Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin, so I WON'T SEE ANY OF YA IN COURT!
Kilnorc: hello there loyal fans! Kilnorc here...I'm very happy you've all enjoyed my Buffy/Angel/FMA/INU/YGO crossover, Hellmouth. I've had a lot of fun (but also a lot of trouble) putting it together! As I stated before, I will be posting a sequel, most likely after i write this epilogue cuz i got a lot of stuff in meh head, so watch for HELLMOUTH SEASON 2! ON WITH THE EPILOGUE!
Not everyone from the Hellmouth Battle attended Brian's funeral. Buffy and her friends had to go the Watcher's HQ, except Faith. She stayed, after all Brian was her brother. Angel and Spike couldn't go out in broad daylight on account of they would burst into flames if they had, the Alchemists and Winry had to go back to Central for reasons unknown, Sesshomaru had no reason not to show up, but Inuyasha and his family did, he owed a lot to Brian, it was him that helped him realize who had taken his family.
Andre couldn't make it also, for again unknown reasons, Ash, the Kaibas, the Wheelers, Tea, everyone made it though. They sat down in the chairs arranged by the service people, and listened to the priest recite words from the Bible (i know it's japan but it's a guy who's American!).
One by one, they all walked to his casket and placed a rose onto the wooden case. Faith, Ishizu and the other two Domino Slayers consoled Tea as much as they could, but their not sure if that all helped any. She had heard how Kairi had killed Brian with his own sword, and she just broke down into tears on the spot.
The Pharaoh took her into his arms and soothed her, even though he himself was feeling pain from the loss of his Guardian and friend. After the funeral, they left the cemetary and went on with their lives of dueling and killing monsters. Tea used her grief/rage on every vampire she came across, showing them no mercy whatsoever.
One night, Yami dropped by her home and talked with her, "Tea, we all miss him, but going on about like you are won't bring him back," the Pharaoh began. "I know that, Yami. I'm just doing my job, killing monsters and protecting the people, Atemu," she said told him. Yami was surprised that she had called him by his real name.
"Tea, the other Slayers told us one time that something happened just like this back in Sunnydale and they did the same thing, but it didn't help them. Ask Faith, she has personal experience," Yami continued. "Yami, could you leave? I wanna be alone," she said teary-eyed. He nodded and grabbed his jacket, heading to the door.
"Don't let it take over you, Tea," he said before leaving. She sniffed, and grabbed a soda from her fridge. Tea walked to her room and crashed on her bed, careful not to spill her drink. She stared at the ceiling, remembering all her good and bad times with Brian, and all the times he had protected her as Brian and as Cain.
She rolled over to the side and looked at the floor, only to find something that shouldn't be there. She placed her coke on her nightstand and sat on the floor, reaching for the objects peeking out from under her bed. What she had grabbed was the red cloak and black mask that Brian had owned before he was killed, and from what Ishizu had told her, had gone missing before the Hellmouth fight.
She held the cloak close to her and broke down once more. She stopped crying when she felt something in a hidden pocket of the cloth in her arms. She reached in and pulled out an envelope with her name on it. She opened it up and found a letter, and she began to read it:
Dear Tea,
If you're reading this, then I guess I'm gone. I'm sorry I never told you what I did or who I was. I was only trying to protect you, in case our enemies knew the relationship between us. I hope you can forgive me. Don't feel sad, Tea. Even though I'm no longer with you, doesn't mean you have to be sad the rest of your life. I'm just happy I was able to keep you alive. That was my duty, both because I loved you and because it was my duty. Don't worry about me, Tea. Most likely I'm in a good place right now, so go on with your life. Protect this town with Mai and Serenity, every group needs a leader Tea. I've sensed something about you and I think it's your place to lead these Slayers to battle and victory. If you ever need help, go to Faith and her friends at the Hyperion II. I'll be watching over you every chance I get. Goodbye Tea...I love you with all my heart.
Tea smiled and wiped her eyes free of tears after reading the letter. She draped the cloak over her shoulders and made her way out to the balcony. She gazed out into the night, watching Domino City go about its routine, almost as if there were no demons or vampires or anything at all in the world. The wind picked up and blew the red cloak over her shoulders to the side, making it look like a cape that belonged to a superhero.
Tea closed her eyes and let her senses take over, listening to everything going on, her hands feeling the railing, and so on. She then felt someone placea hand on her shoulder gently, causing her to turn around. No one was there, but she had an idea who it was. "Thank you Brian, rest in peace," she whispered into the night.
Lindsey at Wolfram & Hart sat in his office, extremely pissed at the news that had reached him. "Sonofabitch," he muttered. "The Slayers may have been able to get rid of that old bat, but I don't think they'll stand a chance in the future," a female voice startled him. He turned around to see Kairi standing on the ceiling and staring into his face. "Jesus, don't you ever knock?" Lindsey cursed, holding a hand over his heart.
"Eh, when I feel like it, Lindsey," Kairi shrugged. "I see that you're one of those vampires that don't revert to normal or die when their sires are killed. What are you doing here, Miss Kairi?" Lindsey asked the vampiress. "Hiding out, what's it look like? I can't go hide in my normal haunting grounds especially after I killed Gardner's boyfriend," she explained.
"Ok, then. Do you have a plan about what to do with the others?" Lindsey asked her. She nodded, "Yes, but it'll take some time. I think it'll be ready when Kaiba hosts another one of his tournaments. Meanwhile, we have some people to rile up, and some things to take from them," she cackled, grinning from ear to ear.
Kilnorc: THAT'S IT! IT'S OVER! HELLMOUTH IS OVER! Go easy on me in your reviews, I don't do funeral and grieving things well...hope you've enjoyed the updates! and i know 3 certain authors that should update soon OR IM GONNA GO CRAZY! WOOO! -runs around-
Yami K: oh Ra. Forgive him, he'sa little...odd. Watch for Hellmouth Season Two, coming soon!