Disclaimer: Own not; sue not.
Jerrold rounded the corner. He drew in a deep breath and opened the door. Daria sat inside, talking to their son. Both heads went up as he entered.
"Jerrold." Daria smiled, standing up to give her a quick peck on the cheek. Char stood up as well.
Jerrold detangled himself from his overly affectionate wife, and greeted his son.
"Char." He nodded with a grave smile. Walking closer he noticed an invitation on the table. "What is this?" He asked, picking it up. Daria looked frightened.
"No, Jerrold. It's mine." She tried to take it off him, but he held it beyond her reach. He opened it.
Time froze.
"She's dead?" He asked, his expression oddly stiff.
"Yes." Daria replied softly. "Eleanor is dead."
"El." Jerrold turned away from her.
"I beg your pardon?"
"She hated Eleanor. She is… was… El."
Jerrold placed the invitation on the table and stalked swiftly out.
"Jerrold!" Daria's voice pleaded as he closed the door.
Years later…
"Father…" Char's voice was harsh with tears.
"Son." Jerrold placed his hand on his son's head. "Rule wisely, and govern the people with love."
"Yes father."
"I wish to speak to Ella alone."
Char cast his wife a surprised look, as he backed out of the room.
"Sit me up." Jerrold commanded Ella. She winced at the direct command, but hastened to obey. He surveyed her.
She was young and beautiful; such an image of life. Such an image of her mother. Her marriage to Char had righted many wrongs. She could have been his daughter.
"Daughter." He whispered, reaching out a hand to draw her closer.
"Father." She replied, tears falling down her cheeks. He placed a kiss on her forehead.
"I loved your mother. Know that… and forgive me."
Ella looked slightly confused, but she had better sense than to deny a dying man his last wishes.
"I forgive you." She said simply. "I forgive you… Father."
He smiled.
"Call our family in."
He looked at them gathered around his bed.
"Do not weep for me. I go willingly." Jerrold said as he lay back on his bed. Was this how dying felt? He closed his eyes.
"I love you all."
He could hear weeping in the background. He wanted to tell them not to weep, but couldn't muster the strength. There he lay in his bed, an old, old man. He could feel his body getting lighter. Throwing back the sheets, he stood up. Before him loomed a valley.
Out of it stepped a girl. A girl he once knew.
"Together?" She asked, holding out her hand.
"Together." He replied.
Hand-in-hand El and Jerrold walked through the valley.