A/N – Hey to whoever you are that is reading my story! This is my first ever fan fic! Yay me! I love reading Hermione/Draco stories so I decided to write my own! The first chapter or so may go kinda slow, but it should pick up after that! I have a lot planned for this story as you may have realized from reading my little story blurb! I really hope you like it and don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognize!

An Unusual Combination

Chapter One

Hermione woke up a good two and a half hours before she had to leave for Platform 9 ¾, but couldn't fall back asleep. So she finally got out of bed and went into her bathroom. She hopped in the shower as she thought about her final and seventh year at Hogwarts. She had just received her letter three days ago from Professor Dumbledore that announced she was this year's Head Girl! She had been so thrilled that she had actually screamed (scaring her parents into a frenzy in the process).

What she was most looking forward to though was finally seeing her friends (especially Ron)! They had now been going out since Christmas of last year, but she hadn't seen him (or anyone for that matter) over the summer because her parents had taken her to Spain for most of the summer holidays. She had just gotten home 4 days ago, long enough to purchase her school things and finish her summer homework (yes, Hermione procrastinated! She was out of her mind when she realized she hadn't finished).

She also couldn't wait to see how they all reacted to the way she looked now (yet again especially Ron)! As Hermione got out of her shower and began to dry her hair she mentally went over all of her changes this summer. Her hair was no longer bushy and untamable, but long, smooth, silky, and stick straight. It was chocolate brown and lay about four inches below her shoulders, with long layers and side sweeping bangs. She now wore make-up, not much but enough to enhance her beautiful features; some mascara, some brown tones on her eyes, and a light glittery lip gloss. She also actually dressed like a girl. She had a very simple style, usually a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or tank top. She also no longer had her bushy eyebrows or buck teeth. Her skin had tanned from all the sun in Spain. She had grown a little taller over the summer, but had developed a lot. She was now rather curvy compared to last year. She had also gotten really into exercising, especially running! She loved to run because of how it made her feel carefree and relaxed. By the time she was done thinking of all this she was done styling her hair and putting on her make-up.

She then went back to her room and went through her closet and chose a simple pair of distressed low-rise jeans, a simple black tank top, and a pair of super comfy black slip on shoes. She then put on silver hoops and her favorite ring that her grandma had given her. She wore that ring everyday, no matter what! Her grandma had given that ring to her only a few days before she had passed away and Hermione cherished it deeply. It was her most prized possession! It was a simple silver ring with one diamond imbedded in the band, simple, but elegant, just like her grandmother.

She then packed all her stuff (with some effort) and decided to re-read her letter for the school year.

Dear Ms. Granger,

I am very pleased to inform you that you have been named this year's head girl. You will be given your instruction as to your duties on your day of arrival. You will be staying in one of the school's towers with this years head boy, whom you will meet in the Heads' compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

I will also like to tell you this year the staff has decided that students are only required to wear their school robes during classes. Your list of school supply list is enclosed.

Sincerely yours,

Albus Dumbledore

She was curious as to who head boy was, she couldn't stand not knowing! She figured that it was a Hufflepuff named Ernie McMillan (a/n: sorry if I spelt that wrong) but it still bugged her she didn't know for sure!

She and her parents finally left for Platform 9 ¾ what seemed to Hermione like days later! When they arrived she quickly kissed her parents goodbye and walked straight through the barriers between platforms nine and ten. She looked around furiously trying to find her friends and then spotted a mess of red hair which she recognized as Ron immediately. She ran over to Harry, Ron, and Ginny, who looked at her in awe.

"Mione?" Is that you? Oh my god, you look so different!" squealed Ginny.

"Good or bad different?" asked Mione already knowing the answer.

"Definitely good!"

"Yea, you look great" said Harry with a smile.

"Aww thanks Harry!" replied Hermione.

She looked over at Ron who hadn't said a word since he had realized it was her. He had a dazed look on his face and his jaw was practically on the ground.

"And what do you think Ronald?" she asked Ron with a Draco Malfoy worthy smirk.

