Random Insanity: A Detective Conan Story

Author's Notes: Some random insanity, Detective Conan style! I think I'll probably do some fic snippets now, and maybe some embarrassing situations or something in this next chapter. ON TO THE STORY!

: How can Gin live with it:::

Gin pulls out a gun and points it at Shinichi's forehead.

"I've got you now, Kudo."

Gin blinks. His extremely long hair got caught in the trigger.


Shinichi decked him with a roundhouse to the face.

: Having a Matrix Moment :

"You take the blue pill, and the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, and you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."


: Matrix Moment Part 2 :

"Mr. Anderson. Surprised to see me?"

"Not really. Wait… did you just call me Mr. Anderson? GOD DAMN IT, THE BLACK ORGANIZATION WATCHED THE MATRIX TOO!"

: Conan discovers fun with fireworks :

"It's good for a boy to express his creativity."

"Yeah, but… this?"

Conan was currently shooting pigeons with fireworks.

: This would make the series a lot shorter :

Conan looks in the glass of the store.


Suddenly, a van crashed into the wall next to Conan. Gin and Vodka fell out, along with a couple empty gin and vodka bottles and a case marked 'APTX-4869 ANTIDOTE'

"That is oddly convenient…"

: Conan deals with thugs like the pros:::

A gangsta walks up to Conan.

"Put yo hands up, my bizzle! Ma nizzle wizzle fizzle shizzle da dizzle pizzle!"

Conan schools the thug back to kindergarten with a pistol whip to the neck.

: It's 3:14 AM. Do you know where Kaitou Kid is:::

Conan looks up to see Kaitou Kid perched on a tree outside staring away into the distance.

"This has got to be a dream."

Conan sneaks to the window and shoots him with a tranquilizer.

: It's 3:19 AM. Do you know where Kaitou Kid is now:::

Ai looks up to see Kaitou Kid perched on a tree outside staring away into the distance.

'Kaitou Kid. I should call Conan. Or maybe knock him out.'

Ai threw a conveniently placed piece of heavy lab equipment out the window and nailed Kid in the head.

: It's 3:24 AM. Do you know where Kaitou Kid is now:::

Inspector Nakamori comes home grumbling about Kid getting away at his heist. He looks up to see an unconscious Kaitou Kid taped to the side of his house holding a note that says:

"Shinichi Kudo says HI!"

: Detective Conan is a lot like Seinfeld:::

Conan and Ran are sitting and talking in the living room of the apartment. Suddenly, Heiji flings open the door and slides inside (like Kramer)

"Hey! Seen Kudo?"



Heiji leaves.

: And now here's your 30mg dosage of randomness for today :

Shinichi and Ran were walking along the street. Suddenly, a dead body fell form the sky, and killed someone else. Kogoro came down to investigate, and died of alcohol poisoning. Ran died from shock.

"Screw this."

Shinichi took a pill that was supposed to kill him and shrank down to the size of a 7 year old.


DC (death88's comments): Keep reviewing if you want me to continue. Keep reviewing if you want this to stay a one-shot. All flames will be used to cook hot dogs for the Detective Conan Barbeque, coming soon!

It's All Up To You, So Click, Type, Review! (© 2005 death88)

Thanks to Koru-chan for reminding me to put my slogan in.