Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed Destiny's Captain Murrue Ramius of Orb's Archangel and Archangel's Colonel Lieutenant Neo Lornokke.

Author notes: Neo Lornokke is Mwu la Flaga, I know. However, he wants to be called Neo, and I would respect that wish of his to be called Neo. When he is ready, he shall be truly Mwu la Flaga. Enjoy :D

Short introduction: Drabble on Neo Lornokke's POV. NeoMurrue / MwuMurrue.

First: Neo

Seeing her cry, his heart would have a little painful feeling building up from within.

Why is it so? He had no answer.

His mission as Colonel Lieutenant of earth Alliance was to go after ZAFT ship Minerva. The legendary battleship Archangel showed up, spoiling his chances to destroy the ZAFT ship, so he thought of destroying it as well.

However, the thought gave a heavy feeling to his heart.

Why is it so? He had no answer.

When he first opened his eyes and saw her face, he felt that he had known her for a long time with a special interest on her. But he searched his mind and her presence wa she had cried when he denied he was Mwu la Flaga.

Why is it so? He had no answer.

He recognises her as a true captain. But when they reached Orb, she gave him a Skyscraper for him to escape Archangel. Why? He had asked her. She did not answer, turning her back on him. He stretched his neck over her shoulder to try to look at her face. Is she going to cry again? She ran away from him without giving him an answer. He saw her tears. He felt his heart constricting painfully.

Why is it so? Again, he had no answer. But soon he will.

He escaped with the mobile armour. He piloted it with absolute ease, like it is his second nature. Like the Skyscraper is his to begin with. He saw Archangel fight Minerva as he escaped. The ship evading dozens of missiles towards the ship expertly. He tugged his lips. The pilot of that ship sure is good.

In a short time, he would be flying out of Orb towards the Earth Alliance's territory soon. He decided to have a last look at the ship that had imprisoned him for quite some time. At the same time, he saw the ship in danger. His mind flashed the images of the female captain of Archangel. Her tears. Her smile as she thanked him. Or even worst, the bloody image of her dropping onto the floor.

Something snapped in she had cried when he denied he was Mwu la Flaga.

Why is it so? He had no answer.

He recognises her as a true captain. But when they reached Orb, she gave him a Skyscraper for him to escape Archangel. Why? He had asked her. She did not answer, turning her back on him. He stretched his neck over her shoulder to try to look at her face. Is she going to cry again? She ran away from him without giving him an answer. He saw her tears. He felt his heart constricting painfully.

Why is it so? Again, he had no answer. But soon he will.

He escaped with the mobile armour. He piloted it with absolute ease, like it is his second nature. Like the Skyscraper is his to begin with. He saw Archangel fight Minerva as he escaped. The ship evading dozens of missiles towards the ship expertly. He tugged his lips. The pilot of that ship sure is good.

In a short time, he would be flying out of Orb towards the Earth Alliance's territory soon. He decided to have a last look at the ship that had imprisoned him for quite some time. At the same time, he saw the ship in danger. His mind flashed the images of the female captain of Archangel. Her tears. Her smile as she thanked him. Or even worst, the bloody image of her dropping onto the floor.

Something snapped in him. He flew back to the ship, shooting down the missiles for Archangel. He needs to protect Murrue Ramius. He would not want her to be bloodied.

Why is it so? He still had no answer. But when something happens next, He would recover part of his memories; he would remember her.

His mobile armour was shot and lost its balance; he could feel the ship toppling on one side, going to drop onto the deep sea. Going to be destroyed by more enemy units coming towards him. Instinctively, he piloted Skyscraper towards Archangel. One of Archangel's launching pods opened. He piloted towards it.

However, more images flooded his mind. His past coming into his mind. Remembering that the launching pod had a hole through it and he had returned back to the ship in trouble with his Skyscraper. The same situation as now. He felt like he remembers. He is indeed Mwu la Flaga. He remembered his confession to Murrue Ramius too. And of hers towards him as well.

Why is it so? His love. They meet again. His true love.

But as the sight of a necklace that hung on her neck appeared in his mind, a somewhat bitter taste in his mouth surfaced. As for the reason why he still had no idea. He had just regained part of his memories, a fact that he is rather sure of.

He felt cheated by Lord Jibril. The man who claimed that he had saved him and so he had an obligation to do the things as he orders or face certain risks. The man who forced him to break his promise to a young ZAFT pilot. The man who forced him to lead the girl, whom he had, came to have a liking towards to danger, to death. The man who gave him a false truth to his real identity, the Blue Cosmos leader, Lord Jibril.

But he can do nothing to correct his sins committed in the past. The only wish he had now is to help Orb. To protect Murrue Ramius. His love. They meet again. His one and only. His true love.


Author notes: Read and review. Arigatou. Ja ne!