear and could see Ames trying to drag Adam out of the bar he looked reluctant to go at first and I could see that when she whispered something to him he was more than eager to leave I don't think I need two guesses to figure out what was said between the two of them.

I took my drink from John and we both did a shot as I tried to hide the fact that I was knackered from him, however the yawn that escaped my mouth said different and he noticed it.

"Come on baby girl we should get you to bed, you're tired"

"I am not! I want to stay and dance, please Johnny boy can we stay"

"Amb we need to be going, Randy's going to be wondering where you've got to as it is. Plus you still need to sneak back into the room your sharing otherwise he's going to notice you were clubbing."

"Like he'll notice I was missing he makes a crummy father, besides I'm going to have to find somewhere else to crash he would have to notice I'm drunk you know it's not that easy for me to be quiet!"

"I kinda noticed you've been yelling at me whilst we've been here. I'll tell you what Dave's still in here we could go see if you can crash on his couch or something and then if Randy comes looking for you in the morning Dave can protect you better than I can he knows how to deal with the mood swings"

I just giggled and nodded my head, id figured out that John can't have been as drunk as me he was making so much sense and talking at me like he knew it all.

He dragged me on the dance floor and we soon located Dave and Hunter who were surrounded by women trying to talk their way into staying the night with them. John tapped Dave on the shoulder and turned to face us, when he realised it was us he didn't look happy one bit.

John nudged me to talk and I refused to open my mouth to talk I couldn't let on to Dave about how drunk I was.

"Hey man, Amber here needs somewhere to stay tonight so that Randy doesn't know where she was"

"You mean to tell me that you want me to be a scapegoat for Amber, as much as I love you kid you need to face up to the fact that you're underage and shouldn't be in here. The only reason me and Hunter stayed in here was to keep an eye on your irresponsible ass."

I was riled and couldn't believe what he had just said too me I punched him in the arm and crossed my arms too look up at him.

"How dare you say that, I am not irresponsible I always used to sneak into places when I was leaving with mom its not like I need to be careful here is it! Johns here looking after me"

"Just you wait until tomorrow I might have to tell your father about the attitude you've given me tonight along with how much you have had to drink and where you've been and who with. And I would gladly help him tan your ass to get it into your head."

I was so mad with Dave, I thought he was going to be a good help to me obviously he would rather help my father even though yesterday he wasn't that appreciative of him.

"WHAT!? How can you say that too me, just yesterday you were slating him and now you want to stand up for him and get me into trouble I don't understand"

Dave sighed and took my arm and he walked me outside of the club John and Hunter not trailing to far behind us.

"Look Amber I'm not trying to stop you having fun but you need to think about your decisions wisely, what if you hadn't been with John and us lot tonight anybody could have come up and danced with you. I'm just looking out for you; I need you to understand I don't want you to think we're all ganging up on you that's not the case. Since I know Randy's going to be a crappy father you need someone looking out for you."

I sighed and relaxed a little bit and looked up at Dave to see the look on his face had softened out, I was glad he wasn't so mad at me anymore.

"Thank you Dave that means a lot to me I'm truly touched by it all. I wasn't trying to get you involved in everything. I really don't mind going back to my room I'm sure he wont even have noticed that I'm missing he was probably too busy with that slut of his."

"Come on I'll drive you and John back to the hotel, might aswell make sure you get back alright"

He looked over at John and Hunter who were engrossed in a conversation over some match or another for tomorrows house show. Dave waved them over and then led me towards the car and helped me into the passenger seat and strapped my seatbelt up for me. The guys got in the back of the car and headed back to the hotel.

Once we arrived Dave looked over at me seriously and took a deep breath in, he knew what he was about to do would ultimately probably get him killed.

"Amber I don't think its wise that you go back to your room tonight, you can crash at mine again tonight and deal with your father tomorrow morning when I'm sure he'll come looking for you at the crack of dawn but just remember I will be telling him all."

"Thank you so much Dave I appreciate it. And I will own up to everything that happened if I remember what happened that is."

Dave said nothing to me and just smiled at me before enveloping me in a hug as all four of us walked towards the elevator. Luckily we were all staying on the same floor so Dave was able to help everybody get back to their rooms safely the first person we dropped off was Hunter who was singing by the time we made it to his room. The next drop off was John but I couldn't bare to see him leave so I gave him a big hug and he caught my face and held onto it so he could kiss me leaving his lips lingering so I would remember the kiss for the night. Dave started tapping his foot impatiently and was glaring at me. As soon as John had shut his door he pretty much dragged me off too his room for the night,

Once in the room I almost immediately fell asleep dreaming about John.

So guys please read n review!

Love you all
