Ok, I hope you all
know this is going to be on the silly side, due to the atmosphere of
this piece…. Oh and this story is silly, I'm not trying to down my own piece, but if you're not in
a fun mood, you're not going to enjoy it. Or maybe it will put some of you in a better mood? -Vj
Chapter 1
"Commander? Commander!" Olivia sat at the controls, while Cragen stood in front of the glass wall revealing a world of stars and blackness. After another second he turned around, "What is it Benson?" Olivia waved for him to come over to the controls, and he did so.
"What is that little red thingy flashing toward that little green thingy?" Cragen asked frowning as Stabler came over too. After Olivia shared a look of desperation with Elliot, she spoke up, "Well Sir… we're the green thingy, and the red is… well it's… its CSI."
Cragen gasped, "Oh my gosh… did everyone hear that! I want this ship powered up, loaded with our biggest weapons, and ready to blow CSI right out of the ratings!" Everyone hurriedly sat at their controls and got ready, as Cragen took a seat in the middle of the room on a chair raised above the rest of the seats.
Elliot looked over at Olivia worried, she looked back just as scared, then turned back to her controls, "CSI three points away… two points away…" She stopped as an incoming call came in. Munch answered, for it was his job, "Commander, its CSI on the line." Cragen nodded, "put them on."
Munch put the call and the video of the CSI team on the big screen. One of them spoke deviously, "Well, well, well, we meet again Cragen."
"I guess so," Cragen snarled. "What do you want?"
"We don't want much. You see this is what's going to go down, we're going to give you all of our work. And one by one you're team will solve each case, and afterwards…" the man let out a chuckle, "my team will take the credit." Cragen glared angry, "not on my life!" he turned to Fin, "Shoot all we got!" Fin was sitting at the war zone part of the deck. He quickly pressed down a bunch of buttons and soon big volts of decreasing ratings came shooting at the CSI-ites. The CSI team screamed as the video started to fade… "I'll get you for this Cragen, I'll get you and you're pretty little team too…"
After a few hours, the team feeling better and feeling less threatened, sat around in the lunch room. Olivia spoke, "you know commander, we defeated them this time, but how long can we keep it up?" Cragen looked at her, Elliot, Fin, and Munch all worried about the same thing. Cragen finally answered with, "as long as our god, Dick Wolf, is here the force will be with us."