Info: This story take place during the time of Nobunaga. In this story Marik is Yami Marik and Bakura is Yami Bakura.

Chapter One

Samurai in Shining Armor

Osaka- Brothel House

Kaiba sat in his grey and black kimono as he lifted a cup of sake to his mouth. He and his army of the west had returned to Osaka their headquaters for some rest and were now sitting in a local brothel house. Kaiba watched as Valon and Alister chased several women around the room. Kaiba's bodyguard Rapheal stood next to him in full dark blue armor holding a giant axe.

Marik and his friend Odion, two egypthians, stood in the corner not enjoying themselves. His startegist, Pegasus, had left to a private room with Marik's sister Isis. And his sorcerer, Dartz was no where to be seen at the moment.

Kaiba crushed his cup in his hand, which caught Rapheal's attention." I can't believe we're sittig here chasing women when we need to be planning agaisnt Yugi's next attack" Kaiba complained. Rapheal nodded in approval as did Odion and Marik. Just then a masked man opened the shoji door and walked and bowed in front of Kaiba.

"What is it Bakura" Kaiba asked with a stern look."Mi lord Lord Yugi and his army have positioned themselves at Kyoto and are preparing to head to Sekigahara" Bakura said bowing his head. Kaiba rose to his feet."Excellent, we will crush Yugi's army there once and for all and finally unite all of Japan under my rule" Kaiba laughed.

"Marik retrieve Pegasus, everyone else return to the catsle" Kaiba ordered. Rapheal bowed and forcefuly pushed Valon and Alister out of the whore house. Bakura nodded and soon disappeared into the darkness. Kaiba walked out and was at the exit when he caught the eye of a young alburn haired girl who was sitting in the window.

Rapheal returned to escort his lord when he saw him walking over to a young woman, Rapheal got a confused look on his face. His lord never showed any interest in the opposite sex, which lead to rumors around the kingdom about his lord's sexualitiy, which Rapheal knew were untrue. Just then Marik and Pegasus walked up next to him.

"Whats Kaiba-boy doing" Pegasus asked in a annoying voice which no one could stand. Kaiba approached the young girl who wore a pink and blue kimono with cherry blossoms on it."How old are you girl" he asked startling her." I'am fifthteen, your lordship" she said in a sad voice bowing her head. Kaiba could see tears in her eyes and he felt a little sympathy.

The owner of the brothel house approached Kaiba by now." Is there anything I could help you with Lord Kaiba" he asked smiling." How much for this girl" Kaiba asked simply. Both Rapheal and Marik were in shock, their lord never showed compassion to those beneath them." Ah young Serenity here, how does one million gold coins sound" the man asked." Fine, Rapheal pay the guy" Kaiba said.

Rapheal reached into the folds of his kimono and pulled out what looked like a heavy bag of money which he tossed to the man." I'll retrieve your purchase mi lord" the man said bowing and walking away. He then returned with Serenity next to him." Here you go she's all yours". Kaiba approached the youg girl his 6'1 frame towering over her 5'4 frame.

He then noticed Isis and motioned for her to come over." Isis take this girl and have her bathed and given a nice kimono" Kaiba ordered Isis before walking off with his three waiting generals. Isis turned to Serenity and smiled." Please follow me" she said and Serenity nodded and followed.

War Council

Kaiba sat at the head of the table inside his catsle as Dartz went over countless battle plans." So if we get young Joseph to charge out wrecklessly we can defeat him and demoralize Yuig's forces by taking out their best warrior" Dartz concluded." Best my foot, that mate couldn't fight his way out of a sake bottle" Valon said proping his feet up on the table. Rapheal turned to Kaiba." What do you think lord" he asked.

Kaiba stood and pointed at the map on the table." We position archers on each side of the field, cause Taylor, Devlin, and Wheeler to charge by putting my unit in clear view, as they reach the middle order the archers to fire upon them and cause choas and confusion"." After that Rapheal and Odion charge in and defeat the remaining men and then we all do a full blown charge into their main camp" Kaiba said sitting down.

" An excellent plan Kaiba-boy" Pegasus praised. Kaiba the rose again," If you don't mind that will be the end of this war council, everyone rest and we will leave for Sekigahara in three days" Kaiba said and lef the room and headed for the bath house.

Bath House

Serenity slipped her kimono off and slowly stepped into the hot bath water, her long pale leg sinking into it. She soon settled into it and began washing herself. A hundred thoughts ran through her head, like why did the most powerful lord in Japan buy her.' Probaly for some toy he can use and then throw away' she thought.

" Having a nice bath" came a male voice. Serenity quickly turned to see Kaiba sitting cross legged in his grey and black kimono on dry land next to the bath. Serenity quickly ducked under water to where only her eyes could be seen." Now come on I have morals" Kaiba said in a rather annoyed and commanding voice.

Serenity then lifted her head and Kaiba motioned for her to get out. As she did he threw her a towel to dry off on. She reached for it and ended up slipping on a puddle of water and crashing into Kaiba's arms. Just then the shoji doors opened and there stood Marik and Rapheal looking at a naked Serenity in Kaiba's arms.

" Damn, you work fast lord" Marik said. Kaiba glared at him and quickly threw the towel over Serenity's body. He then lifted her up and escorted her out." What no floor play" Marik laughed and then was slapped on the back of the head." What's you do that for meat head" Marik yelled refering to Rapheal's nickname. He just glared at Marik and walked away.

" I tell you everyone's going crazy in this castle".

Kaiba's Chambers

He escorted Serenity in and motioned for her to sit on the futon." So any reason why you are all quiet" Kaiba asked removing the top of his kimono." Its just that I have had a troubled past and don't want to talk about it" she replied mono tone. Kaiba sat next to her on his futon with his black kimono pants still on.

"We all have troubled past, you just got to learn how to ignore it" Kaiba said. Serenity stared at him and then dropped her head." I was separated from my brother at a young age, I traveled with my mother where she left me at that brothel house, I can't even remember what my brother looks like" she said as tears ran down her face.

Kaiba brought up his hand and rubbed the tears away. Serenity looked up and smiled. To her he was her samurai in shining armor.