
Chapter 1

By SailorKittyMoon

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.

One step, two steps, three steps, and four st… Ohhhhh!


So, you're probably all wondering what the hell is going on here. Well, my dear audience let me enlighten you. I'm Serena, a 23 year old fashion column writer working on one of the world's most famous magazines. I live in a popular, not to mention, expensive apartment complex surrounded by young adults who have got nothing better to do in life than to have sex and disturb poor souls who have to get up early the next morning and get to work. I, as you might've guessed, am an example of a poor soul, a poor soul who just tripped down the LAST step and now has half a month's laundry load on her head.

"Hey Sexy, having you're klutz attacks again?"

Perfect timing, here you have the perfect example of those 'young adults' I mentioned earlier. Name, Darien Shields. He's around my age and has the body and looks of a sex god with too much ego. If you think I'm jealous of him, you are totally wrong cause I've got better things to do than get jealous over a man's looks. I mean, I'm a woman after all; I most definitely do not want to have those gorgeous muscles on my 'average' body.

So anyway, moving back to the present, here I am with my smelly bras and underwear lying scattered around me and the bastard decides to show up dressed in a black dress shirt and black trousers, looking as hunky as always. So what do you lot expect me to do? Bingo, I cover my face with another of my stinky tops pretending I don't know who the hell he is.


Damn there goes my disguise; he lifts the top of my head staring at my 'troubled' face. Okay, so I most likely look like I've just walked through hell and back but I'm just trying to think of more descriptive adjectives.

I snatch my top back from his filthy hands (work with me here) and with all the dignity I could muster, which I must admit wasn't much to start off with, I get up and continue to gather my clothes.

I was just about to make a very dramatic exit when the jerk decides to grab my waist and pull me towards him, and there goes my poor laundry basket again.

"Can I help you?"

I scowl at him; well I think I scowl at him anyway.


God, he's like a vampire I tell you, he has got this really strange addiction to my neck and I'll tell you the numerous amount of hickeys I've found on it from Mr. Cheesy here.

I don't really have to take this do I? Just as I pull my knee up to give his pointy thing a bruise the size of Timbuktu, he grabs my thigh and has the nerve to wrap my leg around his waist while his other hand lands on my short covered bottom. I decide, as nice as I am, I'll let him keep that position for awhile, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm scared I'm gonna be trapped against the wall if I do anything, cause I'm not at all scared.

"Where you going?"

And I'm polite enough to make conversation.


He's rubbing my backside now, ewwwwwwww!

"Just curious."

I pull his hand away; it was way too near the edge of my shorts.

He looks up at my face, "Curiosity killed the cat ya know!"

Aren't you smart, psshhhhhhht, I don't even know what that has got to do with anything.

"Yeah well, smart-ass come-backs got the dog a kick in the balls!" see, I can be just as clever, bet his never heard that one before.

He starts laughing, what a weirdo, and then his hand goes all the way into my shorts and starts caressing my bottom, I knew it wasn't a good idea to wear a thong today.

"Scandalous," he's grinning like an idiot now.

"Since you like em' so much, I'm gonna make sure I wear granny knickers when I know you're gonna be around."

He laughs again, so who cares if he has got the sexiest laugh, he's still an idiot. Just than my downstairs neighbour goes past on her daily walk up and down the stairs. I said that I'm surrounded by young adults didn't I? Well, excuse my mistake; this is apparently my neighbour's granny. She gives us both funny looks before going on her merry little way. Darien, decides to pick that exact moment to suckle on my bottom lip. That's another one of his traits. He has never kissed me, he teases me endlessly and the furthest he has gone with my mouth his suckling on my tongue, but that's where it ends. I wonder if his ever kissed anyone before, he most likely has I bet.

"I'm going on a date if you must know," he gives my backside a quick squeeze before letting go of my thigh and letting my foot touch the ground again. That position was beginning to hurt actually.

"Give you're date all my sympathy," I once again continue to retrieve my belongings off the floor.

He chuckles, gives my bent over backside a little pat and than kisses my hair before he heads down the stairs to his sexy blue sports car. Moving my hair out of my way, I also head down the stairs to get my laundry done but guess what? Yup, you got it, I fall down the stairs once again; I guess I'm having one of my lucky days today. My old neighbour is also on her way downstairs and she gives me another funny look before scuttling down the stairs like the devil himself was on her tail. Sheesh, I'm not that scary.

Just then, my prized possession starts repeating an old-fashioned tune, I shuffle around for my lovely mobile phone; it' around here somewhere, ah-ha.

"Hello, this is Serena, how may I help you?" Aren't I polite?

"Hey Sere, you free tonight?" It's Raye.

"I'm fine thanks Raye, and how are you this very fine evening."

"Cut the bullshit babe; I've heard Busted are playing live in club Midnight Sin, you on? The other girls are gonna come."

"Thank you for informing me, I will have to think about it." Unlike some people, I do have a life, one which involves doing my laundry on the 2nd Saturday of the month, I'm so organized.

"I know you're gonna come eventually so the dress code is black and red only, be there in half an hour. See ya babe!" And here ends my talk with my scary, yet lovely black haired friend. I, for the third time, pick up my laundry and head for my apartment. Fuck the laundry, I'm gonna lie in and prove to Raye that she was wrong about me coming eventually.

So what dress should I wear tonight? Red sounds like a decent colour, hmmm, picking clothes is a hard job, and it causes my brain to go into overdrive. So, after a lot of thinking, I had a vision in my head (kinda reminds me of the kid, Jimmy Neutron), digging into the back of my wardrobe I pull out a long forgotten dress. I can't even remember the last time I wore it, think it could've been sometime last month. It comes up to mid-thigh, I don't wanna show too much leg, it's made out of this liquidly red material, is really tight and is held up by crises and crosses at the back. I look in the mirror, I look like a tart but according to Raye, it's a natural look (so nice isn't she).

I pull my hair back in my trademark hairstyle (it tends to annoy the hell out of Raye) apply just a bit too much make-up and am on my way. I would move swiftly down the stairs but I'm in no mood of breaking my nose on my way to the club. Getting in my silver Nissan 300 ZX Twin-Turbo T-Bar, where it was originally parked next to Darien's blue Nissan 350Z Roadster, I unlock the car and slide into the 'very' comfortable driver's leather seat and broom out of the sparsely crowded car park. God, I love my car, it's another one of my prized possessions and could put any car to shame. I've occasionally seen loads of people giving my gorgeous model car envious looks, although Darien has got the sexiest car known to humanity, I'm still proud of my baby.

Hey peeps! I'm baaaaaaack! I'm soooo sorry that I was being a careless writer and didn't create a back-up for my stories but I'll try to do so in the future. I wanna send a great, big THANKS to Chrissy who saved my chapters and sent them to me, and thanks also to all those people that felt bad about not saving them and asking me about my story, hehehe! I'll try to get the chapters up ASAP but my home computer's messed up at the minute and I only get time to do this in school, plus I'm trying to sort out all the spelling errors. It's a shame I've lost loads of reviews for this story but with any luck, I'm sure I'll get them back. Thank you again to everyone who emailed me and kinda encouraged me to continue with this story. Cheers!