A/N: heya everyone, sorry that this is so late I failed a couple classes in skool and well my mom grounded me from the comp for the rest of the school year…..-.- man it sucks I gotta sneak on and its my own computer but I shall give you guys what you have been waiting for and on with the story.

Disclaimer: Okay I don't own Inuyasha or any songs or poems that may or may not be in the story.

Chapter 7

Inuyasha stared at Kagome for a minute in shock. She wanted to do what to him? Turn him? How can she do that? He was already part demon how could he be half vampire to then? Kagome saw the look on his face and she tried to explain it the best she could.

"I can turn your human blood in you, into that of a vampire. You wouldn't be a pure vampire. But you would be half vampire and demon."

Inuyasha nodded his head and looked at her. This one girl had changed his life so much. He wanted to stay with her forever, he wanted to see her happy and smile. But now she was asking to become something that she was, so that they could be together? Why did she want to change him? That was what was bugging him so much.

"Kagome, why do you want to change me?"

Kagome looked down at the floor for a moment then up at Inuyasha.

"Right now yes you are half demon so you will live longer then the normal human. But you still are not immortal like me. Inuyasha I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my unnatural life. But you will die one day….a old man….and I will still be this young none aging vampire."

Inuyasha nodded his head looking at her. His eyes were serious He knew she loved him now. She has just said it right from her own lips. Slowly walking over, he kneeled down in front of her and gently kissed her soft lips with his. Pulling away he looked at her in the face.

"Then do what you wish to be because I love you to Kagome"

I'd give anything to give me to you
Can you forget the world that you thought you knew
If you want me,
Come and find me
Nothing's stopping you so please release me

Kagome smiled and tears started to well up in her eyes, looking at him straight in the eyes she said.

"It might be painful….I have never turned anyone before"

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and kissed her lips once again.

"I would do anything for you Kagome. I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you forever."

I'll believe
All your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you

Kagome smiled and gently tugged on Inuyasha's shirt pulling him up on top of her as she lay down on the sofa. Inuyasha gently smiled and followed, kissing her soft lips as he went down. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to him. She wanted to make this as un-painful for him as she could. She deepened the kiss, opening her mouth to his. He instantly took control his tongue seeking out hers deepening the kiss.

Kagome could already feel the heat emitting from his body, she could hear the pounding of his heart and blood pumping through his veins.

Nothing left to make me feel anymore
There's only you and everyday I need more
If you want me
Come and find me
I'll do anything you say just tell me

Inuyasha moaned softly as Kagome arched her hips up towards his. How he wanted this girl. This one girl he truly loved. Gently he slowly kissed his way down to her neck and gently bit there. Kagome gasped and arched up again and Inuyasha gently pushed her back down his hips. She looked up at him seeking his amber gaze. Amber met brown and they knew what was going to happen. Kagome gently started to un-tie her corset. Inuyasha watched her silently. His eyes blazing, with all of his love for her. Gently throwing her corset onto the floor she started to UN button his shirt.

I'll believe
All your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you

Inuyasha growled playfully and slipped his short off over his head. Kagome ran her hands down his hard stomach to the start of his pants then ran her nails back up. Inuyasha shuddered in pleasure. Man did she know how to turn him on or what. Looking down at the women below him. Inuyasha kissed his way down from her lips, to her collarbone then slowly down to the valley between her breasts. He then took one of her hard nipples into his mouth and started to gently suck. Kagome moaned again, she had never felt this way before. Not with anyone. She wanted to feel him inside her. She could feel her fangs already sliding out of there sheaths. Inuyasha growled lightly as he slowly started to UN button her pants. While his tongue teased and played with her already hard nipples.

I'll believe
All your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe
Close your eyes
I'll be anything for you

Kagome leaned her head back letting him do what ever he wanted with her body. She would be his slave. He was the master. Gently Inuyasha slid her pants and underwear away from her milky white legs and tossed them onto the floor then gently he took off his on. Working his way back u to her mouth he devoured her mouth. His tongue battling against hers for dominance. Pulling away he looked at her.

"Are you sure Kagome…I don't want to hurt you"

Anything for you
I'll become your earth and sky
Forever never die
I'll be everything you need

Kagome looked at him, her fangs slipping out over her bottom lip, her red eyes now flared with lust.

"Inuyasha, I love you and trust you. It's okay."

Inuyasha nodded his head then leaned down to gently kiss her lips. Pulling herself closer to his neck, Kagome bit down hard. Sliding her fangs deep, into his neck. Inuyasha gasped and thrust himself deeply inside of her. Wave after Wave of pleasure swept through both of them. With every single suck of blood Kagome pulled from his neck, Inuyasha thrust inside of her, slowly getting faster and faster. And Harder and Harder. Pulling herself away from him, Kagome arched her body up to his wrapping her legs round his hips pulling him deeper inside of her, She loved to feel him inside of her. His throbbing hard cock deep within her.

Inuyasha gasped as he felt himself release inside of her. Not wanting to stop he continued to thrust into her, harder and faster. He could see her orgasms rock her body. He could feel her trembling inside of her. Man he loved this. Leaning down he gently licked the blood away from her lips, and kissed his way down to her throat and bit there sinking his won fangs into her neck. Kagome gasped and arched up towards him pulling him deeper inside of her then he had intended to go. Her nails dragged down his back as she begged him not to stop. Inuyasha growled in pleasure and started to take things to the next level. His thrust's got harder and more urgent.

A/N: heya guys srry but that's all I can write for today I shall try to get one more chapter up by the end of this week but I am suppose ot be grounded I hope that u enjoyed this chapter