Ron didn't say anything; he just scooped her up into his arms and kissed her.

"Come on lovebirds, we have to find a compartment before they're all gone!" teased Ginny even though Hermione guessed that she and Harry had looked rather similar to this when they met, but she didn't say anything.

When she finally got her stuff put away except for a set of clean robes, she bid her friends farewell and headed towards the front of the train to the Heads' compartment. When she walked inside her jaw dropped when she saw who was lounging in one of the cushy seats…

"Malfoy! You're head boy?" She asked. Part of her was angry and the other was in shock. She and the rest of the school knew he wasn't a deatheater and wasn't planning on becoming one, but she still hadn't forgiven him for the hell he put her through for the past 7 years!

"Wow, you really are intelligent Granger! What gave it away? The fact that I'm in the Heads' compartment or that I'm wearing the head boy badge?" He asked, every word dripping with sarcasm.

Hermione was so upset that she didn't notice Malfoy looking her up and down the whole time he talked.

Damn she looks hot this year! She really changed a lot, wait what are you thinking, she's Hermione Granger the know-it-all mudblood! You can't be attracted to her, but you are!

"Earth to Malfoy! Anybody there?" Hermione asked rather annoyed. She was trying to distract herself because of her recent thoughts, all involving how extremely hot Malfoy was! He was REALLY tall now! Like over six feet. He was muscular and the best part was that he didn't have an ounce of gel in his hair!

"What do you want mudblood!" he snapped back angrily.

"I asked you where the closest bathroom was. You know so I can change! Sheace, somebody's cranky today! Oh wait that's just that gorgeous Malfoy charm, you know the one that makes you want to vomit!" She added with mock cheer.

The rest of the train ride and the feast were uneventful except for the introduction of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Darinson.

Then Professor Dumbledore gave Draco and Hermione a list of their requirements as head boy and girl and showed them to their dormitories. When they arrived at a large painting of a rather proud looking knight. They were told their password was sugar quill. They walked inside and Hermione was awestruck. The common room was a maroon color with deep mahogany wood trim. Two grand staircases one on the left and the other on the right on the back wall leading up to a visible balcony-like hallway, which had three doors one on the left wall, one on the opposite wall and one dead center on the back wall, but was elevated so it had three steps leading up to it. There were two large leather couches in the middle of the room with a coffee table in between them. There were also chairs made out of the same leather scattered throughout the room. There was also a large fireplace on the back wall.

Draco had already started up the staircase on the right so Hermione went up the one on the left. She looked at the door on her left at the top of the stairs and saw that it had her name etched into it. She walked in and saw that the room was a beautiful royal blue with white trim. A large canopy bed was elevated on a platform one step up from the floor on the middle of the left wall. The bed had a large navy blue, very fluffy duvet and white linens. There was a large desk on the back wall and two doors on the right wall.

The farthest away door was a large closet where her belongings had already been neatly stowed away. The closer door had a small hallway and set of steps that went into a bathroom. Draco was already in there when she arrived and they both groaned when they realized they had to share a bathroom.

"I have to share a bathroom with you!" said Malfoy looking rather disgusted.

"Yea ferret you do." She said too tired to think of anything witty to say.

Then much to Hermione's delight Draco left the bathroom to go back to his room. She looked around and saw that there was big bathtub, a shower, and two sinks. The room was a deep crimson and all the bathroom (for lack of a better word) appliances were all silver. She walked back to her room thinking it was no coincidence that the bathroom was a mix of her house colors and Malfoy's.

She sprawled onto her bed thinking about being stuck in a dormitory with Malfoy for a whole and fell asleep thinking please let me just get through this year.

a/n : So what did ya think? Too much detail? I just wanted to make a good mental image for the first chapter. Please review! I'd loved to hear your ideas, constructive criticism and what not. It will get a lot more exciting after this I promise. I'll try to update soon. Though more reviews may make the process easier (Hint Hint). ActuallyI have already written the first nine chapters! And as soon as I get some reviews and stuff I'll post the next chapter!
