Ok OK, I KNOW i havnt fixed my last hellboy story, but today when I started working on that, my comp screwed things up and I can only do it once a day. SO bear with me and all will be well eventually...

Disclaimer: I don't own Hellboy. But I DO own cookies. MANy MANY cookies...


I was fifteen now. Fifteen and happy with it. My powers had adapted so much that I could now actually FEEL the plants and grounds emotions. You may not think they have any, but they do. Anyway, I was walking down the hall towards the professor's room when Hellboy walked past. "Hey, Red! Did you hear? Theres a new agent coming today." He paused. "Really? Great..." He hadn't been the same since Liz left. I knew why, he loved her more then anything else in the whole world. I thought it was kinda cute, I hoped maybe one day a guy would feel like that about me. But until then I would need to help HB.

"Come on, don't you wanna go meet the guy?" "heh.. I think i'll try out the whole, 'Intimidate' thing today. That'll be funny, watching him cower." He walked off grinning maliciously. I sighed. He could be so evil. I walked into the study to find that it was fairly empty. I moved over by the fire, looking for anybody.

"Turn the pages please." "Huh?" "The pages. Turn the pages please." I peeked around the pillar, laughing silently to myself. Abe appeared in the tank and the new guy looked shocked. "These? Your reading these?" "Four books, everyday, as long as i'm there to turn the pages." Oh good. Professor Broom was there. He would show the newbie around. Or maybe let ME do it. I showed myself. "Hi professor. This the new guy?" Professor broom gave me a wrinkled smile. "Yes, Alison dear. It is." The guy reached for my hand. I shook it. "I'm John-" "Agent John T. Myers, Kansas city '76, 'T' stand for thaddeus mother's older brother. Scar on your chin happened when you were ten, you still wonder if it's ever going to fade away." Abe leaned against the side of his tank. "How... How did he..." I almost burst out laughing. I LOVED it when Abe went psychic on the new guys. It was just too funny watching him gape in confusion.

After the introductions and explanations, and quite a nice line from professor broom about Things that go bump in the night, which I added to my list of favorite quotes, Professor Broom pulled me away for just a moment. "Alison, introduce him to Hellboy, and tell him to give my son these." He passed her two baby ruths. She smiled. Hellboy's favorite candy. "Will do professor." I led Myers away, leaving professor Broom with Abe.

So we headed down the hall. "This, is the Bureau for paranormal research and defense. As you know, I am Alison. I'm gonna show you where your posted." I couldn't help but act all professional, it was ultimatley hilarious. He seemed to listen intently as I told him a bit about the items in the hall. We paused just before the big door. This is where it got KINDA serious.

I handed him the Candy. "When you meet him, give him these, ok?" He nodded. "Why?" "Just do it." I walked over to Clay. "The new guy." He nodded. Then started to pull open the big door. He turned to John. "You saw the fish guy right?" "Yeah, that was weird." "Yeah.. Right." He pulled it opened and wheeled in the giant cart of food. John followed him in and I trailed behind, smiling. All part of the act.

"He gets fed six times a day, you'll be his nanny, his keeper, his best friend, he never goes out unsupervised." "Who?" Here it comes... he passed John a comic. He stared at the cover then the gruff voice hit him. "I hate those comics." He looked up at Red, then back at the book. "They never get the eyes right." I smiled. "Hellboy..." John whispered. "Yep, 60 years old by our count. But uh, he dosen't age like we do, he's barely out of his twenty's, think reverse dog years." "What's with the hair, Clay? Finaley got them implants eh?" "Ehehe, yeah..." "Who's the squirt?" "Agent Myers is your new liason." "I don't want him." Red dropped the dumbell he had, had on the floor.

I moved into veiw. He spotted me, smiling broadly. I thought I saw a grin tug at his lips. "Don't stare he hates it when people stare..." John looked away as Clay whispered this. "Stare at what?" "His horns, he files them, to fit in." "You got a name, Myers." He shookhis head slightly. "J-John, John Myers." John stared at him. "Watcha Lookin at, John?" "N-no.. Nothing. Nothing at all." The siren began to blare. "Hey hey hey, there playin' our song, c'mon John, let's go fight some monsters."

So there we were, in the back of the Truck. "Look at them ugly suckers guys... One sheet of glass between them and us." Red said. "Story of my life." Abe said. Red slid the pane of glass shut. He sighed. "Outside, I could be outside." "You mean..." I muttered. "Outside, with HER." ABe said smiling at me as I pulled on camoflage coat. I wore camoflage on mission's. A camo coat, shirt and pants with combat boots with good traction for when I road a root. A trick I had learned. I liked it. It was when I made a large root slide quickly along the ground, standing on it in a crouch as it ran along. It was fun. But I was also very quick and agile on it. Made me a perfect opponent for doxy's or slow creatures.

We walked into the building, a song playing in my head. Take a little walk to the edge of town, go across the tracks... A whispering his name through a disapearing land, but hidden in his coat is a red right hand.. What was that song? Oh yeah, Pete Yorn's Red Right Hand. Reminded me of Red.

We walked in, listening to Clay's talk about the entity and how 7 gaurds were dead. (( A/N: i COUNTED how many gaurds were dead, THERE ARE NOT SIX. THERE ARE 7. Just wanted to clear that up... ))

"Video camera serveilance shows a 19th century statue was destroyed, the statue, however, was hollow." "A reliquary." "No. A prison. The vatican deemed it's occupant worth enough to include it on the list of avignon. Which, by the way we hold a copy." Abe gasped, pulling his hand from the door. "Behind, this door, a dark entity, evil, ancient, and hungry." Red sighed. "Let's go say Hi." I grinned and followed him in.

Outside the door

John moved over to Abe. "Jesus, is she the only one who goes with him? She's just a kid!" Abe turned to him. "You are oviously new." "How do you know?" "You oviously don't know Alison..."

Well, I'd say this was a GOOD first chapter. What do YOU all think though?
